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Russian DM Urges Allies to Preserve Unified Military Training System

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  • Russian DM Urges Allies to Preserve Unified Military Training System

    Russian defence minister urges allies to preserve unified military
    training system

    RIA news agency
    17 Jan 05


    Russia intends to spare no effort to preserve the unified system of
    military training both within the framework of the ODKB [Collective
    Security Treaty Organization, comprising Russia, Belarus, Armenia,
    Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan] and with Kazakhstan in
    particular, Russian Defence Minister Sergey Ivanov told journalists
    after the Kazakh Dostyk order was presented to him.

    "This award is an advance recognition of my modest contribution to the
    cause of strengthening military cooperation between Russia and
    Kazakhstan," he said. According to the minister, he often meets his
    Kazakh counterpart [Mukhtar Altynbayev] to discuss ways to step up

    Sergey Ivanov said an ODKB treaty under which prices for arms
    deliveries are determined by Russia's domestic prices came into force
    in January 2005. "Russia will spare no efforts to ensure that the
    unified system of military training is preserved," Sergey Ivanov said.