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Bethlehem Style Christmas Eve Services in Hollywood

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  • Bethlehem Style Christmas Eve Services in Hollywood

    Srpotz Tarkmanchatz Alumni of North American
    PO Box 10506
    Glendale, CA 91209
    Contact: Mr. Nahabed Melkonian

    January 16, 2004**

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    *Bethlehem Style Christmas Eve Services in Hollywood*

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    On Saturday, January 15, 2005 the Holy Translators School (Srpotz
    Tarkmanchatz) Alumni of North America and the Friends of the Jerusalem
    Armenians organized the 6^th annual Christmas Eve Service at St. John
    Garabed Armenian Church in Hollywood.

    The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem as well as the other Orthodox
    Churches of Jerusalem adheres to the Old Calendar (heen domar). In
    accordance with the tradition, the Armenian faithful travel from
    Jerusalem to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Armenian altar)
    and the Grotto of the Nativity to observe the birth of Jesus Christ. In
    Hollywood, the Night Service began at 11:00 PM followed by the Morning
    Service. The Gospel was read at midnight, followed by the singing of
    "Park ee Partzoonus". The Blessing of the Water Service followed the
    Night and Morning Services.

    Rev. Fr. Arshag Khachadourian, pastor of St. James Armenian Church of
    Los Angeles, read the Christmas message of His Beatitude Archbishop
    Torkom Manoogian, Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem and former Primate of
    the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America.
    Tarkmanchatz alumni from as far away as Vancouver, Canada traveled to
    Los Angles for this special event. Fr. Arshag congratulated the
    Godfather of the Cross, Mr. Harout Boyadjian, and wished him health and
    happiness in 2005.

    Mr. Nahabed Melkonian, founder of the Srpotz Tarkmanchatz Alumni of
    North America and currently coordinator of the organization, expressed
    his thanks to the faithful in attendance. Mr. Melkonian also thanked
    the Friends of the Jerusalem Armenians for attending the traditional
    service, which ended at 1:55 AM. Mr. Melkonian stressed his solidarity
    with the Armenians of the Holy Land and the Armenian Patriarch of
    Jerusalem, who is able to maintain the rights of the Armenian Orthodox
    Church during the most difficult times. Also participating in the
    service was Rev. Fr. Nareg Matarian, pastor of St. Sarkis Armenian
    Church of East Los Angeles, Rev. Fr. Asoghig Jamgochian, visiting pastor
    of the Armenian Church of Whittier, Deacon Hrair Karaverdian, Deacon
    Mihran Toumajan, Deacon Carl Bardakian, and Mr. Nahabed Melkonian.
    Afterwards, a traditional Bethlehem style breakfast was served for all
    those in attendance.