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Iraqi Kurds Flex Muscles, Rice Was No Turkish Delight

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  • Iraqi Kurds Flex Muscles, Rice Was No Turkish Delight

    Iraqi Kurds Flex Muscles, Rice Was No Turkish Delight
    By K Gajendra Singh, GA
    Feb 18 2005

    Al-Jazeerah, February 16, 2005

    On February 13, soon after the announcement of provisional results of
    30 January elections for Iraq's new Parliament, Turkey said that the
    results failed to ensure a fair representation for all ethnic groups
    and called for measures to compensate for flaws and irregularities
    in the electoral process.

    The Kurdish alliance of Kurdish Democratic party (KDP) and the rival
    Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) won over 25% of the vote, giving it
    a kingmaker's role. It has already suggested 72 year old Jalal Talbani,
    PUK leader, for the President's post. The alliance is likely to join
    with the Shiite United Iraqi Alliance (UIA), which is supported by the
    religious establishment and won over 47% of the votes. Prime Minister
    Iyad Allawi's slate got 14% votes, while the slate of President Ghazi
    Yawar, a Sunni managed only 2%. Of the 8.5 million registered voters,
    nearly 58% voted. Sunnis, who make up about 20 percent of Iraq's 27
    million people mostly abstained with only 2% voting in Anbar and 29%
    in Salahadin, the Sunni provinces.

    International Herald Tribune recently said that the President's office
    has enormous power in appointing the government, including the Prime
    Minister. It " would bolster the standing of Kurds in the Middle
    East, where the governments of Turkey, Syria and Iran are fearful of
    any moves toward independence by minority Kurd populations in their
    own countries. The ambitions of the Kurds will likely be opposed by
    politicians seeking to install a Sunni Arab as president in order to
    draw the former governing Sunnis into the political process, despite
    their widespread boycott of the elections."

    A Turkish Foreign Ministry statement said that "The low turnout of
    some groups in the elections, the fact that almost no votes were cast
    in a number of provinces and the fact that manipulations in certain
    regions, including Kirkuk, led to unbalanced results are issues that
    need to be considered seriously." It added that because of this there
    was lopsided representation of ethnic and religious groups in the
    new parliament, which will also prepare a new constitution for Iraq.

    "It is seen as absolutely essential for the safety of the political
    process in Iraq to compensate for the unbalanced representation
    in the country's administration. It has become clear that certain
    elements in Iraq tried to manipulate votes in this historic process
    and have obtained unjustified gains from this," the Turkish statement
    added. Ankara expected Iraqi authorities to properly examine complaints
    filed over the elections and look into claims of irregularities,
    concluded the statement.

    Shadow of Iraq elections on Condoleezza Rice visit;

    During the whirlwind tour of the newly sworn in US Secretary of
    State Ms Condoleezza Rice, of eight European countries, as well as
    Israel and Palestine sandwiched halfway, her talks with USA's now
    recalcitrant ally Turkey on 5/6 February were very important. But
    the shadow of Iraq elections hung over the visit. Like leaders else
    where, in Ankara too, the hosts, used to being lectured at by the top
    leadership of US administration were expecting some fresh approach,
    but in general, how ever erudite Ms Rice might appear, it was the
    same US agenda which was marketed, but in a less abrasive way.

    Tensions between the United States and Turkey persisted, especially
    on Iraq's future. "It was very candid, very positive," a Turkish
    diplomat said artfully of talks between Rice and Foreign Minister
    Abdullah Gul. "There was good personal chemistry."

    While Ankara welcomed Rice's statement that like Turkey, USA was
    opposed to the breakup of Iraq, the Turks remain skeptical. Washington
    has not kept its promises to Ankara in the past. So many political
    analysts, including the author believe, that serious differences

    "It is pure wishful thinking to say things have been patched up
    with Rice's visit. It will take more than a few visits to get this
    relationship back on track," said Suat Kiniklioglu of the Ankara
    Center for Turkish Policy Studies.

    Ms Rice met with President Ahmet Necdet Sezer, Prime Minister Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Gul, Both before and after Iraq's
    elections, Erdogan has repeatedly criticized USA for not taking
    action, despite promises, against Turkish Kurdish guerrillas (PKK)
    in northern Iraq, nor curbing the Iraqi Kurds, who are threatening
    to take over multi-ethnic oil rich city of Kirkuk and then declare
    independence. The North Iraqi Kurdish leaders have matched their
    words with action on the ground.

    After his talks with Rice, Gul said that Ankara's main concerns had
    been conveyed. Stressing that Turkey and US were longtime allies
    on the basis of not only military cooperation, but also political,
    cultural and commercial ties, Gul said they would continue to work
    together in the future to resolve certain issues.

    Later Gul warned that Ankara would not stand by if Kurds seized
    Kirkuk, suggesting Turkish military intervention, which has been
    publicly discussed by politicians and Turkish armed forces. While
    an intervention is in the future, it added further tensions in the

    During the public debate on US request for use of Turkish territory
    to attack Iraq in March 2003, President Sezer, a former head of the
    Constitutional Court had opposed this illegal action. The Parliament
    in spite of it being the government motion voted it down. It was
    democracy at its finest, but USA derided it then and still does so,
    while making noises about liberty, elections and democracy, even
    citing democratic Turkey as an example to the Muslim world.

    Ms Rice tried to assuage Turkey's fears over Iraq's unity, Kirkuk
    and the PKK and said at a press conference "I reiterated. . . the
    commitment of the US to a unified Iraq, to an Iraq at peace with
    its neighbors and an Iraq in which all Iraqis, regardless of ethnic
    or religious background. . . feel welcome and respected,". About
    Kirkuk, she observed that it was for all Iraqis to agree on its future
    status. "What terrorist groups such as al Qaeda and the PKK have been
    doing cannot be accepted in the modern world," On PKK terrorists in
    northern Iraq, she said that the US had cut the financial resources
    of the group. She acknowledged differences, but said that both should
    work together to dispel them. "There could be differences between
    friends. But what is important is to remember we are still friends."

    But Turkish commentators went hammer and tong on USA with some even
    visiting all past grievances. Gündüz Aktan wrote in influential
    Turkish Daily News that" Our relationship with the United States is
    heading for a highly serious crisis. The leading crisis with this
    country that was the backbone of our defense throughout the Cold
    War occurred in 1964 with the Johnson letter "(which forbade Turkey
    use of US arms against Greece or Cyprus). He recalled how USA did
    not stop Greek Cypriots from attacking Turkish Cypriots and later
    in 1974 when Greek Cypriots declared Enosis ie union with Greece it
    tried to prevent Turkey from intervening ( The Turks did invade the
    island and have stayed put ). USA imposed an arms embargo on Turkey."

    "This time around, the United States which is currently in Iraq,
    condones the violation of the Turkmen ( ethnic cousins of Turks)
    rights, especially in Kirkuk. Moreover, it gives the impression that
    it is actually ensuring that Turkmens will be under-represented in
    Iraq's new political restructuring.'

    He added that "the United States failed to stem the disproportionate
    weight the Kurdish groups had in the transition government. Nor does
    it do anything to control their dangerous ambition for independence.
    It allows them to broaden further the ground of the independence they
    have gained over the past decade, and to preserve for the process of
    constitution making the veto rights and the independence option it
    has given them under the Transitional Administration Law.

