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Sultan Sanjar and Samanid Legacy

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  • Sultan Sanjar and Samanid Legacy

    NewsCentralAsia, Asia
    Jan 14 2005

    Sultan Sanjar and Samanid Legacy

    Dr. M. Salim

    Seljuks were Turks and their ancestry can be traced back to Oghuz
    tribe of 10th century A.D. They were nomadic people populating north
    of Aral Sea and to the east of Caspian Sea. Seljuk chief with his
    followers in the middle of 10th century moved to the Syr Darya and
    were knocking the doors of Islamic state of Samanids. Hence they
    embraced Islam and cross cultural currents began to diffuse from west
    to east in to Central Asia. Seljuks were the prime source of manpower
    to defend Samanid Amirs. Later Samanid legacy ended giving rise to
    three Turkic Muslim states, the Ghaznavids south of Amu Darya, the
    Seljuks in southern Turkmenistan and Kara-khanids north of Amu Darya.
    They were Turkic minorities ruling over majority of Iranian speaking

    One of the great Turk leader conqueror and patron of arts ruled
    Khurasan, Turkmenistan and north Afghanistan. He was a Seljuk Turk
    having control over north Persia and glorified their rule in this
    part of Central Asia for over six decades. As one of the powerful
    leader Sanjar in Turkish means `one who pierces' a legacy, later
    adopted by many Mughal princes in the Pak subcontinent. He was Sutan
    B. Malik Shah born in 1086AD and died in 1157. He was appointed in
    1097 as governor of Khurasan by his half brother Berk-Yaruk. Later
    after death of Malik Shah, He was recognized as Al-Sultan Al-Muazzam.
    His political career passed through ruling Karakhanids and appointed
    various Karakhanid nominees around Samarkand. Than in 1117 defeated
    Arslan Shah and placed his other Bahram Shah at Ghazna throne and
    their alliance which lasted for thirty years.

    Sanjar's rule apart from neighbouring Persia and east, he conducted
    his state affairs at Merv with his viziers with Diwani ala
    overlooking administration affairs of the state. These were done by
    the help of vizier such as Nizam-al-Mulk Hasan (1152) and Toghan Beg
    (1124). These including Arab, Persian and Turkish viziers. Under
    Sanjar, Nizam-Ul-Mulk was a grand vizier and a good administrater to
    control Iranian speaking farmers and citizens.

    While Sanjar was in power in Khurasan he was concerned with the
    Ghaznavid rule in the east with whom peace was made resulting in the
    cultural contacts such as in coinage and literature. Merv was the hub
    of Seljuk empire in arts, crafts, culture and literature, poets Omar
    Khayyam, Jurjani and the Nizami are a few to mention.

    The Ghaznavid supremacy was broken by the Seljuks in 1040 at
    Dandanaqan Merv Oasis resulting in the more territories . Armenia and
    Iraq became the part of Seljuk empire and Merv became their capital.

    The arts, culture, literature and architectural remains after
    Samanids in the 10th century to the Mongol invasion in 1220 indicate
    multicultural approach and variable tendencies of fusion from east to
    west and south to north. Much more could have survived, but the
    devastation caused by Mongol invasion left little remains. At Merv
    there were twelve libraries and many cities were left in ruins.
    Sanjar's legacy left architecture with bricks and wood and bricks in
    a monochrome design, stucco decoration with figures and wall
    paintings have survived.

    One of the main architectural decoration till today are the wooden
    columns with very fine intricate designs of floral and geometric
    nature such as at Khiva Friday mosque. These designs were based as
    traditional motifs carved on wood façade of important buildings with
    semicolumns of bricks in Turkmenistan and in the east mountains. The
    mosque at Mashad-I-Misrian had a terracotta decoration. Other
    important features were the caravanserais along the main and silk

    The most important and dominating tomb is of Sultan Sanjar with a
    square plan and side being 27m. It is 38m high. The elevated tomb is
    a characteristic of Sanjar's time and this style is evident in Lal
    Mahra Sharif tombs in Pakistan. The square base of the tombs is
    supported by secondary storey with a series of niches and a dome on
    the top.

