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Lebanon: A Cedar Revolution to Counter Russian Missiles For Damascus

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  • Lebanon: A Cedar Revolution to Counter Russian Missiles For Damascus

    Lebanon: A Cedar Revolution to Counter Russian Missiles For Damascus
    By K Gajendra Singh

    Al-Jazeera.Info, USA
    Feb 18 2005

    Al-Jazeerah, February 18, 2005

    The US attempt to organize a franchised 'Cedar' revolution in Lebanon
    , like the Orange revolution in Ukraine and the Rose revolution in
    Georgia , is to counter Moscow's return into Middle East . Russia
    would be soon delivering short range missiles to Damascus , to ease
    US pressure in Ukraine , Georgia and elsewhere . The sale of missiles
    to Syria was finalized during Syrian President Basher Assad's recent
    visit to Moscow. But it could ignite the most inflammable tinderbox
    in the region , Lebanon ,which saw its polity and economy stabilised
    and rebuilt over the last 15 years following a 15 years of civil war
    from 1976 .The consequences would be horrendous . The mayhem of the
    civil war had added 'Lebanonisation' to the lexicon
    Following the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Shafiq
    Hariri in Beirut on 14 February , almost spontaneous demonstrations ,
    outcries followed by quick US actions like recall of its Ambassador
    from Damascus , which has been blamed for the bomb blasts killing
    Harari , by innuendo , implication and even directly by some US
    lawmakers, as usual cheer led by US led corporate media , looks too
    familiar , coming as it does when Russia is to transfer low range
    missiles to Damascus .

    The organized spontaneity and the cacophony of opposition noises in
    Lebanon look like other recent franchised revolutions , in Georgia
    and in Ukraine , apart from overthrow of Milosevic in Serbia. While
    Europe Union openly sided with USA in the orange revolution in
    Ukraine , which will adversely affect its relations with Russia ,this
    time France , a former colonial power in Syria and Lebanon joined
    "If Syria was involved, the move would represent an act of
    uncharacteristically brazen recklessness on the part of a regime
    instinctively cautious in matters involving its own survival.", said
    Time magazine .Having spent decades in the region the author knows
    the Syrians to be sophisticated operators .By having a hand in the
    killing of Hariri Syria would not like to commit Harakiri , now under
    daily pressure from US and Israel , the latter intrudes into its
    sovereign air space and occupies its Golan Heights since 1967
    war.,President Assad condemned Hariri's killing as a "horrible
    terrorist act," but that did not dim the ire of Lebanese opposition
    groups and the Bush administration.Syrian forces first arrived in
    Beirut in 1976, eventually enforcing a fragile peace between rival
    Lebanese factions and armed Palestinian refugees, and running the
    country as Syria's backyard ever since. It now keeps about 15,000
    troops in the Beka'a valley. Fresh Lebanese elections are scheduled
    for May, and Hariri was under mounting pressure to take the lead in
    an opposition campaign to rally a vote for ousting Syrian troops.
    Attempts are being made to unite all anti-Syrian factions which
    fought a devastating civil war between 1975 and 1990. Christians,
    Druze, and Shia and Sunni Muslims were in the funeral procession
    numbering in over a hundred thousand . The US assistant secretary of
    state, William Burns, who attended the funeral, said Hariri's death
    must give renewed impetus to achieving a free, independent and
    sovereign Lebanon, and "what that means is the complete and immediate
    withdrawal by Syria of all of its forces in Lebanon".
    The US, with the backing of France, pushed through UN Security
    Council resolution 1559 in September, calling on Syria to withdraw
    its troops. Jacques Chirac, the French president, a personal friend
    of Hariri, flew to Beirut to offer his condolences. He praised Hariri
    for his fight for democracy and independence. Lebanon government has
    resisted pressure for an international investigation on the murder,
    but has invited Swiss explosives experts to help.
    Resolution 1559 has been strenuously resisted not only by Syria, but
    also by the pro-Damascus Lebanese authorities, particularly President
    Emile Lahoud. The White House spokesman, Scott McClellan, said that
    Hariri's murder was "an attempt to stifle these efforts to build an
    independent, sovereign Lebanon, free of foreign domination." Eyes are
    now turned to the Security Council to see if a new resolution is
    passed, perhaps imposing more sanctions on Syria.. Russia is angry
    with US and will not cooperate nor would perhaps China.

