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Tbilisi: Russian-Georgian talks collapse

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  • Tbilisi: Russian-Georgian talks collapse

    The Messenger, Georgia
    Feb 14 2005

    Russian-Georgian talks collapse

    Each side accuses the other of causing latest failure to secure
    agreement over the withdrawal of Russian military bases in Georgia
    By Anna Arzanova

    Giga Bokeria
    Russian Minister sergei Lavrov
    The visit of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov to
    Georgia, scheduled for February 18, comes on the back of yet another
    failure to reach agreement on the withdrawal of Russian military
    bases stationed in Akhalkalaki, near the Armenian border, and Batumi
    in Adjara.

    Negotiations on the issue held on Friday, February 11 were intended
    as preparation for further talks during Lavrov's visit, when the
    creation of a joint antiterrorist center in Georgia will also be
    discussed, but the negotiations fell through, and the two sides are
    still unable to agree the main aspects of a framework agreement.

    The Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs accuses the Russian
    delegation of causing the negotiations to fail, while the Russian
    side for its part accuse Georgia of side-stepping the issue of
    setting up anti-terrorism centers.

    "We tried to find all compromise formulations, but finally there was
    a situation where variants were offered which put under doubt the
    possibility of the creation of the anti-terrorist centers," Russian
    Foreign Ministry official Igor Savolski stated.

    According to him, the stumbling block was how to treat and how to
    fulfill earlier reached agreements regarding the creation of the
    antiterrorist center. "That is why we need to think about this well
    and to gather with the Georgian side once again and discuss this
    issue again," Savolski said, explaining that nothing had been agreed
    at this particular round of negotiations.

    In an interview with Russian news agencies Savolski added that "the
    issue of the two Russian military bases located in Georgia is to be
    discussed together with the creation of an anti-terrorist center or
    centers based on their infrastructure" when Lavrov arrives.

    Whether any progress will be made when Lavrov arrives, however,
    remains to be seen. The Georgian side complains that Russia is trying
    to use the creation of anti-terrorism centers as a means to keep its
    military bases in the country.

    "As it seems, Russia wants only to change the name of its military
    bases in Georgia and label them, according to their version, as
    anti-terrorist centers. But they will remain in Georgia all the
    same," said MP Giga Bokeria, who also participated in the
    negotiations, adding that such a state of affairs is absolutely
    inadmissible for Tbilisi.

    "Any agreement on renaming the military bases has no sense and no
    prospects," he said.

    Deputy Foreign Minister of Georgia Merab Antadze issued a similar
    message, telling journalists after the negotiations that
    unfortunately, despite the serious efforts and compromises of the
    Georgia side, the Russian side was not prepared to reach an
    agreement, because of which the negotiations failed.

    "Moreover, on the background of such approaches, I can draw the
    conclusion that there is no sense in any future negotiations on this
    issue in such a format and approaches," Antadze said, while Georgian
    Ambassador to Russia and Finance Minister nominee Valeri
    Chechelashvili, who participated in talks, told Civil Georgia on
    February 11 that, "The vision of the Russian side regarding the joint
    anti-terrorist center triggers doubts over reaching an agreement."

    "An absolutely clear plan was given to them on the grounds of which
    we should have established the process of the Russian military bases
    withdrawal," he said, explaining that agreement must be reached first
    on the terms and timeframe of the withdrawal of Russian military
    bases, before negotiations regarding an anti-terrorism center begin.

    "We proposed to set up working groups of experts, who will work on
    the anti-terrorism center only after we sign an agreement regarding
    the pullout of military bases," Antadze told Civil Ge.

    MP Giga Bokeria, meanwhile, says that the time may have come for
    Georgia to stop negotiating regarding the withdrawal of Russian
    military bases.

    "It is time for Georgia to think about the absolute demand of the
    withdrawal of Russian military bases, to cease negotiations on this
    issue, and to announce that these base are illegal," Bokeria told
    journalists, adding that the legislative body may adopt such a
    standpoint very soon and that such a position would be acceptable to
    international law.

    A member of the Right Wing Opposition Pikria Chikhradze promised to
    support such an approach to this matter, but "it is not enough in
    this case for only Parliament [to take such a line]. This issue
    should be put at the highest level by the president."

    Conservative leader Zviad Dzidziguri told Imedi TV on February 12,
    meanwhile, that his party supports the government line on this issue.
    "It does not matter what name this military base has if it retains
    control and influence over Georgia and the political situation here,"
    he said.