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Nothing To Hide From OSCE Minsk Group

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  • Nothing To Hide From OSCE Minsk Group


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    17 Feb 05

    Quite recently the fact-finding mission of the OSCE Minsk Group
    finished their activity in the liberated territories controlled
    by NKR. What attitude do the NKR authorities have towards this
    question? We asked NKR President Arkady Ghukassian to answer
    to this and several other questions which he willingly commented
    on. Mr. President, your address on December 16 evoked wide response
    both in Artsakh and the Republic of Armenia. In the mentioned address
    you emphasized the principle of structural reforms in NKR. You also
    mentioned the imperative of struggle against corruption, permissiveness
    and rehabilitating the moral and psychological atmosphere in the
    republic. Is the situation in Artsakh that disturbing? â~@~S Life does
    not stop. The Republic of Nagorni Karabakh which by the will of its
    people declared the principles of modern civil society as a basis for
    its development cannot do without democratic reforms. We simply have
    to prove to the world every hour and every day even by trial and error
    method that we have the right for having our own independent state
    which essentially prevails over Azerbaijan by its rates of social,
    economic and cultural development and the level of correspondence to
    the standards of the European community. Otherwise the world will not
    understand the fact of our self-determination and will not recognize
    the independence of NKR. Of course, corruption and other negative
    social phenomena in Nagorni Karabakh cannot in any way be compared to
    the similar phenomena existing in the Azerbaijani reality. However,
    this cannot become a reason for self-comforting. We think that such
    phenomena must be excluded in Nagorni Karabakh at all. Although
    these cannot be uprooted in a short period of time. In the period
    of transition to liberal economy and civil society such phenomena
    may objectively rise independent of our will. Our task is to reduce
    their influence on the society to a minimum degree. We are aware
    that peopleâ~@~Ys confidence in their authorities depends on this,
    which is directly connected with the security of the country. For
    us the healthy moral and psychological atmosphere is a political
    category. â~@~S Perhaps, â~@~shade economyâ~@~], why not also
    the model of clan-oligarchy economy is typical of all the CIS
    countries. Are these characteristic of NKR too? Would you please
    describe the present situation of economic development of NKR and
    particularly the process of investments? â~@~S It is doubtless that the
    clan-oligarchy model which you mentioned detaches people, aggravates
    social stratification, increases tension within the society, which we
    try to avoid by all means. This model, as a rule, emerges when the law
    does not work in the country. Therefore we take measures to promote
    law and order in the country. Although, if take into consideration the
    size of NKR and the number of the population it is impossible to speak
    seriously about the existence of this model in our country. At the same
    time, in my address on December 16 I emphasized that the government
    will not allow clans in economic management and state governance. As
    to â~@~shade economyâ~@~], I think it can be eliminated through
    improvement of tax policy and shifting the economy to a liberal field
    of activity. In this direction we have had considerable progress. It
    will not be an exaggeration to say that the tax legislation in NKR
    is the most attractive in the entire South Caucasus. Thus, in the
    recent years foreign investments totaling several tens of million
    dollars have been made in the economy of Artsakh. Owing to the foreign
    investments mainly made by our compatriots living abroad we managed
    to update the process of production in several pivotal branches of
    the NKR economy and reduce unemployment. The government pays special
    attention to small business. The sums provided for the support and
    development of small business were increased in the State Budget 2005.
    Presently in one trimester as much production is produced as during the
    whole year of 1999. This and other indices allow us to solve social
    problems more effectively, which is a strategic political line of
    our government. â~@~S Mr. Ghukassian, the geopolitical situation
    around NKR is becoming increasingly threatening. How would you
    describe the present situation of negotiations for the resolution
    of the NKR issue, and is there hope that NKR will again receive the
    status of a full-right party in the negotiations? â~@~S I would not
    like to exaggerate although I understand the anxieties of the Armenian
    society for the situation around the Karabakh settlement. I have not
    once stated that it is impossible to achieve a solution without the
    full-right participation of the Karabakh side in the negotiations. I
    think that the international observers in the face of the OSCE Minsk
    Group co-chairmen also have the same opinion. History has shown a great
    many times that the solution of the problem of a country or a people
    will not produce good results unless the representatives of the given
    country or people are involved in it. The temporary political dividends
    of this or that side are not taken into account. I am sure that sooner
    or later Karabakh will again be represented in the negotiations, and
    what is more, on an equal right basis. Of course, if Azerbaijan and the
    international mediators really tend to settle the Karabakh problem in a
    peaceful way, through reasonable compromise. There is no alternative
    to this. â~@~S It is known that the NKR authorities have recently
    undertaken drafting and adopting of the Constitution of the country.
    Why is the adoption of the NKR Constitution important especially in
    this stage? â~@~S The project of the NKR Constitution is still being
    worked out and I cannot even tell the approximate time when it will
    be adopted. By the way, the idea of adopting the Constitution of
    the Republic of Nagorni Karabakh did not occur today. The necessity
    of passing the NKR Constitution was fixed in my election programs
    in 1997 and 2002. It is another question why we undertook drafting
    the Constitution especially now. In this reference I want to remind
    that NKR is not yet recognized, and the conflict with Azerbaijan is
    not solved. As the approach of NKR was always constructive for the
    peaceful settlement of the conflict, we tended to abstain from steps
    which might increase tension in the negotiations. By acting this way
    we expected a similar response from Baku. However, our expectations
    did not come true. Moreover, the Baku authorities refused at all
    to enter in dialogue with us, including dialogue on such pivotal
    matters as the status of NK. Later the top officials of Azerbaijan
    announced that they do not intend to make any compromise in the
    question of Karabakh. However, we cannot give up state building and
    wait forever till the Azerbaijani authorities decide to start dialogue
    with us. All these circumstances dictated the necessity of drafting the
    NKR Constitution as a regular step on the way of building a legitimate
    democratic state. The NKR Constitution will set milestones marking
    the main directions of development of our state and society. â~@~S Mr.
    President, the recent statements of the assistant to the US Secretary
    of the State Department Elizabeth Jones was mainly criticized by the
    society of RA. It is strange. The US government provides financial
    means to NKR every year, but time to time this or that American
    official makes an abrupt anti-Karabakh statement. How would you
    explain this controversy? â~@~S In my recent interview to the Russian
    news agency â~@~Regnumâ~@~] I answered a similar question. I cannot
    add anything new. I think that the artificial isolation of Nagorni
    Karabakh from the negotiations and discussions of the Karabakh issue in
    different international organizations supposes occasional appearance
    of wording in documents of those organizations, which do not satisfy
    us. Therefore NKR must achieve its full-right participation in the
    peaceful process. â~@~S What is your attitude towards the latest
    visit of the OSCE fact-finding group to NKR? â~@~S We have always been
    interested in the visits of representatives of different international
    organizations to NKR. We have nothing to hide from them. Let them get
    acquainted with the situation on the spot in order to eliminate the
    slander of Azerbaijan. The NKR government tried its best to provide
    all the necessary conditions for the effective work of the OSCE
    delegates. We hope that the report to be presented by the special
    committee which visited NKR will be the due reflection of the real
    situation in the territories controlled by the NKR authorities. It is
    also a positive fact that the OSCE representatives met with refugees,
    came in touch with them. Thus, if the international community used
    to speak only about the Azerbaijani refugees, now they will have to
    take into account the fact of existence of the Armenian refugees. The
    latter circumstance may even become more urgent in the process of

    â~@~YERORD UZHâ~@~] WEEKLY. 17-02-2005


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress