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Tbilisi: Armenian paper deplores "Orange babble"

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  • Tbilisi: Armenian paper deplores "Orange babble"

    The Messenger, Georgia
    Feb 25 2005

    Armenian paper deplores "Orange babble"

    Armenian newspaper Aravot (Morning) reports that the president of
    Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has divided the mass media into two
    categories: acceptable and propagandistic.
    He thinks that six Belarus publications as well as the Russian
    newspaper Izvestia, Voice of America, and Radio Liberty should be
    included in a black list. However he recommends reading the newspaper
    Soviet Belarus, one of the founders of which is the presidential
    The Armenian paper writes that there is nothing surprising in this
    because this is the disposition of the dictatorship of Lukashenko's
    The paper compares this dictatorship to the new Ukrainian president
    Victor Yushchenko, who prohibited high-ranking officials from
    visiting bathhouses, to hunt and to have houses abroad. The new
    president also ordered high-ranking officials who live outside the
    capital to move to the center.
    "The goal is to work more effectively and not to close the roads for
    an hour while they are going to work from their country estates," the
    paper reports.
    Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Timoshenko also ordered that lights
    be turned off at 10:00 pm in all state institutions. According to
    her, officials should have some sleep and not work all night as this
    reduces their effectiveness. Yushchenko also prohibited high-ranking
    officials from dealing in business.
    "What should the people do if they are prohibited to bathe in
    bathhouses, to hunt or even live outside in the country, in the
    suburbs?" the paper asks.
    According to Aravot, Yushchenko has chosen the old Bolshevic method
    to govern the country. "He does not distinguish himself from
    Lukashenko at all, only by the fact that Lukashenko does not declare
    himself a democrat. This is pure babble when they order people when
    to sleep, where to live and when to go to the bath. Anyway, this has
    nothing in common with democracy," the paper states.