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Aftershocks of Ukraine and Georgia are stirring up rallies in Centra

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  • Aftershocks of Ukraine and Georgia are stirring up rallies in Centra

    Aftershocks of Ukraine and Georgia are stirring up rallies in Central Asia.
    By Fred Weir, Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

    Democracy rising in ex-Soviet states
    February 10, 2005

    MOSCOW - The peaceful street revolts that recently brought democratic
    change to Georgia and Ukraine could spawn copy-cat upheavals against
    authoritarian regimes across the former Soviet Union, experts say.

    Waving orange scarves and banners - the colors of Ukraine's revolution
    - dozens of Uzbeks demonstrated in the capital Tashkent last week
    over the demolition of their homes to make way for border fencing.

    According to the Institute for War and Peace Reporting, the protest
    compelled the autocratic government of Islam Karimov, widely condemned
    for human rights abuses, to pay compensation.

    In Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, hundreds of pro-democracy activists
    rallied on Saturday to demand that upcoming parliamentary elections
    be free and fair.

    >> From Kyrgyzstan on the Chinese border to Moldova, where Europe's
    only ruling Communist Party faces elections next month, opposition
    parties are eagerly studying Georgia's "Rose Revolution" and Ukraine's
    "Orange Revolution," which led to the triumph of pro-democracy
    forces. Opposition groups are even selecting symbols for their banners
    when the moment arrives - tulips for the Kyrgyz opposition, grapes
    for Moldova's anticommunists.

    "The recent events in Ukraine have made people everywhere understand
    that taking to the streets gets the authorities' attention," says
    Tatiana Poloskova, deputy director of the independent Institute of
    Modern Diaspora, which studies Russian minorities in former Soviet

    Georgian President Mikhael Saakashvili and newly inaugurated Ukrainian
    President Viktor Yushchenko were clearly addressing their former
    Soviet colleagues last month when they hailed their revolts as the
    leading edge of "a new wave of liberation that will lead to the final
    victory of freedom and democracy on the continent of Europe."

    The prospect has sent shudders through the Kremlin, still smarting from
    the "loss" of pro-Moscow regimes in Georgia and Ukraine, and reeling
    in the face of its own grass-roots revolt by pensioners protesting
    cuts in social services. For Russia, where authoritarian methods have
    been taking root under President Vladimir Putin (news - web sites),
    the prospect of pro-democracy rebellions sweeping the former Soviet
    Union seems to threaten the underpinnings of domestic stability. The
    pro-Western bent of the new regimes in Ukraine and Georgia may also
    threaten the economic ties Russia has built with post-Soviet regimes
    from Armenia to Uzbekistan.

    First in line could be Kyrgyzstan, where any official attempt
    to rig parliamentary elections slated for Feb. 27 could trigger
    Ukrainian popular action. Strongman Askar Akayev, who's ruled the tiny
    central Asian state for the past 15 years, has already faced street
    demonstrations over a failed attempt to ban his chief opponent from
    the parliamentary race. Mr. Akayev has pledged to step down in October,
    and appears to be grooming his daughter, Bermet, to succeed him. After
    a recent Moscow visit with Vladimir Putin, Akayev warned that if the
    opposition takes to the streets, "it would lead to civil war."

    But some Russian experts see a "Tulip Revolution" in the near
    future for Kyrgyzstan, which hosts both Russian and US military
    bases. "Akayev is lost," says Alexei Malashenko, an expert with the
    Carnegie Center in Moscow. "The opposition is strong, well-organized,
    and has international as well as domestic backing."

    The Kremlin may fear that political ferment in Kyrgyzstan could spread
    to more important allies in central Asia. The long-time leader of
    oil-rich Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, who has fixed elections
    and changed the Constitution to extend his rule, last month dissolved
    the leading opposition party after it sent a delegation to Ukraine
    to study the Orange Revolution. He also moved to close down a local
    institute funded by global financier George Soros, who has backed
    pro-democracy movements in Ukraine and elsewhere.

    In Uzbekistan, which also hosts a key US military base, President
    Karimov, a former Soviet politburo member, has ruled with an iron fist
    since the demise of the USSR. Karimov recently jeered publicly at those
    "who are dying to see that the way the elites in Georgia and Ukraine
    changed becomes a model to be emulated in other countries." He warned
    bluntly: "We have the necessary force for that."

    Some experts argue that, while velvet revolution may be possible in
    semi-authoritarian Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, it is a very distant
    prospect in Uzbekistan because democracy and civil society are barely
    developed there. Last week's protests in Tashkent, though based on
    a narrow economic issue, hint that instability may lie just beneath
    the regime's tough and orderly surface.

    Uzbekistan's gas-rich neighbor, Turkmenistan, is run by a North
    Korean-style dictatorship that permits no dissent of any kind. "In
    absolutely authoritarian regimes like [Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan]
    the threat of 'Orange Revolution' is just used by the leaders to
    crack down harder," says Masha Lipman, an expert with the Carnegie
    Center in Moscow. "There is no chance for the opposition to actually
    organize anything, much less a revolution."

    That paradox may help to explain why Georgians were able to rally
    successfully against the lethargic regime of Eduard Shevardnadze, when
    it attempted to rig the 2003 parliamentary polls, while protesters
    in neighboring Azerbaijan were put down when the much more efficient
    dictatorship of Gaidar Aliyev imposed the succession of his son,
    Ilham, through fraudulent elections just a month earlier.

    Ukrainians were able to successfully mobilize against vote-rigging late
    last year in part because Ukraine had relatively free institutions,
    including a parliament and Supreme Court that the president was not
    able to control. In next-door Belarus, which US Secretary of State
    Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites) has labeled "the last outpost
    of tyranny in Europe," dictator Alexander Lukashenko has crushed the
    opposition and banished nongovernmental organizations, and looks set
    to be handily reelected in showpiece elections later this year.

    But an upsurge looks increasingly likely in ex-Soviet Moldova, where
    Communist President Vladimir Voronin has lost Moscow support. He faces
    a strong challenge in next month's parliamentary elections from the
    pro-Western Christian Democrats, who reportedly are sporting orange
    scarves and flags in the capital.

    "The Kremlin suddenly finds itself severely challenged to change its
    strategies, both at home and in former Soviet countries," says Sergei
    Kazyonnov, an expert with the independent Institute for National
    Security and Strategic Research in Moscow. "It can go on depending
    on political manipulations and under-the-carpet deals with local
    elites. But it is already becoming obvious that there are just too many
    different realities here, and an unworkable multiplicity of carpets."