    "In order to incorporate Kirkuk that it considers sine qua non for
    its independence-- in its lands, the Kurdish entity first burned the
    population and land registers in Kirkuk. Then it committed the act of
    'transfer of its own population to the occupied land,' an act that
    is deemed a war crime according to Article 8, Paragraph 2 (b) (viii)
    of the International Criminal Court's Rome Statute. As a result,
    the elections in Kirkuk became disputable. "

    Cuneyt Ulsever wrote in Hurriyet that US did not directly react to
    Turkey's demands concerning the terrorist PKK and Kirkuk in northern
    Iraq. --When Washington talks about 'fighting terrorism,' Ankara
    should understand that this mainly refers to Iran and Syria's support
    for terrorism, as well as Al Qaeda and Palestinian terrorist groups.
    (This means that although the US recognizes the PKK as a terrorist
    group, it won't consider it a separate issue to deal with.) While
    US has no immediate plans to attack Iran the possibility remains on
    Bush's agenda. There was no economic plan for the Turkish Cypriots.
    Washington remained annoyed at Ankara's refusal to permit the
    deployment of American troops at Incirlik Airbase. 'Turkey must back
    our radical Middle East policy,' Rice stressed succinctly, 'Otherwise,
    there is no way for Ankara to ensure US support on the issues of
    northern Iraq, Kirkuk, Cyprus, EU and even the IMF,' added Ulsever.
    He concluded, "May God help our government in the years to come!"

    Yilmaz Oztuna said that Rice's visit was meant to put pressure on
    Syria and Iran to cease their support to terrorist groups and (Iran's)
    quest to produce nuclear weapons. "If these efforts don't bear fruit,
    the US will start concrete action. Will Turkey hold up its end of the
    strategic alliance? The US will arrange its policy accordingly. If
    Ankara doesn't support it, Washington will move closer to northern
    Iraq's Kurds as well as Armenia. The US is expecting understanding
    from such key Arab countries as Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Otherwise it
    will try to bring democracy to them, as they seem unable to do so on
    their own."

    The nationalists pointed to opinion polls which show Turkey as one
    of the most anti-US countries, saying no democratic government could
    ignore such views.

    "As long as this situation continues, with the Kurds winning the upper
    hand in Kirkuk and pushing for an independent Kurdistan, it will hurt
    Turkey more and more... We cannot go on like this," said Hasan Unal of
    Ankara's Bilkent University. He said Turkey should consider suspending
    all logistical support for the Americans in Iraq and threaten to
    pull its peacekeeping troops out of Afghanistan. It should also deny
    U.S. forces (limited) use of Turkey's Incirlik airbase, he said.

    US Ambassador assuages Turkish feelings ;

    To assuage Turkish feelings, US ambassador Edelman told the media on 8
    February that the views of the public get shaped by many factors. "One
    of the reasons for the recent anti-American sentiments in Turkey has
    to do with Iraq," But things were now getting better. In the past six
    weeks, there were many contacts between Turkish and American officials
    topped by the visit of Ms Rice. Asked about Kirkuk, Edelman replied
    that the U.S. wished to preserve Iraq's territorial integrity. "The
    Iraqi people will decide on Kirkuk through a compromise" he said.

    Reminded of recent comments of U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald
    Rumsfeld on Turkey's negative decision on U.S. troops in 2003, Edelman
    stated that the Turkish Parliament's decision caused disappointment
    in the United States. "Nevertheless, the U.S. is not interested with
    the past. We look at the future," added Edelman.

    Edelman assured that the U.S. was not trying to punish Turkey. "Had
    the U.S. carried such feelings, it would not have been possible to
    support Turkish relations with the IMF and EU. Furthermore, it would
    not have been possible to act hand-in-hand with Turkey on the issues
    such as Middle East and Cyprus," noted Edelman. "The U.S. does not
    have a policy of revenge" he affirmed.

    On Iran, Edelman replied that "The U.S. has not made any demand from
    Turkey on Iran. We look at Iran's nuclear activities as a possible
    problem for the region." If Tehran cooperates, the subject of Iran
    would be resolved through diplomatic means. On PKK, Edelman said
    that the U.S. faced a tough security situation in Iraq. "Yet such
    a situation does not imply that we will not fulfill our promises"
    he added.

    Rice meets Russian Foreign minister in Ankara;

    An important side event was the meeting of Russian Foreign Minister
    Lavrov with Ms Rice in Ankara, Lavrov confirmed that the state of
    democracy in Russia was discussed, but President Putin would respond
    to all questions at the Bratislava summit, on 26 February. He added
    that all differences in the U.S.-Russian relations should be "frankly
    discussed." (bluntly, in diplomatic parlance) Lavrov confirmed that he
    discussed summit's agenda with Rice, which is likely to cover Iran's
    nuclear program, Russia's relations with Ukraine and Georgia, the Yukos
    affair, and U.S.-Russia cooperation in the energy sector. Lavrov said
    that another subject could be joint global rescue operations, in the
    wake of 26 December tsunami disasters in the Indian Ocean. "Only the
    United States and Russia have the long-distance air transport that can
    reach any corner of the world and can be used for joint operations
    during emergencies." He also confirmed that President Bush would
    visit Moscow in May for 60th anniversary of the victory over Nazi
    Germany in World War II. Turkey Protests ;

    At a press conference with the visiting Foreign Minister Abdelbaki
    Hermassi of Tunisia, Abdullah Gul said on 8 Feb that "Iraqi Kurds
    should learn their lessons from the past," while answering a question
    about recent statement of Iraqi Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP)
    leader Massoud Barzani that, "any power or state in the world cannot
    cause me to give up Kirkuk". Gul added, "Turkey is not a country which
    is involved in battles of word with the others. Wrongful leaderships,
    imaginary projects, irrational actions and rhetoric slogans gave rise
    to serious troubles in the Middle East and especially in Iraq. Iraqi
    people have suffered most from it. Now, they should learn their lessons
    from the past." "In fact, all Iraqi people including Arabs, Kurds
    and Turks should concentrate their energy on creating an atmosphere
    of peace and stability. Any other actions will damage Iraqi people
    and their region," he added.

    Gul stressed, "Turkey recommends that Iraqi people forget this dark
    period and difficulties, and focus on the future. We are ready to
    assist Iraqi people to this end. In the past, many massacres and
    problems were prevented as a result of Turkey's initiatives. Now,
    Turkey wants Iraq to set up peaceful and friendly relations with its
    neighbors." "My advice to all politicians in Iraq is that no one can
    reach anywhere by rhetoric. After the elections the political process
    has accelerated (in Iraq). Now, a new constitution will be prepared,
    and a new government will be formed. They should concentrate on future
    of their country," Gul concluded.

    On 8 February Foreign Ministry spokesman Namik Tan spoke to the
    media on the lines of the 13 February statement. "It is a fact that
    some irregularities occurred in the elections... We also regret that
    the participation of some groups was not at the desired level. We
    believe the election results will fail to reflect in parliament the
    true representation proportions," Tan said.

    "It is important to prove to the Iraqis and the international
    community that one cannot reach anywhere by way of unlawfulness," Tan
    said. "We believe this carries a great importance for Iraq's future."
    "Therefore, certain measures will be necessary so that the Iraqis
    are able to have a properly functioning democracy in the period ahead
    of us."

    Arabs and Turkmens protest;

    On 11 February hundreds of Arabs and Turkmens took to the streets
    in Kirkuk, protesting that last month's election were riddled with
    fraud and demanded a re-run. "No, no to federalism! No, no to fraud!",
    chanted the demonstrators, in the city centre who then marched past
    the offices of the two main Kurdish parties.

    A statement distributed to the protesters and signed by 16 Arab and
    Turkmen groups including Ankara supported Iraqi Turkmen Front, the
    Shiite religious party Dawa, and the movement of Shiite radical leader
    Moqtada Sadr, said, "There are documents and plenty of evidence showing
    that fraud took place during the elections in Kirkuk." "We ask for
    new elections to be held in Kirkuk to guarantee they are transparent,
    because Kirkuk is on the edge of a flaming pit." Sunni and Shiite
    Arab parties had pulled out of the election in Tamim province, where
    Kirkuk is located as a protest against the authorities' registration
    of non-resident Kurds whose families were reportedly forced out of
    the city under Arabisation program.

    Kurds emerge as Kingmakers;

    Iraq's new Parliament ie 275-member Transitional National Assembly
    (TNA) would elect from its members, Iraqi president and two
    vice-presidents, called the presidency council, by a two-thirds
    majority. The council would then appoint a prime minister and the
    cabinet. A majority vote would suffice for the new government. The
    Assembly has to draft the constitution by mid-August, hold a national
    referendum for approval within two months and then hold elections by
    the end of 2005.

    Thus Shiites and Kurds with necessary 2/3rd majority in the TNA, if
    they could reach an agreement, can have a decisive role in the drafting
    a permanent constitution. How it will happen is another question,
    with an exploding Sunni supported, Islamic leavened resistance and
    a watchful Turkey in the north.

    Because of boycott and fraud the Kurdish alliance also won two-thirds
    of the vote and the seats in Tamim provincial council in which Kirkuk
    is located. It could decide to join the Kurdistan region, which would
    lead to sectarian violence, with Ankara threatening to intervene.

    The Kurds who have enjoyed autonomy under US umbrella since 1991
    are the best organised of Iraq's communities, politically and
    militarily. Their key demand remains autonomy they enjoyed during the
    1990s, also enshrined in the Transitional Administrative Law of March
    2004. It also provides for a "the Kurdish veto", allowing two-thirds of
    the population of any three governorates to block the constitution. Of
    course it was not included in the UN resolution which gives cover to
    the US occupation of Iraq. The Kurds want to expand autonomy into a
    federal state, with Kirkuk as the capital of the Kurdistan region.

    Autonomy, veto and insistence on making Iraq a secular state ie
    the Kurdish position, opposed by parties of the Shiite religious
    establishment which prefers a unitary structure and seminal role
    for Islam, would be major hurdles in finalising a new government and
    later the Constitution.

    After discussions on 10 February for sharing of top posts with interim
    Prime Minister Allawi, Kurdish leader Barzani declared his opposition
    against any one of Iraq's ethnic and religious groups dominating the
    new government. Allawi told reporters that his talks with Barzani
    were focused on "the consensus that all political groups must prepare
    Iraq for a democratic future which will see the participation of all
    categories in Iraqi society." But he would not comment if he supported
    Kurdish demands for either the presidency or the premiership in the
    new government. "Any Iraqi has the right to be a candidate for such
    a post," he parried.

    Talbani Barzani differences ;

    In spite of a united front for the elections, there are inherent
    differences between historically warring KDP and PUK. After
    inter-factional fighting during 1990s, Iraqi Kurdistan remains
    effectively partitioned between them since 1994. From 1994 to 1998,
    Talabani's PUK and Barzani's KDP fought a civil war for control of
    the entire Iraqi Kurdistan. Before the conflict was over, each had
    invited the Saddam regime. While Talabani called in Saddam's Kurdish
    supporters, Barzani invited the Iraqi army, forcing the PUK forces
    to flee the regional capital, Arbil. When US invaded Iraq, Talbani
    moved closer to USA with PUK forces fighting alongside US soldiers
    , forcing the Iraqi army out of Kirkuk. Today, the PUK is the most
    powerful force in the city.

    During the elections, tensions resurfaced, because of the biggest
    prize, the leadership of the Kurdish region. They have traded
    accusations of irregularities in the elections for the Kurdistan
    National Assembly (in which all parties competed independently)
    also on Jan. 30, along with the Kurdistan Islamic Union (KIU) and
    the Kurdistan Independent Democratic Solution Party. An unofficial
    referendum showed majority of Kurds want an independent Kurdistan.

