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Rise in attacks against Russian Jews sparks worries

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  • Rise in attacks against Russian Jews sparks worries

    The Oxford Press
    Oxford Ohio

    Rise in attacks against Russian Jews sparks worries

    Cox News Service
    Friday, February 25, 2005
    MOSCOW - A rise in anti-Jewish rhetoric from politicians and a recent wave
    of violent attacks on Jews has the Jewish community and human rights groups
    worried about a resurgence of Russian anti-Semitism, xenophobia and

    In January, two rabbis and two young Jewish boys were attacked by a group of
    thugs in an underground passage in a central Moscow neighborhood. One of the
    rabbis, Alexander Lakshin, was kicked and beaten with a bottle. The attack
    put him in the hospital for two days.

    SABRA AYRES/Cox News Service
    Rabbi Alexander Lakshin stands in the hall of the Moscow Jewish Community

    The same night, the bottle-wielding skinheads chased down a young Jewish
    couple. They escaped unharmed, but frightened for their lives.

    A few days later, 20 lawmakers joined in an appeal to the government to ban
    all Jewish organizations, saying the groups were inciting ethnic hatred.

    One of the signers of the letter, Communist Party deputy Albert Makashov,
    appeared on a popular television talk show that weekend to defend the
    letter's intent. Famous for his unabashed anti-Semitic speeches, Makashov
    has said he favors reinstatement of the Pale of Settlement, the territory in
    which Jews were restricted to live during the 19th century.

    On the program, Makashov blamed Russia's Jews for the country's economic and
    social problems. About 52,000 viewers, or just over half of the program's
    home audience, called in to say they agreed with him.

    The recent wave of anti-Semitic rhetoric is "more alarming because it seems
    certain politicians may be testing the water to see how far they can use
    anti-Semitism in their campaigns during the next election," said Lakshin,
    the rabbi.

    Monitoring agencies have reported significant increases in anti-Semitic
    incidents in France, Germany and Britain, but a recent U.S. State Department
    report picked out Russia as a "problem area."

    "Russia's form of anti-Semitism, compared to Western Europe, is more
    primitive and therefore more dangerous," said Dr. Margo Light, a specialist
    on Russia and the former Soviet Union at the London School of Economics. "In
    Western Europe, we have social norms that tell us that it is inappropriate
    to express what you might feel. But in Russia, they don't have that."

    Publicly, President Vladimir Putin has supported promoting religious freedom
    in Russia, where 70 years of communism promoted atheism as the state
    religion. The letter's timing was an embarrassment for Putin, who was
    scheduled to attend the 60th anniversary celebrations of the liberation of
    the Auschwitz death camp by Soviet soldiers just days after it surfaced.

    The Kremlin was quick to distance itself. "Even in Russia, which did more
    than anybody else to crush fascism and liberate the Jewish people, we often
    see symptoms of this disease today," Putin said in Poland during the
    ceremony. "And we feel ashamed about this."

    Putin's remarks reflect that the days of state-sponsored anti-Semitism has
    ended. In Soviet times, Jews' passports were stamped "Jewish" while other
    Soviet citizens were identified by nationality, such as Ukrainian or
    Armenian, and Jews could be fired for attending a synagogue.

    The religion is now seeing a surge in new worshipers, with an estimated
    500,000 practicing Jews in Moscow. Many shop at the kosher supermarket,
    which opened near the capital's Jewish Community Center.

    But Lakshin and others feel the Kremlin should do more to censor outspoken,
    anti-Semitic political rhetoric.

    They also point to Rodina, or Motherland, a political party formed under the
    guidance of the Kremlin during the 2003 parliamentary elections. The party
    has campaigned on promoting nationalistic values and won a small percentage
    of seats in the parliament, the Duma. Some of Rodina's members signed the
    letter calling for the ban on Jewish groups.

    "Nationalism is on the rise in Russia, and Rodina unleashed something to
    worry about," Light of the London School of Economics said. "It's more
    dangerous because it is more intellectual than the usual rants and theatrics
    of (the ultra-nationalist lawmaker Vladimir) Zhironovsky."

    Other racial groups have also become victims of violent crimes, including a
    9-year-old Tajik girl who was killed last year in St. Petersburg and a
    medical student from Guinea-Bissau who was stabbed to death in the southern
    town of Voronezh.

    Dark-skinned and dark-eyed Russians from the Russia's North Caucasus region
    are subjected to unfair treatment and frequent harassment from Moscow
    police, watchdog groups said.

    The Anti-Defamation League and the Moscow Bureau of Human rights attribute
    many of the violent attacks to an increase in Russian nationalistic skinhead
    groups, which are estimated to have as many as 55,000 members.

    But nationalist and anti-Jewish newspapers are readily available at kiosks
    across Russia.

    "So far, we haven't seen Russian society show that they won't tolerate
    anti-Semitic crimes," said Lakshin.

    Russia has a hate-based crime law, but it is rarely enforced and convictions
    are hard to obtain. This month, Moscow Police Chief Vladimir Pronin was
    quoted in the Russian media as saying the capital "does not have any