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BAKU: Azerbaijan-Italy business forum held

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan-Italy business forum held

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    Feb 25 2005

    [February 25, 2005, 17:17:17]

    The Azerbaijan-Italy business forum was held at the `Aldrovandi
    Palace' of Rome, February 25. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev
    attended the forum.

    The Forum organized by the Ministry of Economic Development of
    Azerbaijan and the Foreign Trade Institute of the Ministry of
    Production Activity Affairs of Italy, was opened by rector of the
    Institute Baniamino Quintieri. Then, speaking was the ambassador of
    Italy in Baku Margarita Costa and minister of Economic Development of
    Azerbaijan Farhad Aliyev, who dwelt on necessity of expansion of the
    economic links between two countries, involvement if Italian
    businessmen to invest in Azerbaijan's economy.

    As was stated, over 60 businessmen from 50 companies of Azerbaijan
    were attending the Forum. They represented mainly the fields of light
    industry, metallurgy, machine building, construction, furniture
    production, and information technologies. Some 170 businessmen of
    Italy took part at the action.

    It was also stated that Azerbaijan's Company `Gilan' and the Italian
    `Betvend TMCI Padovan' Company has reached a 5-million Euro agreement
    on construction of a tinned food factory. `Lotos' of Azerbaijan and
    `Aredo Luchia' companies have sealed a deal on creation of joint
    enterprise of production of chandeliers and other household devices.

    The Italian businessmen have taken deep interest in many fields of
    Azerbaijan economy, including agriculture.

    President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made a large speech at the
    Forum. He spoke of his successful visit to Italy, noting it would
    give good impulse to development of economic links between two

    Speaking of the socio-political stability established in the country
    under the leadership of the nationwide leader of Azerbaijan Heydar
    Aliyev, Head of the Azerbaijan State dwelt on economic reforms
    conducted in the Republic, also emphasized that a good environment
    has been created for the foreign investment in the country.

    President Ilham Aliyev spoke of the works done in the country's
    oil-gas sector in the frame of the `Contract of the Century' signed
    on development of the hydrocarbon reserves on the Caspian in the
    Azerbaijan sector, on billion dollars of investment made by foreign
    companies, on successful realization of the one of the largest
    projects in world - the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Main Export Pipeline.

    Giving high value to the existent economic links between two
    countries, head of the Azerbaijan State reminded the Italian `Eni'
    Company cooperating with Azerbaijan oil projects since 1995, stressed
    that increase of commodity turnover and mutual trade widening of
    economic cooperation serves interests of two nations.

    President Ilham Aliyev dwelt on integration of Azerbaijan to Europe,
    saying the country successfully copes with its duties in the global
    safety, in establishment of peace and tranquility in region.

    Speaking of the reasons of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict, its heavy sequences, Mr. Aliyev said delay of the problem
    hampers economic progress and security. President of Azerbaijan
    reminded the talk processes mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group in this

    Head of the Azerbaijan State expressed confidence that bilateral
    relations between two countries would further develop for the
    national interests of two states.

    Then, President Ilham Aliyev talks to the Italian businessmen.


    Afterwards, President of Azerbaijan talked to member of the Italian
    parliamentary delegation at the Council of Europe, Senator Fiorello
    Provera. Cooperation of Azerbaijan with PACE and support of
    Azerbaijan by Italy was in focus. Head of the Azerbaijan State
    thanked Mr. Provera.


    On February 25, President Ilham Aliyev met with John Powell, Regional
    Director of World Food Program.