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The Hope Of Lebanon

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  • The Hope Of Lebanon

    American Daily, OH
    Feb 24 2005

    The Hope Of Lebanon
    By Bruce Walker (02/24/05)

    Lebanon may be the greatest hope of all in the implementation of the
    Bush Doctrine for world peace. Why? Lebanon is the only nation which
    once was what we hope all the nations of the Middle East and Moslem
    world will be: a democracy with tolerance and prosperity in which
    Christians, Moslems and Jews lived together in peace.

    The horrors which Lebanon has endured over the last three decades
    obscure the wonder of a land which was once know as the Switzerland
    of the Middle East. Lebanon was not just prosperous. It was more
    prosperous than Israel. Lebanon was not just democratic. It was the
    longest functioning democracy in the region. Lebanon was not just
    tolerant, but it provided more religious toleration than any other
    nation in the region, Israel included.

    Although it is a relatively small nation - like Israel and like
    Kuwait - it is potentially a pivotal nation in making free democracy
    work. Alone among Arab nations with large Moslem populations in the
    region, Lebanon stayed out of the 1967 War. Long before other nations
    in the region, Lebanon had diplomatic relations with Israel.

    Lebanon proved, until Syria invaded and savaged it, that Moslems and
    Christians could live together peacefully in a working democracy.
    Like most other democracies with parliamentary governments, Lebanon
    had a head of state, a president, and a head of government, a prime
    minister. One was always a Maronite Christian and the other was
    always a Moslem.

    Beirut was once a name synonymous with peace and beauty, like Geneva
    or Stockholm or Venice. What connived to end this? Two factors, one
    now dead (although it seems to be coming back like a vampire) and the
    other on the run (although the last stand has not yet been made.)

    The Soviet Union, whose policy was to export misery and to hurt
    America whenever and wherever it could, had many tools to influence
    Lebanon. It sold arms to Syria and other gaggles of terrorists. The
    Russian Navy was a genuine power in the Eastern Mediterranean. KGB
    and GRU operatives could and did work to prevent happiness in Lebanon
    and gratitude toward the West.

    Militant homicidal Moslem groups warred against the Christian
    population, committing - as Danny Thomas, himself Lebanese, once
    noted - genocide, but genocide against Christians and therefore
    lacking the chicness of genocide against Tibetans, Cambodians or
    Jews: genocide like the willfully ignored first holocaust of the last
    century, the Armenian Holocaust, the systematic extermination of the
    first Christian nation on Earth.

    Everyone in Lebanon suffered horribly. Poor and wretched Moslems, who
    had lived for centuries in relative peace and friendship with their
    Christian countrymen, suddenly found themselves besieged by invading
    Moslems, by Israeli military forces, and by Lebanese Christians
    trying to defend themselves.

    Hope and joy died in what was once among the most hopeful and joyful
    cities in the world. `Beirut' became a synonym for the horrors of
    modern terrorism and undeclared war, rather than a promise of respect
    and tolerance.

    All of this can, and should, change. As several pundits have noted
    and as was clear in the meeting between the presidents of France and
    of America, Syria must withdraw from Lebanon now. France has historic
    ties to Lebanon, ties that go back not decades or even centuries but
    almost one thousand years. French pride has been a principal obstacle
    to American war on terrorism. There is the chance for a wonderful
    confluence of French pride and Bush humility.

    Let France liberate and occupy Lebanon and let America have troops
    who operate under the French colors in this noble cause. It should
    not matter to Americans how Lebanon is liberated, but only that it is
    liberated. France has more than just its pride at stake. The growth
    of Moslem populations within France means that creating a model for
    Christians and Moslems to live together in peace in a Mediterranean
    nation is very much in the long term interest of France.

    When Lebanon is free and safe, America should provide aid lavishly to
    rebuild the nation and NATO should place stout peace keeping forces
    at the borders with Syria and with Israel. As Israel has become the
    homeland of Jews persecuted, Lebanon should become the homeland of
    both Christians and Moslems who are persecuted. Then Earth will take
    a giant step forward toward being a homeland of all the children of

    Bruce Walker has been a dyed in the wool conservative since, as a
    sixth grader, he campaigned door to door for Barry Goldwater. Bruce
    has had almost two hundred published articles have appeared several
    professional and political periodicals.