    The two sides have agreed to nominate 72-year-old Talabani as
    their candidate for the presidency of Iraq. Barzani hopes to head
    the administration in Kurdistan. This time they appear united in
    negotiations with Baghdad and local rivalries remain submerged. But
    both parties are basically tribal in thinking and instinct and the
    level of trust between them would always remain, at best, tenuous.


    The elections organized on proportional basis with Iraq as a single
    constituency have strengthened parties formed on communal lines at
    the expense of secular and smaller parties and individuals. A very low
    turnout in Sunni Arab areas, high turnout in Kurdish areas, addition
    of new Kurdish voters following a ruling by the Electoral Commission
    allowing 72,000 returnee Kurds to vote in Kirkuk's election, has not
    only distorted the results but cast doubts on the legitimacy of the
    elections which are to lay the foundations of the new state and its
    constitution. It was as if the occupying forces wanted to punish the
    Sunnis, erstwhile rulers since centuries and hence supporters of the
    rising insurgency. With Moqta as Sadr also not likely to accept the
    results and demand ouster of US troops, the new government and the
    occupation forces would have its hands full.

    Even under US umbrella and prodding the Kurds were unable to establish
    a working Parliament or a common administration for Kurdistan. Now
    with Shiites following the dictates of Ali Sistani, the chances of
    democratic give and take would not come easily. One might see the
    kind of political turmoil and brinkmanship as in Damascus after the
    collapse of the Ottoman armies and arrival of Emir Feisal's supporters
    in the film 'Lawrence of Arabia '.

    British troops had 'liberated' the Arab lands, but they had their
    agenda, as does USA which' liberated' Iraq -its oil and strategic
    control of the region. The Shiites have got a dominant role by virtue
    of US guns, tanks, helicopters and F-16s. It is not an organic
    political evolution. The continuing Sunni Arab insurgency, which
    is a national resistance aimed principally against the US imposed
    institutions and the new Iraqi government could provoke a Shiite
    backlash and lead to a civil war.

    US forgets that Indian troops left Bangladesh as soon peace was
    restored, still the new state was hardly grateful. Nor would the
    Shiites, if exiles were imposed as rulers and US troops stayed put.
    The US has seen the underground Shiite organization in spite of
    decades of Sunni dominated secular regime. Soon after the toppling
    of Saddam statue in March 2003, US special forces had encouraged
    Shiites to take revenge against Baathists. US and British special
    forces remain active in Iraq making for a violent brew. What if
    Shiites followers of Moqtda as Sadr also turned on the occupation
    forces. The author believes that USA has created enough conditions
    for factional fighting among Kurds, Arabs and Turkomens in the north.
    Already Sunnis are attacking Shiite targets in South.

    US led western media, mostly reporting from the safety of their secure
    hotel rooms in Baghdad, puts such a positive spin on the reality that
    it would have shamed even old communist media. In his "WONDER LAND"
    column in Wall Street Journal, Daniel Henninger wrote on 11 February
    that " Give Iraq's Voters The Nobel Prize For Peace " He explains that,
    " They have already won the world's peace prize by demonstrating
    in a single day a commitment not seen in our lifetime to peace,
    self-determination and human rights--the goals for which the Nobel
    Peace Prize began in 1901." It appears that many in US administration
    and most in its media and who re-elected Bush prefer to stay in the
    'manufactured ' wonder land of US corporate media.

    K Gajendra Singh served as Indian ambassador to Turkey and Azerbaijan
    from 1992-96. Prior to that, he served as ambassador to Jordan
    (during the 1990-91 Gulf War), Romania and Senegal. He is currently
    chairman of the Foundation for Indo-Turkic Studies and editorial
    adviser with global geopolitics website Eurasia Research Center, USA.
    E-mail [email protected].

    This article was also published by before the author submitted
    it for publication at Al-Jazeerah.
