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Armenia offers "preferential" railway tariffs to Azerbaijan, Turkey

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  • Armenia offers "preferential" railway tariffs to Azerbaijan, Turkey

    Armenia offers "preferential" railway tariffs to Azerbaijan, Turkey

    Regnum, Moscow
    22 Feb 05

    Armenian Transport and Communications Minister Andranik Manukyan has
    said that Armenia is ready to introduce preferential railway transit
    tariffs to Azerbaijan and Turkey should the railway blockade of
    Armenia from Georgia and Turkey be lifted. In an interview with the
    Russian news agency Regnum, he said that there is no need to build an
    expensive stretch of railway connecting Georgia and Turkey when there
    is a fully operational link via Armenia. Although the launch of the
    train ferry service between the port of Kavkaz in Russia and the
    Georgian port of Poti will allow Armenia avoid expensive detour via
    the Ukrainian port of Ilichevsk, Armenia will not be able to meet its
    needs for cargo turnover with Russia until the Abkhaz section of the
    Transcaucasus railway is restored, he added. Manukyan also said that
    knowing that political factors change quickly, Armenia is building a
    new highway connecting it with Iran and repaired the critical parts of
    its railway. The following is excerpt from unattributed interview with
    Armenian Transport and Communications Minister Andranik Manukyan as
    carried by Regnum news agency web site on 22 February headlined
    "Armenia is ready to introduce preferential transit tariffs for
    Azerbaijan and Turkey: interview of Armenian Transport and
    Communications Minister Andranik Manukyan with the Regnum news
    agency"; subheadings have been inserted editorially:

    Strategic location

    [Journalist] Minister, as is known, Armenia has officially joined the
    North-South international transport corridor (ITC). What prospects
    does the participation in the ITC open for the republic?

    [Manukyan] I will only add that Armenia is also a member country of
    TRACECA [Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia], the West-East
    communication project.

    Armenia's desire to join the North-South ITC was voiced by me in St
    Petersburg in 2002, at the meeting of the transport ministers of
    Armenia, India, Iran and Russia. Our application was accepted, and in
    October 2004, my Russian colleague Igor Levitin congratulated us on
    our official accession to the ITC. The main goal of the project is
    transportation of cargo from the Baltic states across Russia and the
    Caspian Sea towards Iran, and thence via Afghanistan to India. To
    service this route, the Transcaucasus railway can be used if the
    Abkhaz section [in Georgia] is unblocked.

    Upgrades to transport infrastructure

    Naturally, we should prepare for this in advance: Armenia has invested
    huge sums in bringing the routes of international importance back into
    order. It is now possible to say with certainty that the main roads in
    Armenia meet the international standards. The most dangerous sections
    of the railway, with total length of 70 km, have been repaired with
    assistance from the World Bank. If in the past average speed of a
    train on the Gyumri-Ayrum section was 25 km per hour, now the
    technical condition of the railway allows the trains to travel at
    55-60 km per hour.

    On the other hand, it is known that speed is the most important factor
    of profitability. The same World Bank has elaborated the programme for
    the development of the transport system of our country, which will
    cost 40m dollars, of which 16m dollars will be spent on development of
    the railway system. An independent audit company has already drawn up
    a business plan for the development of the system and renewal of the
    entire carriage park. I want to note that the state will fund the
    programme as well.

    Of course, Armenia's involvement in the North-South ITC is crucially
    important to our country, so we eagerly take part in all measures that
    are organized within the framework of the project. I am absolutely
    certain that time will come when political problems will be resolved
    and this corridor will be operated at its full capacity. The same can
    be said about the TRACECA programme. In any case, Armenia occupies an
    advantageous position as it is located at the crossing of these roads
    - both from north to south and from west to east. My goal as the
    transport minister is to keep our main roads ready, so that when
    issues of political nature are resolved, we do not have to do all this
    in an emergency mode.

    The second main highway Megri (on the border of Armenia with
    Iran)-Kapan, which we plan to build, is also directly related with the
    North-South ITC. This project is of immense strategic importance to
    Armenia. At present, these two towns are connected with just one road
    which traverses the Kadzharan mountain pass. In Soviet times it was of
    local importance, that is to say, it could not be used by heavy hauler
    lorries with more than 30-tonne capacity. After the aggravation of the
    political situation in the region, the road via Naxcivan [Azerbaijani
    exclave] was closed and Armenia was forced to invest huge sums in the
    Megri-Kapan highway, which in some areas goes up to the heights of
    over 2,400 m (above the sea level). Nonetheless, the road remains
    hardly passable in the winter. With the length of 74 km and average
    acclivity of 12-14 degrees, average speed of travel for heavy haulers
    does not exceed 30-35 km per hour.

