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BAKU: Speech of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin

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  • BAKU: Speech of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    Feb 17 2005

    [February 16, 2005, 20:04:21]

    "Dear Ilham Heydarovich,

    Dear friends,

    Today, certainly, is a significant day. We have prepared for it with
    special feeling, with special goodwill for our Azerbaijan friends and
    colleagues. Now, opening the Year of Azerbaijan in Russia, I am glad
    to see in Moscow participants and visitors of this celebration. And,
    certainly, I want to thank sincerely the President of Azerbaijan, all
    people who took part in development of this action, its preparation,
    for the big work, which has been done by this moment. It is
    confident, what not smaller work and with huge positive result will
    be done within the year.

    The initiative to carry out so scale actions both in Russia, and in
    Azerbaijan was born one year ago during visit of the President of
    Azerbaijan Ilham Heydarovich to Moscow. It has been widely maintained
    both by the public, and creative collectives. I think it could not be
    differently. In fact, our peoples are interested in strengthening of
    friendly relations between Russia and Azerbaijan. Peoples with the
    common history, similar world visions, and close interlacing of human
    destinies. At all national originality, our peoples were always
    interesting and important for each other. Also it will be especially
    valuable, on all turns of history, we have supported each other,
    remaining trustworthy allies and kind friends.

    I want to note especially, that for last years, for last decade, such
    positive development of relations between Azerbaijan and Russia
    became possible due to authority and wisdom of Heydar Aliyev. We in
    Russia remember, we honor his merits and his memory. Peoples of
    Russia and Azerbaijan faithfully regard our common heritage both in
    peace, and in military. I shall not list names of everyone who has
    brought in huge contribution to science, culture of the former Soviet
    Union, in our common development. The brotherhood of our peoples has
    passed training in struggle against fascism. The 60th anniversary of
    the Victory comes nearer. And, it is natural, that we shall mark it
    together. I am grateful to the President of Azerbaijan that he has
    accepted the invitation and will be in Moscow on May 8-9 this year.
    Taking the chance, I want to greet veterans of Azerbaijan. We honor
    courage and heroism of 600 thousand Azerbaijanis, which
    self-denyingly battled on fronts of Great Patriotic War and brought
    our general victory. 42 from them became Heroes of Soviet Union, and
    12 -knights of "Slava" Order. Today, the Russian-Azerbaijan
    political, economic and cultural dialogue consistently and actively
    develop. Citizens of both countries connect with its development the
    solution of the vital problems. The question is mutually advantageous
    cooperation, about questions of employment and migration, about use
    of the common cultural-information space, including in sphere of
    education, and also about preservation of rich national traditions.
    Just the President has mentioned that for last year our commodity
    circulation has grown for 50 percent. It is bright result of last
    years. I would like to emphasize especially also, that our
    partnership is a significant factor of regional stability. We are
    equally interested in more active use of CIS opportunities. And for
    solution of our common social and economic problems, and for joint
    counteraction to threats of national safety, terrorism and extremism.
    Russia aspires to promote also to a worthy outcome of the Karabakh
    problem and provide reliable safety in this region.

    In rapprochement of peoples of Russia and Azerbaijan, we give a
    special role to humanitarian connections; we support preservation of
    the common spiritual heritage of our peoples. And in this connection,
    I want to note successful realization of the first stage of the
    Program of cooperation in the humanitarian sphere designed for
    2004-2006. Human contacts are inexhaustible strategic resource, which
    underlies original interethnic and inter-confessional consent. And
    the weightiest word here belongs to creative and scientific
    intelligentsia, the religious public, and representatives of the most
    different faiths, the Diasporas. Their authority and creative energy
    are capable to enrich our dialogue considerably. It is convinced that
    uniting all these programs the Year of Azerbaijan in Russia should
    open road to new public and business initiatives, direct contacts
    between people. We support the closest cooperation with Azerbaijan
    and we feel same on the part of our partners.

    Once again I want to wish our nations peace and welfare, and to the
    Year of Azerbaijan in Russia I want to tell: "Welcome!"


    After the official part, was held concert with participation of the
    masters of art of Azerbaijan.