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Atkinson's report reflects his own views, UK ambassador says

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  • Atkinson's report reflects his own views, UK ambassador says


    Feb 18 2005

    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 18, ARMENPRESS: In an interview to a Russian
    Regnum news agency, Great Britain's ambassador to Armenia, Thorda
    Abbot-Watt said her government hailed the EU decision to include
    Armenia's into its New Neighborhood initiative, adding also that
    political relations between Armenia and Great Britain remain to be
    close. She said the first progress from the Neighborhood Policy is
    expected this year.
    She said Great Britain will continue to support the activity of
    the OSCE Minsk Group. "I hope Sir Brian Fall, a special UK
    representative for the South Caucasus will visit Yerevan this spring
    to meet with top Armenian leaders and discuss plans for further
    strengthening of bilateral ties," she said.
    The ambassador said the embassy will continue to work for
    implementation of development programs targeting two Armenian
    provinces of Tavush and Gegharkunik. She said the programs will be
    officially launched on February 21.
    She also reiterated that the Government of the United Kingdom has
    offered to pay 10% of Armenia's World Bank debt repayments until
    2015. The British Department for International Development (DFID)
    will pay the money into a World Bank trust fund. The International
    Development Association (the World Bank agency which provides funding
    on concessional terms to the poorest developing countries) will in
    turn reduce the repayments which Armenia makes over the next ten
    The British Government have offered this financial help in
    recognition of the difficulties which low income countries face in
    trying to reduce poverty while at the same time service their
    international debt. The objective is to free additional resources to
    enable Armenia to achieve its development goals. Armenia is one of
    five countries to benefit in this way, all chosen in recognition that
    they have sound public expenditure policies in place which will
    ensure that the money saved will be targeted towards poverty
    reduction. The other countries are Mongolia, Vietnam, Nepal and Sri
    Armenia is due to repay the World Bank US$ 8 million, US$ 11
    million and US$ 12 million in 2005, 2006 and 2007 respectively. The
    United Kingdom contribution will be 10% of this - US$800,000,
    US$1.1million and US$1.2million. Over the ten years of the initiative
    (until 2015), the total United Kingdom contribution will be just
    under US$20 million.
    The ambassador also downplayed an opinion spread among Armenian
    political circles that a resolution adopted by PACE on the basis of a
    report by a British delegate to PACE David Atkinson, perceived here
    as "anti-Armenian," reflects the position of Great Britain.
    "Though the report, on the basis of which PACE adopted the
    resolution was drafted by a member of the British Parliament, it
    reflects Atkinson's personal views, but not the position of the
    British government. In the first place we are all interested in the
    peaceful resolution of the Nagorno Karabagh conflict, as it blocks
    the economic development of the region," she concluded.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress