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The Coming Clash Over Kirkuk

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  • The Coming Clash Over Kirkuk

    The New York Times
    February 9, 2005

    The Coming Clash Over Kirkuk

    By Sandra Mackey.

    Sandra Mackey is the author of ''The Reckoning: Iraq and the Legacy
    of Saddam Hussein.''

    AS the Iraqis turn their focus from holding elections to writing a
    constitution, the make-or-break issue for their nation may be the
    city of Kirkuk. Situated next to Iraq's northern oil fields, Kirkuk
    is a setting for all the ethnic-sectarian conflicts that are the
    historic reality of Iraq -- Muslim against Christian, Sunni against
    Shiite, Kurd against Arab. It is also home to the Turkmens, who are
    the ethnic cousins of the Turks and look to a willing Turkey as their
    protector. In their fierce competition for the right to claim Kirkuk,
    the Turkmens and the Kurds threaten to turn Iraqi internal politics
    into a regional conflict.

    On a visit to Kirkuk last fall, I talked to both Turkmens and Kurds,
    and it was immediately obvious that both groups have a passion and
    feeling of possession toward the city, with its impressive citadel
    built on an ancient tell. . Kirkuk is the center of the Turkmen
    population in Iraq, while for Kurds, the city is a touchstone of
    their identity.

    Each group employs demographics to back up its claim to the city. The
    last official Iraqi census, in 1957, listed 40 percent of Kirkuk's
    population as Turkmen and 35 percent as Kurdish; the rest were Arabs,
    Assyrians, Armenians and others. Today, the population is roughly
    850,000; based on unofficial estimates, the number of Arabs has
    significantly increased, and the percentages of the Turkmens and
    Kurds are probably reversed.

    When the American invasion of Iraq began in March 2003, Kurdish
    militias advanced southward from the Kurdish autonomous zone
    established in the northern third of Iraq in 1991 and entered Kirkuk.
    Since then the Kurds have used their position as American allies to
    bring in Kurdish families and thus bolster their demand that Kirkuk
    be incorporated in the Kurds' autonomous zone.

    Their reason is emotional but also economic: Kirkuk is the key to oil
    fields that represent 40 percent of Iraq's proven petroleum reserves.
    At the least, those fields constitute an enormous bargaining chip in
    the negotiations over the future Iraqi government; at most they
    provide the economic base for a future Kurdish state.

    The Kurds' numbers, and their determination to lay claim to Kirkuk,
    have stoked the already intense hostilities between the Kurds and
    Arabs that date to the late 1980's, when Saddam Hussein pushed many
    Kurds out of the city and replaced them with Arabs. But it is the
    contest for Kirkuk being waged between the Kurds and Turkmens that is
    the far more serious problem for the United States because the only
    card the Turkmens of Kirkuk have to play against the Kurds is Turkey.
    It is a card Ankara is willing to allow them to put on the table.

    Turkey holds its own claim to Kirkuk. Unlike the Ottoman territories
    that were ceded to Iraq in the agreements that came at the end of
    World War I, Kirkuk was taken from Turkey as a result of the 1923
    Lausanne Treaty. Turkish nationalists still regard it as historically
    part of Turkey. Ankara also asserts guardianship over the Turkmen
    ethnic minority in northern Iraq. But those are more emotional than
    political issues. What is mainly driving Turkey's interest in Kirkuk
    is the long-term problem of Turkey's own rebellious Kurdish minority,
    which is 20 percent of its population.

    Since 1999, Turkish Kurds have attacked Turkey from bases in northern
    Iraq, in the Kurdish autonomous region. To Turkey's frustration,
    Iraqi Kurd officials turn a blind eye to their Turkish Kurd cousins'
    activities, while the Americans have been reluctant to move against
    the bases for fear of damaging their relationship with the Iraqi
    Kurds. The Turkish military has taken matters into its own hands by
    crossing the Iraqi border on occasion to battle the rebels.

    But more ominous for American efforts to stabilize Iraq are Turkish
    fears that Baghdad will be forced to allow the Kurds to make Kirkuk
    part of their autonomous zone. For Ankara, this would constitute
    excessive Kurdish autonomy, its red line in Iraq.

    The Turkish military has repeatedly warned Iraqi Kurds against
    changing Kirkuk's demographics. Although it acknowledges that the
    future of Kirkuk is an internal issue for Iraq, the military insists
    that the inclusion of the city into the Kurdish autonomous zone is a
    question in which it intends to play a part. To underline the point,
    the military makes no effort to hide its plans to send troops if
    needed to thwart the Kurds' claim to Kirkuk.

    Military intervention in northern Iraq is diplomatically risky for
    Turkey. Having just secured Europe's agreement to open talks on
    membership in the European Union, Ankara will move with caution. Yet
    Turkey may well see preventing the emergence of a potentially
    oil-rich Kurdish political entity on its borders as worth the risk.
    And Europe may regard keeping the Iraqi Kurds within the boundaries
    of Iraq, thus promoting stability in the Persian Gulf and in oil
    markets, as more important than keeping Turkey out of Iraq.

    Although publicly circumspect, Washington sees Turkish military
    involvement as a looming possibility on the complex political
    landscape of Iraq. Washington has quietly said that the Kurds will
    not be allowed to take control of Kirkuk. American military bases in
    northern Iraq are discreetly being reinforced. And the First Infantry
    Division that has been in charge of Kirkuk for the last year has
    balanced the rights of the Turkmens and Arabs against those of the

    So Washington recognizes that the Kurds, further emboldened by their
    anticipated numbers in the new Iraqi Parliament, could precipitate a
    crisis over Kirkuk. The question is whether the United States or the
    non-Kurdish members of the new Iraqi government can hold the Kurds in
    check -- a difficult task considering the fervor, especially among
    younger Kurds, for an eventual Kurdish state.

    This is one of the complications of the Iraqi election that the Bush
    administration has hailed as such a success. If the Kurds try to
    change the status of Kirkuk, the United States may find itself forced
    to turn its military power on them. But if America does nothing to
    hold Kirkuk, it may well find itself in another crisis. Only this one
    would not be confined to Iraq.