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The Silent Cancer We Must Fight - Tooth and Nail

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  • The Silent Cancer We Must Fight - Tooth and Nail

    The Silent Cancer We Must Fight - Tooth and Nail

    The Yerevan Times (weekly)
    Monday, February 21, 2005, No. 6 (50)

    By Hasmik Grigoryan

    "An Anthology of International Anti-Corruption Experience: Selected
    Studies" is a book recently published by the Campaign against
    "Corruption-Friendly" Legal and Social Settings in Armenia under the
    auspices of the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights. It
    was presented on February 14 at the Yerevan offices of the European
    Commission Delegation to Georgia and Armenia.

    As Armen Aivazian, the Team Leader of the Campaign, compiler and
    editor of the Anthology explained, "We are not so naïve as to believe
    that a book on anti-corruption will put an end to it in Armenia. The
    effective fight against corruption will only be possible when both the
    government and the civil society start to jointly fight corruption."
    The book gives examples of international practice including that of
    Singapore, which showed that it is possible for a very corrupted
    country, as Singapore was in the 1960s, to turn into a one that is
    among the least corrupt today.

    Q: Why does Singapore appear as a key case story in your Anthology?

    True, the book sets out anti-corruption experience in the fields of
    justice, education, energy, the private sector, agriculture and public
    finance, and specifically includes a chapter by Lee Kuan Yew,
    Singapore's legendary former prime minister, on the fight against
    corruption in his country. The reason is that in the late 1950s-early
    1960s Singapore shared many important similarities with Armenia such
    as: painful nation-building process in a difficult geopolitical
    environment, corrupt civil service, extremely tense relations between
    the government and opposition. Things were made even more complicated
    by the fact that, unlike Armenia, Singapore was a multi-ethnic
    society. Singapore is a good model for Armenia to study and, in my
    opinion, adjust its certain components to local needs and conditions.

    Q: Is this project the first of its type to be carried out by the
    Centre for Counter-Terrorism Assistance? Yes, this is our first major
    project. The CCTA was established only recently - during
    2003. Although it has other programmes and intentions, we decided to
    start with a comprehensive anti-corruption project, having in mind
    terrorism's direct and indirect relationships with corruption.

    Q: I gather that you have completed seven of the 16 TV programmes as
    part of the project. Have you had any feedback from this?

    Yes, a lot of people have called and visited us, voicing their support
    as well as presenting their problems stemming, in their view, directly
    from corruption. We feel rewarded that the message gets across. Since
    one of ourgoals is to revive the resolve of society to fight
    corruption and to create an atmosphere of zero-tolerance toward it. Of
    course, achieving this will not be easy. It will require dozens of
    other active and independent groups to engage in the fight against
    corruption as well as, most importantly, the constructive
    collaboration between groups from civil society and state bodies.

    Q: What are the preliminary conclusions of the study? Will it have any
    impact on combating corruption in Armenia - and how can this be

    The success and effectiveness of any social technology depends on how
    well it fits with the attitudes and expectations of any given
    society. We intend to conduct a survey in Yerevan to measure the
    impact of the Campaign and to create a mathematical model for the
    generation of anti-corruption strategies. The survey is aimed to
    measure to what extent the anti-corruption strategies meet the demands
    and expectations of Yerevan's population. It is well known that
    Yerevan is the vanguard of social changes in Armenia. The survey will
    also indicate how successfully the objectives of this programme are
    achieved. 200 copies of the survey results will be published. The
    government has still to prove that it really is intent on fighting
    corruption, and society has to get rid of the belief that fighting
    corruption is an exclusive function of the state.

    Q: And what does Armen Aivazian feels about all this?

    Members of the Campaign are often asked whether they believe that by
    publishing a book on anti-corruption experience and organizing a
    series of TV-programmes they will be able to defeat corruption. The
    question itself shows how deeply sceptical people are of any positive
    movement - and how wrongly they perceive their own place in the fight
    against corruption. I believe in Armenian society's capacity to
    improve its governance and to reduce drastically the shadow economy
    and levels of corruption. This belief is based, not the least, on
    recognition of Armenia's perilous geopolitical situation: to put it
    bluntly, we have no other choice!

    The Anthology of International Anti-Corruption Experience was compiled
    and introduced by Armen Aivazian, a Doctor of Political Sciences and
    the project's Team Leader. His other studies include "Essential
    Elements for Armenia's National Security Doctrine", "The History of
    Armenia as Presented in American Historiography: A Critical Survey",
    "Mother Tongue and The Origins of Nationalism: A Comparative Study of
    the Armenian and European Primary Sources", "The Code of Honour of the
    Armenian Military, 4-5th centuries", "The Armenian Rebellion of the
    1720s and the Threat of Genocidal Reprisal" and others. For his
    articles and interviews visit

    Corruption in Armenia

    Many consider corruption in Armenia as being ubiquitous. It is an
    increasingly pressing issue - and one that has to be addressed in a
    time when accountability and transparency are prerequisites for proper
    governance andbusiness ethics.

    Organisations such as Transparency International monitor country
    performance worldwide and, as The Yerevan Times has pointed out,
    Armenia's record leaves room for improvement. Transparency
    International (which rated Armenia 82nd out of 146 countries in 2004)
    notes that since the establishment of a state anti-corruption
    commission in 2004, progress on the development of a national
    anti-corruption programme has been slow - and less than
    transparent. Opposition politicians have voiced similar sentiments, as
    well. True, Armenia lies above neighbouring Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran
    as well as Russia in the Transparency International's rating index,
    but it clearly has some room to make up.

    It is in this context that the European Commission's Initiative for
    Democracy and Human Rights in Armenia supported a Campaign against
    "Corruption-Friendly" Legal and Social Settings in order to generate
    publicintolerance and provide methodological frameworks for the fight
    against corruption. An Armenian NGO, the Centre for Counter-Terrorism
    Assistance (CCTA), proposed the Campaign.

    The CCTA identifies the major causes for corruption in Armenia and the
    main difficulties in the fight against it as follows:

    " The alienation of civil society from the policy-forming,
    decision-making and decision-implementing activities in governance or,
    in other words, the absence of popular participation in governance; "
    Armenian society's disbelief in the possibilities for real and
    effective participation in governance; " Armenian society's
    inclination to see and relegate the fight against corruption as the
    exclusive responsibility of state structures; " The Armenian law's
    nominal stipulation for public participation in governance, when the
    ostensibly democratic provisions concerning the exercise of public
    authority are not supported by working and effective mechanisms; "
    Particular Armenian laws are directly copied from European or CIS
    analogues, placed without their adequate/required localization to
    Armenian co nditions, and applied with disregard to the national
    mind-set. " The specific "corruption-friendly" elements that exist
    in the relationships between state officials and citizens, which
    hamper the supremacy of law.

    The Campaign's main purpose is to strengthen society's resistance to
    corruption and to provide frameworks for combating it. Its principal
    target groups include the ruling elite, civil society (NGOs,
    professionals, students, etc.), as well as the public at large.

    The campaign was conducted in two interrelated formats. First, An
    Anthology of International Anti-Corruption Experience has been
    published in Armenian, with an introduction and commentary by Armen

    Secondly, an anti-corruption campaign is being conducted in the media,
    especially the TV, as well as in the press and the Internet.

    Eventually, the project envisages the analysis of the Campaign results
    so as to provide for an alternative concept for the anti-corruption
    programme in Armenia. A survey is to be conducted in Yerevan to
    measure the impact of the Campaign and to create a mathematical model
    for the generation of anti-corruption strategies.