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Azerbaijan Sends 700 Killer Against Peaceful Residents Of NagornoKar

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  • Azerbaijan Sends 700 Killer Against Peaceful Residents Of NagornoKar


    18 Feb 05

    Baku based Yeni Zaman newspaper published "Bloody Retribution on
    Prisoners" article that touched upon the February 15-16 rebellion of
    over 100 prisoners in N11 prison. Certainly, we are not interested
    in the actions of the prisoners and "the relevant response" of the
    authorities. At least, Azerbaijan is a prison itself and its people
    carry the yoke of the Aliyevâ~@~Ys clan.

    Yeni Zaman thoroughly represents the chronology of all the rebellions
    in the Azeri prisons since 1990. According to the newspaper, the
    rebellion that took place in the prison N11 in 1990 was crashed down
    immediately. Besides, six other cases of rebellion took place in
    Azerbaijan. We will dwell on the two of them.

    In the summer of 1992 hundreds of prisoners from the Azeri prisons
    demanded freedom suggesting to fight in Karabakh. Yeni Zaman writes
    that the Azeri authorities satisfied the patriotic intentions of
    only 700 prisoners. But soon most of the murderers escaped from the
    army and formed criminal groups that in future disturbed their native
    authorities as well.

    On July 22, 1993, protesting against the violation of human rights and
    awful social conditions, over 1200 prisoners demanded to send them
    to Karabakh to fight against the Armenians. Taking into account the
    experience the authorities had with the 700 killers before, Heydar
    Aliyev didnâ~@~Yt want to create additional complications for himself
    and declined their request.

    This information comes to prove that Azerbaijan spared no efforts
    for cleaning Nagorno Karabakh from the Armenians. Azg has written
    for several times that Baku turned for help to various terrorist
    organizations, inviting the Muslim and Christian hirelings.

    In mid-January the Azeri Obozrevatel Internet weekly published the
    interview with Azer Rustamov, 41 years old colonel, participant of
    the wars in Karabakh and Afghanistan. Azer Rustamov stated that he
    will never again fight for Azerbaijan.

    "I donâ~@~Yt want to fight, the others will not go to the
    war, either. They will prefer trading in the market," Rustamov
    said. Remembering the summer of 1992, he added: "Hundreds of Chechen
    volunteers rendered us invaluable help in these battles led by Shamil
    Basayev and Salman Raduev.

    Being crashed in Karabakh, Basayev and Raduev moved to Abkhazia
    and Chechnya to begin a war against the Russian forces. These two
    terrorists organized dozens of terrorist acts in Chechnya and Russia.

    The relations of Osama bin Laden with Azerbaijan began in mid-1990s,
    Samir Razimov, Azeri journalist, writes in the publication of the
    London based "The Peace and War Institute."

    Baku based Ekho wrote several times that the activities of the
    extremist groups settled down in Azerbaijan ripened in the days of the
    Soviet Unionâ~@~Ys collapse. Hyuriet stated that at least 7 terrorist
    organizations have headquarters in Azerbaijan. The Financial Times
    wrote in the April of 2002 that Khatab, terrorist killed in Chechnya,
    fought for Azerbaijan against Karabakh. One of the July 2002, issues
    of The Wall Street Journal wrote about the travel of Amyar al Zauahri,
    world terrorist N2, from Malaysia through Baku to Dagistan. He was
    arrested there, then he passed trough Baku to Afghanistan again and
    joined bin Laden.

    It was also proved that the explosions in the U.S. embassies in
    Kenya and Tanzania were coordinated from Baku. It is stated in the
    publications of "The Peace and War Institute" that there had been
    proofs testifying to the fact that Azerbaijan is used as a base for
    Al Qaeda.

    By Tatoul Hakobian


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress