Prime Minister fears contaminated referendum
Reformatorisch Dagblad (Dutch daily newspaper)
December 22, 2004
Part of the article about a debate in Dutch parliament on the conclusions of
EU summit in Brussels. During this debate a motion was adopted urging the
Dutch government to bring up the recognition of the the Armenian Genocide in
its dialogue with Turkey during the EU accession negotiations. the Armenian
See the complete article in Dutch:
... Almost all factions in Dutch parliament expressed their
disappointment about the fact that the EU has not made the recognition
of the Armenian Genocide as condition for the start of the accession
negotiations with Turkey. The Chamber unanimously adopted a motion of
Christian Union leader Rouvoet, that calls the government to bring up
in its dialogue with Turkey continuously and expressly the recognition
of the Armenian Genocide.
Never before the entire House of Representatives expressly pronounced
on the Genocide of 1915 of the Armenians by the Turks. The Armenian
Federation expressed satisfaction on Tuesday about the fact "that now
also the Netherlands recognises the Genocide." ...