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Armenian minister says no Karabakh settlement without compromises

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  • Armenian minister says no Karabakh settlement without compromises

    Armenian minister says no Karabakh settlement without compromises

    12 Jan 05


    The latest meeting of the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers
    in Prague on 11 January was held in a good atmosphere, Armenian
    Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan told a news conference today.

    The minister reiterated earlier reports that a series of issues had
    been outlined as a result of last year's Prague meetings and these
    issues would lay the foundation for further meetings, which was
    confirmed during the meeting of the OSCE foreign ministers in Sofia
    6-7 December 2004 . The minister added that an attempt was made in
    Prague to start such discussions around these issues.

    "Yes, there is such a range of issues, but it has to be said that
    there is no final agreement on some of them yet. The Prague meeting
    has shown that there is still a need for greater consolidation, and
    the main objective of the meeting was to try to consolidate these
    issues," the minister said.

    At the same time, Oskanyan pointed to some progress but added that the
    process has not yet been completed. Neither is it known when the next
    meeting will be held, the minister said.

    The minister stressed the importance of being more careful with
    statements. He said it is easy to make a statement or to speak about
    successes. Each side is pursuing its own interests in the negotiations
    and no-one will make statements against their own interests.

    "The issue can be resolved only when both sides, and eventually
    Karabakh which will be part of the process, make compromises. Without
    that it is not worth expecting us to sign a document which would
    reflect the wishes of all sides. It is premature to talk about
    that. It is also premature to say in which direction the process is
    going, because all aspects of the issue are being negotiated. It will
    soon become clear how they will eventually 'be packaged' and agree
    with each other. But so far we haven't started the process yet. All
    the questions are being discussed and each side is providing its own
    comments. We think we have entered a more serious stage in the
    negotiations and at this phase it is necessary to make more reserved
    statements in order not to put the other party in a difficult
    situation or not to get into such a situation oneself," the minister

    The foreign minister also noted that the Azerbaijani press was full of

    "There is a disgraceful situation in the Azerbaijani press today," the
    minister said. He believes that such an assessment is based on an
    analysis. For instance, he said the statements some Azerbaijani
    newspapers put into his mouth were wide of the mark.

    "After the Prague meeting I gave a brief interview to Radio
    Liberty. Anything beyond that interview is wide of the mark," the
    Armenian foreign minister said.