    President Assad's extension of Lahoud's mandate last September -
    triggered the confrontation between Syria and the opposition - is
    seen as a sign of firmness in facing up to American and French
    pressures. Lebanese government officials and Syrian allies have
    accused the opposition of being in the pocket of the United States
    and Israel.

    It appears that Hariri was leaning toward formally joining the
    opposition, which he had hesitated to do. Apart from having in the
    most prominent Lebanese Sunni, widening the opposition front's
    multi-sectarian base; it would also have brought Hariri's ample purse
    to support opposition in the elections next spring. "Hariri was the
    natural cornerstone of a post-Syrian-withdrawal shadow
    government."BBC re-telecast a "Hard Talk" interview after 11
    September, 2001 in which Hariri refused to declare Hizbullah a
    terrorist organization and instead declared Israel an enemy.Syria has
    cultivated politicians from all ends of the sectarian divide, and
    controlling Lebanon's own intelligence and security services. More
    than visions of historic "Greater Syria" concept" there are certainly
    economic benefits for Syria to maintain control over its economically
    dynamic neighbor whose progress and integration into the world
    economy puts Syria's own decrepit economy to shame. But Lebanon's
    primary importance to Damascus is its value as a strategic trump
    card. The organizing principle of Syrian foreign policy over the past
    four decades has been to find ways of pressuring Israel to return the
    Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since the war of 1967. Syria's
    presence in Lebanon, and particularly its support for the Iran-backed
    Hezbollah militia, became its key strategic bargaining chips with
    Israel, its Lebanese proxies have posed a constant security on
    Israel's northern border for the past quarter century. Losing Lebanon
    would strip a regime already dangerously isolated within the Arab
    world of the last of its leverage in dealing with Israel. "said Time
    magazine.The U.N. Security Council approved a statement urging the
    Lebanese government to "bring to justice the perpetrators, organizers
    and sponsors of this heinous terrorist act." Lebanon's interior
    minister suggested a suicide bomber aided by "international parties"
    may have been behind it.
    Apart from a rogue Syrian intelligence operatives, even factions
    among Lebanon's myriad religious groups have been accused . Lebanese
    authorities have described responsibility claims by previously
    unknown Islamic militants as not credible.
    In Washington for meetings with Vice President Dick Cheney and Ms
    Rice, the Egyptian foreign minister, Ahmed About Gheit, said "it is
    still premature to reach conclusions" about Hariri's assassination.
    Speaking at the Brookings Institution thinktank, Gheit said he hoped
    it would not touch off a cycle of killings and push Lebanon into
    civil war.
    Real reason –Russian Misssiles for Syria ;On 16 February , Moscow
    confirmed that it will sell a new air defence missile system to
    Syria, overlooking Israeli concern followed by US objections. It said
    it was only for close-range use and would not upset the balance of
    military forces in the Middle East. The system would be mounted on
    vehicles and could not be stripped down for man-portable
    shoulder-launch use. "This type of system is not mobile, these are
    not man-portable anti-aircraft systems, and without special means of
    transport their use is impossible," a Russian official said. He also
    repeated Moscow's recent denials of any plans to sell longer-range
    tactical Iskander missiles to Syria, which could reach any target in
    Israel , including its nuclear reactor Dimona.
    "Negotiations are now taking place on delivery to Damascus of the
    Strelets close-range anti-air system," Interfax news agency quoted an
    unnamed senior defence ministry official.
    Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said at a news conference on 16
    February in Jerusalem that Israel was informed by Russia that a sale
    of weapons to Syria would go ahead despite Israeli objections. "We
    worry about that and we don't think that that should have happened,"
    he added .
    Russian President Vladimir Putin said last month that the sale would
    not upset the balance of power in the Middle East and that it
    involved equipment that could solely be used for defensive purposes.
    He said in an interview with daily the Jerusalem Post that "we won't
    bring to the region weapons that can be used by terrorists or that
    can be transferred to terrorists without controls."
    Another country , Afghanistan also had foreign soldiers , which the
    US led West and conservative Muslim regimes went to oust in 1979 and
    to establish democracy .That country lies destroyed and shattered ,
    even though the Soviet Russian troops left in 1989 .In came Talebans
    and Al Qaida which stunned USA on September 11 , 2001 .Elections were
    recently held in Afghanistan , over which US President George W, Bush
    crowed , without "convincing" many except his media brain washed
    supporters in USA .These could be conducted only with help from
    democrat Gen Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan , where the opposition is
    up in arms against his keeping on the military uniform . Gen
    Musharraf persuaded the Mujahddins , Talebans and war lords to let
    elections be held . He was promptly rewarded by USA in hundreds of
    US$ millions of aid.
    US Reaction to Hariris's Death;
    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice asked US allies to join in
    pressurising Syria to end its presence in Lebanon and its support of
    terrorism. She told the US Congress, if other countries "send Syria a
    message" that its conduct is unacceptable, "then perhaps the Syrians
    will start to worry more about their isolation . . . politically and
    economically." Rice said that the message sent by recalling the US
    ambassador was "an important one, and we'll see how they respond."
    She added that other measures were possible, saying, "We continue to
    review what else we might do." She did acknowledge that it was not
    clear who was behind Hariri's killing, but US administration argued
    that Syria's presence in Lebanon was responsible for such attacks.

    The Syrians came in Damascus after an accord in 1976, while USA
    invaded Syria's neighbour Iraq against the wishes of the UN .It has
    not given much convincing explanations for mayhem carried out in that
    country . On Iraq , USA remains isolated , has shown little
    accountability under Geneva conventions and the man who advised
    ignoring the conventions will become like minister of interior in
    other countries .
    Ms Rice did admit that no other country imposed economic and trade
    sanctions against Damascus, which the U.S. Congress did two years
    ago. US threatened to impose more sanctions .But "there's no doubt
    that Syria is a big problem," she told members of the Senate Foreign
    Affairs Committee for 2006 budget discussions. Both Republicans and
    Democrats on the committee told Rice that the United States should be
    forceful in its dealings with Damascus. "I urge you not to let Syria
    off the hook," said Sen. George Allen

    But Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., who grilled Rice during hearings ,
    even questioning her integrity added a realty check .She said
    Americans were told before the war on Iraq that U.S. allies would
    help cover the cost of the mission, now estimated to total about $250
    billion. In giving new aid to the coalition partners, including
    Poland and Ukraine, "in essence, we're paying them for what they
    did," Boxer said. "We were told there would be financial burden
    sharing; and at the end of the day, there isn't."

    Even the U.S. House of Representatives joined in condemning Syria (
    as yet without any proof) , paid tribute to Rafik Hariri, and called
    for Syria to withdraw troops from Lebanon. US troops are staying in
    Iraq for stability not Syria's in Lebanon.A resolution is under
    consideration to honor Hariri but the session was devoted to
    criticism of Syria's continuing occupation of Lebanon. Another
    Congressman recalled the demonstrations by Lebanese calling for
    Syria's withdrawal from Lebanon as the key issue for Lebanon. "There
    is no proof that Syria was directly responsible for this
    assassination," he said. "But there is no doubt that Syria has
    remained in Lebanon far longer either than their mandate, or than in
    the agreements under the Taif Accords of 1989."Congressman Eliot
    Engel, who wrote the Syria Accountability Act Congress approved last
    year imposing sanctions on Damascus, has urged the Bush
    administration to ensure that the Syria Accountability Act is fully
    implemented. That law calls on Syria, among other things, to halt
    support for terrorism, end its occupation of Lebanon, and stop
    development of any weapons of mass destruction and ballistic
    missiles. "It is clear to me, although the evidence is being
    gathered, but I suspect that this assassination has some ties to
    Damascus, to the regime in Damascus," he noted. "The Syrians have
    allowed Lebanon to destablize, and this is part and parcel of the
    result.During her safari the Europeans listened and clapped politely
    to Ms Rice , but were hardly overwhelmed with the marketing of the
    same US agenda , only less stridently than the boss. She might be
    considered eloquent but hardly convincing .
    Iran - Syria United Front ;
    Iran and Syria threatened daily by the Bush administration and the
    Israel government, on 16 February formed a mutual self-defence pact
    to confront the "threats" facing them. This was announced after a
    meeting in Tehran between the Iranian vice-president, Mohammed Reza
    Aref, and the Syrian prime minister, Naji al-Otari." At this
    sensitive point, the two countries require a united front due to
    numerous challenges," said Otari. Aref added: "We are ready to help
    Syria on all grounds to confront threats." Syria and Iran have been
    together in the past too .
    Of course while US leaders make conflicting statements on Iran's
    nuclear program ,Israeli Foreign Minister, Silvan Shalom, speaking in
    London predicted that Tehran would have the knowledge to produce a
    nuclear weapon within six months. He said that Iran was preparing
    nuclear weapons that would be able to target "London, Paris and
    Madrid" by the end of the decade. "We believe the Iranians will never
    abandon their dreams" of nuclear weapons, Shalom said. "It is not
    Israel's problem any more, it is the world's problem." It is a
    strange statement coming from Israel , which reportedly has over 100
    nuclear bombs.Historical Background;

    When the armies of Islam erupted from the Arabian desert and carved
    an empire from the Atlantic to China in the 7th Century , Lebanon
    with its mountains provided refuge for persecuted Christian and
    Muslim sects alike. After Ottomans annexed the caliphate and
    guardianship of Mecca and Medina in 16th century, the region became a
    peaceful backwater until World War I. During Ottoman era Lebanon
    evolved a social and political system of its own. Ottoman Aleppo or
    Tripoli governed the north, Damascus the centre, and Sidon the south.
    Coastal Lebanon and al-Biqah valley were usually ruled more directly
    by Istanbul, while Mt. Lebanon enjoyed semiautonomous status.

    But when Turkey sided with Germany in the First World War , Britain,
    to protect its Indian possessions and the Suez Canal lifeline,
    encouraged Arabs under Hashemite ruler Sharif Hussein of Hijaj to
    revolt against the caliph in Istanbul (and deputed spy T E Lawrence
    to help out). The war's end did not bring freedom to the Arabs as
    promised; because , at the same time, by secret Sykes-Picot
    agreement, the British and French arbitrarily divided the sultan's
    Arab domains and their warring populations of Shi'ites, Sunnis,
    Alawite Muslims, Druse, and Christians. The French took most of
    greater Syria, dividing it into Syria and Christian-dominated
    Lebanon. The British kept Palestine, Iraq and the rest of Arabia.

    When Sharif Hussein's son Emir Feisel arrived to claim Damascus,
    Syria, the French chased him out. So the British installed him on the
    Iraqi throne. When the other son, Emir Abdullah, turned up in Amman,
    British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, dining in a Jerusalem
    hotel, reportedly drew on a napkin the borders of a new Emirate of
    Trans-Jordan, encompassing wasteland vaguely claimed by Syrians,
    Saudis and Iraqis.

    By the 1917 Balfour Declaration Britain had also promised a homeland
    for Jews in Palestine. European Jews began emigrating to Palestine,
    and the trickle became a flood with the rise of anti-Semitic policies
    in Nazi Germany and elsewhere in Europe. After World War II, the
    state of Israel, carved out of British Palestine, was not recognized
    by the Arabs. The 1948 Arab-Israeli war allowed Israel to expand its
    area, while Jordan annexed the West Bank and Egypt took over Gaza. In
    the Six-Day War of 1967, Israel captured the West bank and Gaza and
    Syria's Golan heights. Thus were laid the foundations for most of the
    problems of the region.

    The contemporary state of Lebanon came into being in 1920 when
    France, administered it as a League of Nations mandate. The
    Maronites, strongly pro-French by tradition, welcomed this, and
    during the next 20 years, while France held the mandate, the
    Maronites were favoured. The expansion of prewar Lebanon into Greater
    Lebanon, however, changed the balance of the population. Although the
    Maronites were the largest single element, they no longer formed a
    majority. The population was more or less equally divided between
    Christians and Muslims, and a large section of it wanted neither to
    be ruled by France nor to be part of an independent Lebanon, but
    rather to join Syrian or an Arab state

    Lebanon became a republic in 1926 and achieved independence in 1943.
    Its rugged, mountainous terrain served throughout history as an
    asylum for diverse religious and ethnic groups and for political
    dissidents. The majority of Lebanese now are Muslims ,( with Shiite
    the most numerous ) followed by Christians with Maronites the largest
    group, Greek Orthodox and Greek Catholics , and Druzes and Armenians
    and, even a very small minority of Jews. Lebanon is one of the most
    densely populated countries in the Mediterranean area. It has one of
    the highest rates of literacy.