    Perhaps you know the story of the project for building the Kadzharan
    tunnel. Why we decided not to proceed with this undertaking and
    instead to opt for building the new road Megri-Kapan...[ellipsis as
    published]. I want to note that the alternative to the tunnel was
    studied and elaborated on instructions by the country's
    president. When we build the second road, we will effectively ensure
    the second access point to Iran, hence the strategic importance of
    this project. According to preliminary estimates, building the tunnel
    on the old road would cost about 45m dollars, although I think that
    expenses would reach at least 60m dollars.

    [Passage omitted on technical details]

    I have already noted that the new highway will fit very well into the
    North-South ITC, but we will build it with money from the Armenian
    budget. In other words, we are making preparations. What remains to be
    done is that international structures that are interested in full
    utilization of communications assist in the integration of our main
    roads into transit routes.

    [Journalist] Is the deadline set for the beginning of the
    implementation of this project?

    [Manukyan] The tender has already been announced and is under way. The
    construction will start on 1 April, and it is expected to be put into
    operation in 2006.

    Need to resume railway service to Turkey

    [Journalist] What is the state of the Armenian railway at present?

    [Manukyan] In 2004, we transported 2.7m tonnes of cargo using the
    Armenian railways, employing 20-30 per cent of the carriage park. If
    the Kars-Gyumri section and the Abkhaz section of the Transcaucasus
    railway are reopened and Armenia, using its transit potential, ensures
    delivery of cargo to Turkey and Russia, the total cargo turnover will
    reach 10-20m tonnes. Even in this case, after the modernization under
    the World Bank programme, our carriage park will be able to handle the

    I would like to underscore once again that at present our railway,
    from the border with Georgia in the north and to the border with
    Naxcivan in the south, is in good repair. If, as the European
    Commission wants, Azerbaijan agrees to use these trunk railways, they
    can be used both as part of TRACECA and as a component of the
    North-South ITC. This will noticeably cut expenses on transportation
    of the cargo.

    [Journalist] A few days ago, the co-chairman of the Turkish-Armenian
    Business Development Council, Kaan Soyak, said in Yerevan that if the
    settlement of political problems between Turkey and Armenia is dragged
    out, the Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi railway might become the reality. In
    the conditions of the continuing blockade of Armenia by Turkey, to
    what extent does the Armenian side calculate the possibility of
    ensuring an alternative railway service to Iran?

    [Manukyan] We have never been, and never will be, sitting on our
    hands, allowing Armenia to be outstripped. To date, we have submitted
    two programmes to international organizations. These are Vardenis
    (Armenia) - Jolfa (Iran) and Yeraskh (Armenia) - Jolfa sections. Of
    course, these are very expensive, but potentially undoubtedly
    profitable programmes. I think that solutions shall be found. By
    connecting our railway system with the Iranian one, we will gain
    access to the markets of the Middle East and Asia. The Iranian side is
    ready for this too.

    As for the Kars-Akhalkalaki railway...[ellipsis as
    published]. Currently it is talked about both in Turkey and in
    Georgia. But when the Kars-Gyumri (Armenia) -Tbilisi railway already
    exists, when there is the terminal on the Armenian-Turkish border for
    preparing the train for switching to a different width of the railway
    track, building a new 150-kilometre section is absolutely
    unreasonable, first and foremost, from the economic point of view. The
    initiators of this talk say that building the 150-kilometre section
    will require 250-300m dollars, but the terrain in that area is such
    that this sum will not be enough to build 150 km of the railway.

    In addition, why should so much money be invested, for what purpose?
    Here we are dealing with an attempt to put political pressure on
    Armenia, to isolate it from access to transport hubs. A sensible
    person should realize that it does not make sense to look for an
    alternative to the Kars-Gyumri-Tbilisi trunk railway, which is ready
    for operation. Besides, Armenia does not stipulate any preconditions,
    we also say that we will provide preferential transit tariffs should
    this service be put into operation. Factors of a purely political
    nature hinder the adoption of an economically sound plan, but politics
    is liable to changes. We will see...[ellipsis as published]. But I
    repeat, we do not sit on our hands and have no intention to.

    Mutual benefits of lifting the blockade

    [Journalist] But is the Armenian economy ready for the opening of the
    Armenian-Turkish border?

