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NCC Board Acts on Development, Security, Middle East, Genocide,Due P

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  • NCC Board Acts on Development, Security, Middle East, Genocide,Due P

    National Council of Churches USA, NY
    Feb 17 2005

    NCC Board Acts on Development, Security, Middle East, Genocide, Due
    NCC Endorses U.N.'s Millennium Development Goals

    Halving global poverty by 2015 and ultimately ending it altogether is
    the aim of the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals. The
    National Council of Churches USA, at its quarterly Governing Board
    meeting Feb. 14-15, 2005, in New York City, endorsed the goals and
    pledged to work for their achievement.

    The Millennium Development Goals set specific targets within
    categories of extreme poverty and hunger; primary education; gender
    equality and empowerment of women; child mortality; maternal health;
    HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, and environmental
    sustainability. They call for establishment of a global partnership
    for development.

    The NCC pledged "to support, through advocacy, education and other
    appropriate means, programs that work toward the achievement of these
    goals, and urges its member communions to work together with one
    another and other church and ecumenical organizations that work
    toward these same ends."

    SMART Security Platform Promotes Peace, International Cooperation,
    NCC Says

    What foreign policy alternatives exist to better assure America's
    security and address terrorism? The organization Physicians for
    Social Responsibility offers its "SMART" Security Platform, and the
    NCC endorsed the platform at its quarterly Governing Board meeting,
    Feb. 14-15, 2005, in New York City.

    "SMART" is the acronym for "Standing for Sensible Multilateral
    American Response to Terrorism." The platform makes specific
    recommendations for strengthening international institutions and
    supporting the rule of law to prevent acts of terrorism and future
    wars; reducing the threat and stopping the spread of nuclear and
    other weapons of mass destruction, and changing budget priorities to
    reflect "SMART" security needs.

    Statement of NCC Middle East Delegation Commended to Member Churches

    "Barriers Do Not Bring Freedom," the statement of the National
    Council of Churches USA's official delegation to the Middle East Jan.
    21-Feb. 4, has been commended to the Council's 36 member churches for
    their consideration.

    Delegation members reported Feb. 14 to the NCC's Governing Board at
    its regular quarterly meeting. The 11-member delegation met with
    Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders in Lebanon, Egypt, Israel and
    Palestine, with the aim of understanding current on-the-ground
    realities in the context of renewed optimism for peace, expressing
    solidarity with Christians in the region and meeting with new
    leadership of the Middle East Council of Churches.

    The statement, which offers a sobering assessment of the current
    situation, reflects the delegation's experiences and insights gleaned
    from the various meetings. The Board voted to receive the report and
    commend it to the Council's members.

    NCC Commemorates 90th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

    On April 24, 2005, it will be 90 years since the start of the
    Armenian Genocide, in which 1.5 million Armenians in Ottoman Turkey
    died and almost the entire Armenian population was deported from its
    ancestral lands in Asia Minor.

    Many of the methods employed in that genocide - the first of the 20th
    century - would become models for subsequent genocides, such as under
    the Nazi regime and in the Soviet Union, Cambodia and Rwanda.

    Despite copious documentation and the inter-disciplinary consensus of
    serious scholars, the Armenian Genocide is still not acknowledged by
    the present-day Republic of Turkey - nor, officially, by the U.S.
    government. And despite the lessons of the past, the horrors of
    genocide continue to the present day, most recently in Darfur, Sudan.

    In response, the NCC Governing Board, meeting Feb. 14-15, 2005, in
    New York City, resolved to ask the Republic of Turkey and the U.S.
    government to grant official recognition of the Armenian Genocide,
    and to ask that the world community heed the lessons of the Armenian

    Specifically, the Board asks recognition and unambiguous
    acknowledgement of "the early 'seeds' of genocide when they arise, to
    act speedily and decisively in these early stages, so as to pre-empt
    full-blown genocide" and "to resist and rebuke the deniers of

    Finally, the NCC joined other faithful, including members of the
    Armenian Church, in remembrance of the souls of those who perished in
    the Armenian and other genocides in the past 90 years, in prayers for
    the peace of those who survived, and in petition that "in the century
    just beginning, God will free humankind of the scourge of genocide
    once and for all."

    NCC Weighs In, Again, on Due Process for National Security Detainees

    The National Council of Churches USA Feb. 15 heard a concern
    expressed by the NCC's Interfaith Relations Commission on the effects
    of the USA PATRIOT Act on civil rights and due process for Muslim

    The Governing Board of the Council, at its quarterly meeting (Feb.
    14-15), voted to receive a statement which noted that in the past the
    NCC has joined with other organizations "to advocate for tighter
    controls on current anti-terrorism efforts and the highest standard
    of scrutiny in laws and policy changes related to civil liberties,"
    and has spoken out on civil rights and due process for detainees at
    Guantanamo Bay and Abu Graib.

    The statement asked that the NCC speak out more directly about the
    USA PATRIOT Act in order to express its solidarity with Muslims and
    others whose well-being continues to be threatened by some of its
    provisions. "This is especially important in view of the upcoming
    Congressional debates on certain provisions of the Act," it said.

    The Interfaith Relations Commission, in meetings last weekend in St.
    Petersburg, Fla., with representatives of a Florida social advocacy
    organization, HOPE (Hillsboro Organization for Peace and Equality)
    and the Tampa chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations
    (CAIR), heard about the case of Dr. Sami Al-Arian.

    Emphatically noting that it is not taking any stand on Dr. Al-Arian's
    guilt or innocence but rather on his right to due process and humane
    treatment, the Council resolved to make known the plight of the
    former professor at Florida State University, arrested in February

    CAIR "shared with us statistics and concerns about civil rights in
    the Muslim community since the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act," the
    Commission reported. "The Muslim community came to us as an
    authoritative Christian body and said, 'We are hurting over this.
    Please stand up and be counted,'" said Betty Gamble, a member of the
    NCC Interfaith Relations Commission.

    Asserted Mia Adjali, United Methodist Church, "We are using this
    person as an example of so many others. Whatever this man may have
    done or not, the issue is the inhumane treatment that's befallen
    Muslim people, Arab people, anyone who looks like an Arab."

    In addition to the Board's action, the NCC's Justice and Advocacy
    Commission is developing a new policy on civil liberties.