    Lebanon is a republic with a parliamentary system of government. Its
    constitution, promulgated in 1926 during the French mandate was
    modified by several subsequent amendments. According to the 1989 Taif
    agreement, parliamentary seats are apportioned equally between
    Christian and Muslim sects, thereby replacing an earlier ratio that
    had favoured Christians. This sectarian distribution is also observed
    in appointments to public office and jobs.

    The head of state is the president, who is elected by a two-thirds
    majority of the National Assembly for a term of six years and is
    eligible for reelection only after the lapse of an additional six
    years. By an unwritten convention, the president must be a Maronite
    Christian, the premier a Sunnite Muslim, and the speaker of the
    National Assembly a Shiite. The Cabinet members' portfolios are
    organized to reflect the sectarian balance and holds more executive
    power than the president. It requires a vote of confidence from the
    assembly. A Cabinet usually falls because of internal dissension,
    societal strife, or pressure exerted by foreign states. The control
    of the official central government is at best precarious; sectarian
    militias and foreign countries exert great influence .

    Lebanon has to grapple with internal problems of social and economic
    organization, and also to struggle to define its position in relation
    to Israel, to its Arab neighbours, and to Palestinian refugees living
    in Lebanon. The Lebanese pluralistic communal structure eventually
    collapsed under the pressures of this struggle. Communal rivalries
    over political power became so exacerbated by the complex issues that
    arose from the Palestinian question that a breakdown of the
    governmental system resulted from an extremely damaging civil war
    that began in 1975.

    The civil war was a catastrophe for the Lebanese, whose country lay
    in ruins. There seemed to be no compromise acceptable to the Muslims,
    who numbered more than half the population, and to the Christians,
    who were determined to keep their control of key government
    institutions. Foreign intervention merely restrained open, full scale
    warfare. Economic destruction was massive, but this was overcome to a
    certain extent by increased remittances from Lebanese working abroad
    during the boom years in the oil-producing countries.

    Then Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982 to eliminate Palestine Libration
    Organisation (PLO) , a law into itself ., which had been expelled
    from Jordan in early 1970s .PLO Chief Yasser Arafat had to leave
    Beirut, but under the command and neglect of Defence Minister ,
    thousands of helpless Palestinians , mostly women, children and old
    men were butchered by Christian militia, Israel's allies .
    A year after the Israeli withdrawal in 1982 from southern Lebanon,
    Hezbollah—Lebanon's main resistance force in the region—refused to
    consider that the country had regained its full sovereignty, since
    Israel still controlled the Sheba farms enclave and had not released
    all Lebanese prisoners of war, and Israeli warplanes patrolled
    Lebanese skies at will.
    In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks in the U.S., Lebanon
    tried to walk a tightrope. Lebanese officials were at pains to stress
    their condemnation of the attacks against civilians, while at the
    same time, they emphasized the distinction between terrorism and the
    struggle for liberation. Bush's statement for a Palestinian state was
    welcomed by Lebanese officials, who were under international pressure
    to naturalize about 330,000 Palestinian refugees in Lebanon . They
    were uneasy, about Washington targeting Hezbollah for attack as a
    terrorist organization.

    In 1980s , the West had supported Iraq's long war against Ayatollah
    Khomeini's Iran, and the US had granted loans to Baghdad worth
    billions of dollars. For strategic reasons Syria sided with Iran .But
    in 1990-91 Gulf War , Syria along with most of the Arab world and
    Turkey joined Papa Bush coalition for various reasons , Iraq's
    invasion of Kuwait, money , cutting Saddam Hussein down to size ,
    when Iraq at great human and money cost had stopped Khomeini's
    Shiite revolution from expanding in the Arab world .Ironically ,
    Shiite of Iraq have now become a major force after 30 January
    elections in Iraq . In both US led wars against Iraq, Israel and
    unwittingly Iran have gained .
    This article was submitted by the author for publication at
    Al-Jazeerah on Feb 17, 2005. It was also published by


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress