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Know-Alls In PACE Take Karabakh Issue Superficially: Vladimir Kazimi

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  • Know-Alls In PACE Take Karabakh Issue Superficially: Vladimir Kazimi


    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 17. ARMINFO. The most complicated problem of how
    to peacefully settle the Karabakh conflict has been driven back by
    propaganda "fencing," says the former Russian co-chair of the OSCE
    MG Vladimir Kazimirov.

    Azerbaijan's recent initiative to raise the "occupied territories"
    issue at UN General Assembly has by no means contributed to the peace
    process but it did so greatly for denouncing Armenia. In fact Baku
    is trying to shift the international attention from the cause of the
    conflict - the status of Nagorny Karabakh to one of its consequences -
    occupied territories.

    Few in Europe actually know how the Karabakh conflict has been
    developing so far - so Baku decided that it would not be bad to
    raise the issue to get the world's sympathy. Kazimirov says that the
    Armenians have underestimated this tactics but when Yerevan demanded
    to have Nagorny Karabakh back at the negotiating table Baku recalled
    its UN initiative and was just content with OSCE fact finding mission
    to the controlled territories.

    The PACE unbalanced resolutions on the reports of Terry Davis and
    David Atkinson have very much pleased Baku. The know-alls in PACE did
    not care as to go deep into the problem and just took it superficially.

    They suddenly found some occupation and refugees but did not take the
    pains of finding out where this all has come from and who is guilty
    for it. They don't even know who sabotaged 4 UN Security Council
    resolutions, repeatedly wreaked or avoided cease-fires and continues
    relying on military force in the issue. They are even unaware that some
    of their current positions run counter to those of UN SC and OSCE. OSCE
    has never denied that Nagorny Karabakh is a party to the conflict. Only
    Azerbaijan did so and now it is backed by PACE. PACE has called on
    Baku to start discussing status with Karabakh representatives but
    with whom are they to discuss the withdrawal of the Karabakh troops
    from the controlled districts and where will those troops go. Who
    will resolve this issue?, asks Kazimirov.