    Other monuments of Sanjar's time is the fort known as Sultan Qala
    being the centre of Suljuk supremacy and charm of the Seljuk Capital.
    This Qala covered about 4 square kms with a 15m high wall for
    protection with a ditch. There was a palace area, a library and
    barracks. In the Shahristan was a Friday mosque and Sanjar's tomb. To
    the west of this Qala were Mazar Mohammad b. Said and Mazar Yusif

    Sanjars legacy is reflected in Pakistan. These are Interesting tombs
    in the Gomal valley of NWFP at Lal Mahra Sharif. This tradition
    portrays Central Asia architecture with affilities to Sanjar's
    architectural style. These mark the beginning of tomb architecture in
    Pakistan. The style evolved may be after struggle between Ghaznavids
    or Hindu Shahis. Chira tomb No. 1 is rectangular in plan with 7.40 x
    6.20m and with a present height of 5.70m with tapering walls. The
    dome has completely collapsed. There are few pointed arched
    entrances. There was a zone of transition from square chamber to the
    base of drum with possible squinches.

    The Plain brick style architecture reminds us the characteristics of
    Sanjar tomb that must have influenced this style. As the soldiers,
    traders and rulers exerted their influence in NWFP.

    Multan is another important city with sufi tombs inheriting Central
    Asian influence. The example can be given of tomb of Baha al-Din
    Zakariya (1171-1262). The tomb has been constructed in three stages
    with a total height of 77 feet. The lower storey has rectangular plan
    with entrance of pointed arches. The second storey is octagonal built
    on a zone of transition with squinches. The dome on top is
    hemispherical. This tomb reflects a tradition of Sanjars' time, as
    the sufi traveled from Central Asian to Indo-Pakistan subcontinent.

    Samanid Legacy in Pakistan.

    1. End of the (Hindu) Turkshahi rule in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    2. Reunification of Pakistan under the Ghaznavids with the foundation
    of Lahore as the Muslim capital.

    3. Introduction of Persian as the language of the court and of the
    elite. Rise of Lahori Persian poets.

    4. Introduction of Islam by Sufi Saints foam Central Asia. Sufistic
    Islam gains momentum.

    5. Samanid architecture in Pakistan.

    6. Samanid decoration of Glazed tiles. New schools of glazed tiles
    started in Multan and Sindh.

    7. Samanid Bukhara and Lahore as twin cities.

    8. Scientist like Alberuni came to Pakistan, his stay in Nandana and
    his experiment in measuring longitudes of the earth.

    9. New ethnic movement of Turks, their settlement in Peshawar,
    Taxila, Lahore, Multan and Sindh.

    10. Introduction of new arts and crafts paper manufacture and Arabic
    writing, new kind of China ware imported from Bokhara. Turks replace
    Huns and introduce their own system, food, dress, and headgear.
    Turkification of Pakistan.

    End notes:

    Sevim, A. & Bosworth, C.E.1998 The Seljuqs and the Khwarazm Shahs.
    History of Civilizations of Central Asia. Vol.IV. pp. 145-175.
    Unesco. Paris.

    Dani, A.H.1993 New light on Central Asia. Sang-e-Meel Publications,

    Brentjes, B. 1993 Islamic Art and Architecture in Central Asia.
    Journal of Central Asia. 16(1+2): 19-25. Islamabad.

    Ali, Taj. 1988. Anonymous tombs in the Gomal Valley, and the
    beginning of tomb architecture in Pakistan. Memoirs No.4. Department
    of Archeology, University of Peshawar.

    Khan, A.N. 1983. Multan History and Architecture. Islamic University,
    Islamabad. P.193.

    About the author: Dr. M. Salim is an Associate Professor at the
    Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, Quaid-i-Azam University,
    Islamabad, Pakistan. He read this paper at a seminar held in Ashgabat
    a couple of months ago.