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World's First Anti-Smoking Treaty Becomes Law

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  • World's First Anti-Smoking Treaty Becomes Law

    World's First Anti-Smoking Treaty Becomes Law

    MANILA, Philippines, Feb. 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The world's first
    tobacco control treaty, the World Health Organization Framework
    Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), becomes binding
    international law on Sunday, 27 February 2005. One of the most
    rapidly embraced UN treaties of all time, the WHO FCTC is aimed at
    improving global health by reducing tobacco consumption, currently the
    cause of premature death for nearly 5 million people every year.

    ''The devastation caused by the tobacco pandemic dwarfs SARS and the
    recent tsunami. Every year, five million people die from
    tobacco-related diseases. In the Western Pacific Region alone, 3000
    people die each day from tobacco use," stated Dr Shigeru Omi, Director
    of WHO's Western Pacific Region. "Now we have the global tools to
    fight a global problem. It's time for all countries to join the

    The WHO FCTC is intended to control what has become the second biggest
    killer of our time. Tobacco consumption is the single leading
    preventable cause of death. It will prematurely end the lives of 10
    million people a year by 2020 if current trends are not reversed.
    Tobacco is the only legal product that causes the death of one half of
    its regular users. This means that of the current 1.3 billion smokers
    worldwide, 650 million people will die prematurely due to tobacco.

    Convention provisions set international standards on tobacco price and
    tax increases, tobacco advertising and sponsorship, labelling, illicit
    trade and second-hand smoke.

    The WHO FCTC was unanimously adopted by the Fifty-sixth World Health
    Assembly in May 2003, following almost three years of negotiations.
    During the year that followed, while it was open for signature, 167
    countries and the European Community signed, and 23 countries became
    contracting parties.

    On 30 November 2004, the 40th country ratified the convention,
    triggering a 90-day countdown for its entry into force. As of 23
    February 2005, a total of 57 countries had ratified the convention.

    In the Western Pacific Region, 13 countries have ratified the
    convention. They are Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cook Islands,
    Fiji, Japan, the Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Nauru, New Zealand,
    Palau, Singapore, Solomon Islands and Viet Nam. Fiji was the first
    Western Pacific country to ratify, on 3 October 2003.

    Notes to editors:

    The 40 contracting parties to the WHO FCTC as of 30 November 2004 were
    Armenia, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Canada,
    Cook Islands, Fiji, France, Ghana, Hungary, Iceland, India, Japan,
    Jordan, Kenya, Madagascar, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico,
    Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Palau,
    Panama, Peru, Qatar, San Marino, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia,
    Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago and Uruguay.

    The treaty continues from now on to be open for ratification,
    acceptance or approval for those countries that have signed, and is
    open for accession for those that have not. There is no deadline for
    countries to become contracting parties. Any state that becomes a
    contracting party will be bound by the treaty 90 days following the
    deposit of its instrument of ratification (or equivalent) in the
    United Nations headquarters in New York.

    The body that will govern the WHO FCTC is the Conference of the
    Parties (COP). The first session of the COP will take place within a
    year from the date of entry into force, as specified in the
    convention. The first session has tentatively been scheduled for
    February 2006. The COP is expected to determine further procedural and
    technical issues relating to its future development.

    For current status and full text of the WHO FCTC, please visit:
    . For further information, please contact: Burke Fishburn, Tobacco
    Free Initiative, WHO WPRO Tel: +63-2-528-9894 Email:
    [email protected] All WHO press releases, fact sheets and
    features, as well as other information can be obtained at
    ( .

    SOURCE World Health Organization

    02/24/2005 02:27 ET