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BAKU: WB keen in development of coop with Azerbaijan

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  • BAKU: WB keen in development of coop with Azerbaijan

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    Jan 17 2005

    [January 17, 2005, 21:32:50]

    Visiting Baku for preparation of the `Poverty Reduction Support
    Credit' program, head of the World Bank delegation Christian Peterson
    on January 17 has met members of the MM economic policy standing

    Chairman of the Commission Sattar Safarov updated on the
    accomplishments as a result of the economic reforms in the country,
    on the heavy sequences of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh
    conflict. He said the government of Azerbaijan every year renders to
    the refugees and IDPs assistance at amount $300 million,
    approximately. Occupation of 20 percent of Azerbaijan territories,
    existence of over one million of refugees has deep impact on life of
    people. Reduction of international assistance has hardened the
    situation. The Republic does a lot for poverty reduction and
    elimination of unemployment. We closely cooperate with the
    international financial structures, including the World Bank, he
    said. We are certain that current visit of the WB delegation will
    have positive influence on quick realization of the `Poverty
    Reduction Support Credit' program.

    Head of the delegation Christian Peterson has said the `Poverty
    Reduction Support Credit' program aims at poverty reduction, opening
    of new working places and development of the non-oil sector in
    Azerbaijan. We want all layers of population benefited of the
    economic development. We know well the problem of refugees of
    Azerbaijan and have prepared a humanitarian assistance program on
    this purpose.

    The World Bank is also interested in attraction of Azerbaijan in the
    European new neighboring policy and a relevant project has been
    worked out. This will also help rapprochement of the South Caucasus
    republics among themselves and with the European Union.

    Two other questions are connected to accedence of Azerbaijan to the
    global trade system. And in this field there has been done a lot in
    Azerbaijan. These are significant steps made in the direction of
    opening of new workplaces and poverty reduction. Opening of new
    workplaces and attraction of the foreign investors to the non-oil
    sector need a perfect legislative base. The existing legislation
    should be brought in conformity with the European standards, the
    principles of the World Trade Organization. The World Bank can make
    recommendations and assist and in this field.

    Sattar Safarov also informed the guest on protection of investments,
    on the adopted laws, emphasizing that the country stands ready to
    cooperate with the World Bank in the mentioned sphere.