    [Manukyan] Of course, our economy is ready. Many people say that we
    will be subjected to economic expansion by Turkey. But economic
    expansion is out of the question. These sorts of statements are made
    by people who have no idea about the economy and business, and they
    are profoundly wrong. Moreover, their statements are damaging to our
    economy. If the borders are opened, trade relations with Turkey will
    be normalized: Armenia has an appropriate legal framework for
    this. Trade will be conducive to the development of both countries.

    Recently even a Turkish businessman said in Yerevan that turnover
    between Armenia and Turkey in the conditions of closed borders amounts
    to 120m dollars annually, but I am certain that this sum is much
    larger. In most cases, goods from Turkey arrive in Georgia and are
    then sent to Armenia as Georgian goods. So, there is legal and
    illegal turnover of goods between Armenia and Turkey, and according to
    my assessment, turnover between Armenia and Turkey is greater than
    that between Armenia and other countries.

    I have already said that if the border is opened, we will be ready to
    provide preferential tariffs for our transport infrastructure to
    Azerbaijan and Turkey, and this is a transit route for them. The issue
    of regional transport communications should finally be
    resolved. Transport is the foundation of a country's development, it
    is a business which should be viewed in isolation from
    politics. However, some countries unfortunately use it for political

    Georgia-Russia train ferry

    [Journalist] Thanks to your efforts, as well as effort of your
    colleagues in Georgia and Russia, the idea of launching the seaport of
    Kavkaz is drawing to near to the logical conclusion. At which stage is
    the project today? And when will the ferry start to operate at full
    capacity between the seaport of Kavkaz and Poti (Georgia)?

    [Manukyan] The agreement on launching the train ferry service between
    the seaport of Kavkaz and Poti has been reached by the presidents of
    Georgia, Russia and Armenia. [Passage omitted: details of talks]

    It is noted in the agreement that the ferry should operate for two
    months from the moment of signing the agreement, in other words, we
    have time till 10 March. According to the preliminary agreement, the
    first ferry was to leave on 10 February, but later we had to review
    this deadline and to extend it to 28 February. The first ferry will
    carry 24 carriages, and the cargo for it has already been prepared.

    As for the importance of the ferry, it is hard to overestimate
    it...[ellipsis as published]. This is a direct railway link with
    Russia. In the past, we used to travel to Poti, then bore huge
    expenses on taking the cargo to the Ukrainian port of Ilichevsk, and
    only from there we would proceed to Russia. If in 2001, expenses for
    taking one carriage to Ilichevsk amounted to 900 dollars, now they
    have reached 2,100 dollars. This is connected with the fact that the
    Ukrainian company Ukrferry is a monopolist and is reviewing its
    tariffs almost on a daily basis.

    With the launch of the ferry service between the port of Kavkaz and
    Poti, there will be competition, and we will be sending the cargo that
    are bound for Russia to the port of Kavkaz, we will also be able to
    ship to Europe via the same route - it is cheaper. As for Ilichevsk,
    the cargo bound for Ukraine will go there. Given the fact that Georgia
    also does not have a railway link with Russia in the conditions of
    disuse of the Abkhaz railway and sends its cargo via Azerbaijan,
    covering some 720 km of extra distance and paying for transit, the
    port of Kavkaz is an economically profitable project both for Armenia
    and Georgia.

    Reopening of Abkhaz railway would benefit all

    [Journalist] Can one say that with the launch of the port of Kavkaz,
    the need for railway service between Armenia and Russia will be fully
    satisfied, or the restoration of service via Abkhazia remains a

    [Manukyan] It is possible to say that the link between Armenia and
    Russia has to some extent been ensured. Of course, it will only be
    possible to talk about full-fledged link after the Abkhaz section of
    the Transcaucasus railway is put into operation. With participation of
    the heads of railway departments of the three countries, appropriate
    working groups have been created, which we intend to join into a
    single commercial body.

    Incidentally, you must probably know that at present this railway is
    used from Moscow to Sukhumi. There is a problem: the bridge over the
    River Enguri is dilapidated, and now the assessment of the cost of
    repairing it is under way. On the Georgian side the railway is also
    in normal condition. Of course, there is also a political aspect of
    the issue - the Georgian side talks about the need for return of the
    refugees to Gali [District]. Let us see how the events will unfold
    after the [last presidential] election in Abkhazia. Perhaps the sides
    will reach certain agreements on this issue. This will be beneficial
    for all the countries of the region, including Georgia, which
    currently has to resort to transit via Azerbaijan.

    [Passage omitted: about mobile communications]

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress