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Armenian Migration Chief Notes Growing Number of Iraq Asylum-Seekers

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  • Armenian Migration Chief Notes Growing Number of Iraq Asylum-Seekers

    Armenian migration chief notes growing number of Iraqi asylum-seekers

    Hayots Ashkharh, Yerevan
    23 Feb 05

    Text of Shushan Matevosyan's report by Armenian newspaper Hayots
    Ashkharh on 23 February headlined "The number of Iraqi asylum-seekers
    has increased and no-one has been refused"

    Lately, the number of those seeking asylum in the Republic of Armenia
    has sharply increased in connection with the Iraq war. What are
    statistical figures of asylum-seekers? What countries are they from?

    The following is an interview with the chief of the Migration and
    Refugees Department, Gagik Yeganyan.

    [Gagik Yeganyan] Since 2000, our department has received applications
    for asylum and refugee status from citizens of different
    states. Before 2003, the number of applications was not so great. We
    received 15-20 applications per year mainly from Afghanistan, Iraq and
    African countries like Sudan and Somalia, as well as from Iran and
    even from Ukraine and China.

    As a rule, a great number of them were refused, as after the
    examination it became clear that their reasons for leaving the country
    were not true. Most of them left their home country due to difficult
    social and economic conditions or in order to avoid military
    service. They applied for asylum in Armenia as a transit state as
    their real purpose was to settle in the West. And in order to settle
    legally in any transit country, they applied for refugee status.
    Incidentally, this is common among our compatriots as well.

    In 2002, we initiated the adoption of a new law regarding temporarily
    protected people. This law says that Armenia is expanding the circle
    of people it protects. That's to say, it receives not only potential
    refugees, but also people who are in danger of being persecuted
    because of wars or armed conflicts.

    [Hayots Ashkharh correspondent] In fact, the adoption of the law was
    well-timed, as it was followed by an influx of Iraqis who are seeking

    [Yeganyan] In this case, people were really forced to leave their
    country and seek asylum because of the war.

    Since 2003, the influx of applications from Iraq has increased
    sharply. That year, we had 61 applications and they were all given the
    status of temporarily protected people. Last year [2004], we had 142
    applications. I think the influx of applications will be permanent.

    [Correspondent] What does this status give people apart from
    protection, accommodation, a job and financial aid?

    [Yeganyan] It gives security and a chance to avoid persecution. They
    have the right of legal settlement in Armenia at least for a year, and
    one year later, their applications may be considered again. If the
    situation remains the same in the countries of which they are
    citizens, in that case, these persons' status may be extended for one
    more year. Those who want to become permanent residents of Armenia may
    get different status up to citizenship during that year.
    Incidentally, those who are Armenians by nationality are granted
    Armenian citizenship in a simpler way. But we cannot promise anything
    to those who are trying to settle their social problems by extending
    their status.

    [Correspondent] What is the number of those who sought asylum this

    [Yeganyan] I cannot mention figures, but undoubtedly the potential has
    not been exhausted. It is presumed that their numbers will grow.

    [Correspondent] Mr Yeganyan, recently there was an interesting report
    in the press saying that the chairman of the Civil Service Council,
    Manvel Badalyan, had informed the state juridical commission of the
    National Assembly that an official had been granted the status of an
    Armenian refugee in order to leave the country illegally. In fact,
    this concerns your department.

    [Yeganyan] We also registered such a case recently, but I do not think
    that this is the case that was covered by the press. One of our
    department employees illegally issued a reference to a citizen and
    made him a refugee. In this case, the citizen tried to use the refugee
    status to avoid military service. Thanks to the measures taken by our
    department, the violation of the law was prevented.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress