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'Economic Viability of Our City Warrants More Vigilance'

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  • 'Economic Viability of Our City Warrants More Vigilance'

    'Economic Viability of Our City Warrants More Vigilance'
    By PRANAY GUPTE, Special to the Sun

    The New York Sun
    February 14, 2005 Monday

    Taking lunch with Robert M. Morgenthau, the most powerful prosecutor in
    America, the reporter is immediately conscious of the fact that he's
    a living legend - and has been so since he became Manhattan district
    attorney 30 years ago. Other famous people in this Midtown restaurant
    discreetly stare. Some come up to shake his hand. Others wave at him,
    and he waves back. Still others avert their eyes.

    But when a reporter asks what it feels like to be a living legend -
    he's the second-longest serving district attorney in American history
    (one of his predecessors, Frank Hogan, was Manhattan DA for 32 years);
    he's had cumulatively the longest prosecutorial tenure in any country;
    he's been the scourge of international money-launderers, murderers,
    and Wall Street fraudsters - Mr. Morgenthau doesn't seem particularly
    inclined to respond to the question.

    It was a natural question to ask. It's not just his record as district
    attorney that's the stuff of legends. Mr. Morgenthau was a celebrated
    U.S. Attorney for the Southern District for several years before he
    became district attorney, having prosecuted the socialite lawyer Roy
    Cohn and also having created the country's first securities fraud
    bureau. If New York corporations are more vigilant today with regard
    to their books, and if their CEOs are less inclined to raid their
    treasuries, and if shareholder interests are better served, it's
    substantially because of the tough standards of vigilance and scrutiny
    that Mr. Morgenthau has brought to the financial community - and to
    the severe penalties he's sought for white-collar criminals. Just last
    week, for example, Arab Bank closed down its Madison Avenue branch
    after the district attorney's office found a damning trail of money
    from its premises to terrorist organizations in the Middle East.

    So the reporter asked again: "Well, do you ever think of yourself as
    a living legend?"

    "Living legend?" Mr. Morgenthau said in his dulcet voice, chuckling
    ever so slightly as he carefully worked his way through a salad and
    scallops at lunch, as though he was somewhat amused by the question.
    "Those aren't my words. I would never use those words."

    Of course he wouldn't. He's a remarkably modest man, almost painfully
    reluctant to talk about his accomplishments. His work has been
    validated not only by a lengthy string of convictions obtained over
    five decades in public office, it has been honored by awards and
    memorabilia that fill his office, spill over into his Upper East Side
    home, and occupy yards of shelves and walls in the homes of some of
    his seven children.

    The reporter persisted. "But a lot of people look up to you as a role
    model," he ventured, also noting that many movies, and the long running
    "Law and Order" franchise on television, have featured characters
    clearly based on Mr. Morgenthau.

    "Role model?" Mr. Morgenthau said. "Well, I leave that to others to
    decide, too."

    That verdict, in fact, has long been in. He has inspired and
    encouraged at least two generations of lawyers and prosecutors,
    including New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, who was part
    of Mr. Morgenthau's rackets bureau. Former mayor Rudolf Giuliani, who
    was U.S. attorney for the Southern District, is another figure who
    acknowledges the Morgenthau influence on his prosecutorial pathway.
    Four other U.S. Attorneys also served under Mr. Morgenthau, as
    did eight federal judges in the Southern District and 30 current
    criminal-court judges. The late John F. Kennedy Jr. worked for him.
    If a man's lifework is to be assessed by how he shaped the careers and
    professional sensibilities of those who served under him, then it's
    certainly no hyperbole to say that Mr. Morgenthau is a living legend.

    His downtown office, at One Hogan Place, is legendary, too. With
    502 lawyers, it is the one of the busiest district attorney offices
    in America, handling more than 110,000 cases each year. When Mr.
    Morgenthau first became district attorney - after defeating Richard
    Kuh, who'd been appointed by then Governor Malcolm Wilson when Frank
    Hogan died in 1974 - Manhattan was No. 1 in murders in New York's
    five boroughs. Each year, nearly 700 murders occurred in Manhattan,
    or almost 40% of the city's total. Last year, that figure was down
    to 91, representing just 16% of the city's murders annually.

    Mr. Morgenthau is quick to share that success with the city's Police
    Department and to the men and women he calls "indefatigable enforcers
    of the law." He's always liked cops, even though his office has put
    some 100 corrupt ones behind bars. Cops have liked him, too, not the
    least because of his intense involvement with the Police Athletic
    League, which organizes educational and sports programs for more
    than 70,000 minority-group youths and other boys and girls - ages
    5 to 18 - from the less privileged of New York's neighborhoods. He
    became president of the PAL in 1962 and held that office until 10
    years ago, when he was elevated to chairman. Rare is the PAL event
    or NYPD ceremony where Mr. Morgenthau isn't present.

    Rare is the occasion, too, when he doesn't attend the games of the
    baseball league that the Manhattan district attorney's office has put
    together. Mr. Morgenthau, a spry, wiry man who could be easily taken
    for a man decades younger, is especially attentive to the importance
    of physical fitness: when he talks to young people about looking after
    themselves, he's alluding to his own daily regimen of an hour on the
    treadmill, of lifting weights, and watching his diet.

    On a different plane, rare, too, is the occasion when Mr. Morgenthau
    doesn't speak out forcefully about two social issues - among others
    - that he deeply cares about: the hiring of women and minorities,
    and tackling domestic violence.

    'When I became district attorney, the office had 10 minority assistant
    district attorneys, and 19 women ADAs," he said. "Now we have 110
    minority-group ADAs, and 244 women ADAs."

    Indeed, half of the lawyers who work with Mr. Morgenthau are women - by
    far the best percentile representation of women in any law-enforcement
    agency in America. Nearly 50 lawyers attend exclusively to domestic
    violence and spousal-abuse cases. Mr. Morgenthau may be a man of
    extraordinary social tolerance, but he will not condone domestic
    violence. "Women, and all those who find themselves vulnerable in
    domestic situations, must feel that they are protected at all times,"
    he said.

    But how much of his hiring and the emphasis on issues such as domestic
    violence and women's rights is a result of social activism on his part,
    the reporter wanted to know, how much of it flowed from a desire to
    be politically correct?

    "Our hiring is done by a committee of 30," Mr. Morgenthau replied.
    "We hire strictly on merit. We don't vet people for their social
    beliefs. We hire people to uphold the laws that are on the books."

    That means, above all, that he wants people to be committed to public
    service. It means that he wants them to work long hours. It means
    that he wants people who display humility, not arrogance. "I want my
    staff members to never abuse the power and authority that come from
    being a prosecutor," Mr. Morgenthau said. "I give all ADAs heavy
    responsibility early on."

    "Unlike in a law firm, where you have to slog for years before you
    become a partner, in my office everyone's a partner from the day he
    or she is hired," Mr. Morgenthau said. His own rise after World War
    II from an associate to partner at Patterson, Belknap & Webb took
    only six years.

    Of course, that doesn't mean that there isn't a seniority system in the
    Manhattan district attorney's office. Nor does it mean that different
    units within the office aren't competitive with one another. Indeed,
    some staff members have even been known to shout at each other over
    the question of grabbing big cases. (Top prosecutors in his office
    get about $90,000 a year, far less than starting associates fresh
    out of law school, who many big law firms hire at $150,000 annually;
    starting lawyers in the DA's office get $48,000 a year.)

    But Mr. Morgenthau's emollient personality - and his status - doesn't
    invite anyone to shout at him. And unlike several top prosecutors
    around America, he's not one to grab major cases from his subordinates.

    "I'm not one for grandstanding," he told The New York Sun. "I don't do
    showboating. I pick good people, I give them lots of responsibility,
    and I don't take away the big cases from them."

    "I believe in mentoring," Mr. Morgenthau added. "I believe in sharing
    my experience with young people."

    That belief surely stems from the fact that he himself benefited from
    wisdom and guidance of mentors early in his professional life. One
    major mentor was Robert Porter Patterson, a legendary figure in legal
    and government circles. "He was an absolute straight arrow," Mr.
    Morgenthau said of him. "But if he liked you, you couldn't do
    anything wrong. Because of his own tenure in government, he left
    an extraordinary impression on me about the importance of public
    service. It's an impression that I always relay to the young people who
    I hire. It's important for older lawyers to take interest in developing
    the careers of younger lawyers. I've always tried to do that."

    Mr. Morgenthau's professional relationship with Mr. Patterson -
    who also served as U.S. secretary of war, as a judge on the Second
    Circuit Court of Appeals, and as the president of the Council on
    Foreign Relations, and of Freedom House - was such that the older
    lawyer would take Mr. Morgenthau on virtually every business trip
    around the country. On January 22, 1952, Mr. Patterson went on a trip
    to Buffalo, but Mr. Morgenthau begged off because he was preparing
    a brief for a Supreme Court case. That evening, the plane that Mr.
    Patterson had

    boarded to take him back to New York, crashed in a driving snow storm
    in Elizabeth, N.J. Mr. Morgenthau almost surely would have been among
    the fatalities.

    It wasn't the first time that he escaped an encounter with death.
    During World War II,when he was the 23-year-old executive officer
    of the USS Lansdale, a Nazi torpedo sank his ship. He drifted in the
    Mediterranean on a lifebelt for four hours off the shores of Algeria
    before he was rescued. "I didn't have much of a bargaining chip, but
    I made a deal with the Almighty in those hours - the deal was that
    if I survived my ordeal, I'd give something back to society," Mr.
    Morgenthau said. "Everything that I've done in life since has been
    a payback."

    Some months later, he got an opportunity to renew that deal. Serving
    aboard the USS Harry F. Bauer just north of Okinawa in the Pacific,
    the American fleet was attacked by 1,900 Japanese kamikaze planes.
    Some 700 of those planes met their targets; Mr. Morgenthau's ship,
    which was the target of seven separate attacks, was hit by a torpedo
    and a 500-pound bomb, neither of which detonated. He recalled that the
    day of one of the Japanese attacks, May 11, 1945, was the birthday of
    his father, Henry Morgenthau Jr., President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's
    secretary of war.

    "I didn't want to get killed on my father's birthday," he said. He
    wound up shooting down 17 Japanese planes. For his bravery in action,
    he and his fellow sailors were awarded the Presidential Unit Citation.

    "Of all the awards that I've received in life, I'm proudest of this
    one," Mr. Morgenthau said, quietly. "I really am. Those aboard my
    ship were incredibly brave. You learn very quickly what teamwork
    is all about, how important it is in life to support the people you
    work with."

    That support manifests itself in the manner in which Mr. Morgenthau
    ensures that his staff is insulated from the political pressures that
    inevitably come from the Establishment.

    "I never tell my assistants about the political calls I get," Mr.
    Morgenthau said. "They must always feel free to do what is right
    in the cases that they handle. I believe in approaching every case
    without fear or favor, and my staff members share that thinking."

    When those political calls come - usually to ask for deferring or
    delaying an investigation - Mr. Morgenthau's typical response, as he
    put it, is: "I ask my assistants to expedite the case. By now people
    know better than to try and muscle me."

    His response to unseemly political pressures from important members
    of New York's Establishment has, in fact, resulted in a long parade of
    prominent indictments and convictions, including those of state Senator
    Guy Velella. A powerful Bronx Republican, Mr. Velella pleaded guilty
    to a felony - which involved influencing state agencies - lost his
    law license, and was sent to prison. He also resigned from the New
    York State Legislature. Mr. Morgenthau has been equally unyielding
    about prosecuting errant Democrats, including the majority whip
    of the state Assembly, Gloria Davis of the Bronx, and the former
    chairman of the Bronx Democratic county committee, Richard Gidron,
    who was indicted for evading more than $2 million in sales taxes
    (and who wound up paying the money).

    But being an elected official - Mr. Morgenthau is up for re-election
    in November - who must depend on political fund-raising, isn't it
    hard to resist political pressures?

    "It gets easier each year," the district attorney said. "You have
    fewer pressures put on you to grant favors. People know I don't
    grant favors."

    Have there ever been physical threats against him? Has anyone every
    tried to bribe him?

    "Never," Mr. Morgenthau said. "Not once. And I don't worry about these
    things either. I don't get paid to worry."(His salary is $150,000
    a year.)

    Some have suggested that Mr. Morgenthau's indifference to political
    pressures as well as physical threats that a high-octane prosecutor
    might attract flows from his remarkable family history. His
    father, Henry Morgenthau Jr., not only served in FDR's Cabinet with
    distinction, he was also the president's confidant. His grandfather,
    Henry Morgenthau, was President Woodrow Wilson's ambassador to Turkey,
    the creator of Israel bonds and a founder of the United Jewish
    Appeal. As chairman of the Greek Resettlement Commision, which had
    been set up by the League of Nations, Ambassador Morgenthau helped
    stop the genocide of the Armenian people. Streets in Greece - in
    Salonika, Piraeus and other places - have been named after Ambassador
    Morgenthau, who remains a much revered figure in the worldwide Armenian
    and Greek communities.

    "I was extremely close to both my father and grandfather," Mr.
    Morgenthau said. "They were certainly role models. But I also realized
    early in life that I didn't want to ride on my father's back all my
    life. I had the need to establish my own independent identity."

    That need propelled him through Amherst College and Yale Law School.
    It drove him through the ranks of Patterson, Belknap & Webb. It fetched
    him an appointment by President John F. Kennedy as U.S. attorney for
    the Southern District. It has driven him to participate in humanitarian
    activities ranging from the chairman of the Museum of Jewish Heritage -
    A Living Memorial to the Holocaust to being a trustee of Smith College.

    The influence of his father and grandfather, above all, has meant
    a continuing emphasis by Mr. Morgenthau on probity in public and
    corporate life.

    "New York City has a special obligation to be an exemplar," the
    district attorney said. "We are the financial capital of the world.
    We want our citizens - and the world's citizens who come here - to feel
    safe, to feel that they don't get caught up in corrupt transactions."

    But doesn't his emphasis on prosecuting crimes in the financial and
    corporate communities dampen enthusiasm for doing business in New York?

    "It's important to pursue these cases because corporate - and political
    - behavior has an impact on the cost of living in the city, and on the
    cost of doing business," Mr. Morgenthau said. "As financial pressures
    mount for companies and CEOs to perform, too many tend to look the
    other way when improper things are going on.

    "My concern is for the economic viability of the city. Some 79% of New
    York's payroll jobs are in Manhattan. If companies and individuals
    don't pay sales and other taxes, then somebody else - usually the
    common citizen - winds up making up for the slack. My office has
    brought in $125 million in uncollected sales tax revenues for New
    York. I also like to think that my office has made a positive impact
    on generating better corporate governance."

    His office has also had setbacks in some high profile cases. The
    much-publicized moves against Tyco's Dennis Kozlowski and Mark Swartz
    ended in mistrial, when one juror held out on a guilt verdict. Tyco
    counsel Mark Belnick was recently acquitted on all counts.

    He's surely upset by such setbacks, the reporter asked?

    "I never look back," Mr. Morgenthau said. "I'm an incorrigible
    optimist. You're always going to win some and lose some. - there's
    always that risk. Even Ted Williams had a batting average of .406.
    That meant 60% of the time he wouldn't even get to first base. I
    always do the best that I can, I always want to be satisfied that
    my office has put in its best efforts. Then let the chips fall where
    they may. Judges can make mistakes, too. But I'm a firm believer in
    the jury system. I believe that there's no place like America."

    That is why he's especially concerned about the country's - and city's
    - security. As he seeks another four-year term, Mr. Morgenthau says
    he will stress anti-terrorism measures even more, developing stronger
    ties with the Police Department, and accelerating cooperation with
    federal and state authorities.

    "We will devote more resources to interrupting the money going to
    Middle East terrorist organizations," he said, recalling earlier
    successful campaigns against Arab Bank, Hudson United Bank - which
    paid $5 million in fines - and others.

    Then there will be greater emphasis on the use of DNA to solve crimes
    and also in cases where such evidence can exonerate those wrongfully
    convicted. "I believe in total fairness," Mr. Morgenthau said. "That
    also happens to be the basis of American jurisprudence."

    There will be closer scrutiny of alleged wrongdoing in the financial
    community, and there will be careful examination of how persons in
    positions of public trust conduct their affairs.

    "It's always got to be a level playing field," Mr. Morgenthau said.
    "Everybody's got to play fair, everybody's got to pay their taxes
    - and everyone from the bodega to the hallowed corridors of money
    need to be treated the same in the eyes of the law. I want people
    to have confidence in their government, and in their law-enforcement

    As much as anything Mr. Morgenthau said, this last bit seemed to
    capture his ethos. But there remained an important question to
    ask him: He's being challenged this year by Leslie Crocker Snyder,
    a 62-year-old former judge, prosecutor, and television commentator.
    Implicit in her challenge is the question of the district attorney's
    age - whether he is physically fit for the rigors of the job.

    But the reporter got his answer without even having to ask the

    It happened this way: Mr. Morgenthau offered to drop him at his
    office, which isn't very far from the district attorney's downtown
    headquarters. On the way to Mr. Morgenthau's car, which was parked
    near the restaurant, the prosecutor walked so briskly that it was the
    reporter - admittedly portly but considerably younger than his guest -
    and not Robert Morgenthau, who was left short of breath.