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Astrological forecasts: the leaders of the CIS countries

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  • Astrological forecasts: the leaders of the CIS countries

    Kommersant, Russia
    Jan 17 2005


    The Leaders of the Countries of the CIS

    No horoscope was prepared for the president of Ukraine, since his
    identity was not known at press time.

    Askar Akaev This leader is not interested in flashy appearances, but
    he has great internal strength at his command. Water is the dominant
    element in his chart. The conjunction of the Sun and Mars in Scorpio
    characterizes him as outwardly unaggressive but capable of decisive
    and harsh defense. Autumn will be the most difficult time for
    Scorpions in 2005. For Akaev, that will be the first days of
    September, the end of October, and then January 2006 again.
    Nonetheless, nothing should seriously threaten the Kyrgyz leader's

    Ilkham Aliev He can be characterized as a somewhat harsh and
    conservative person, but highly law-abiding. He has not only his Sun
    in Capricorn, but Mercury and Saturn as well. Because of the position
    of the Moon, he may do more than he wants. He has high energy in
    general. It is possible that the Azerbaijani president will
    experience an increased interest in women (due to the position of
    Venus). Psychological and legal problems are most likely to occur in

    Vladimir Voronin The elements of earth and air and expressed in the
    horoscope of this politician. Therefore, he makes decisions, or tries
    to at least, governed by logic and not emotion. Nonetheless, because
    of his birth just before the New Moon, his mind can sometimes betray
    him and he can unwittingly be party to the successes of dark forces.
    He can hardly be called free of conflicts. In 2005, the planets are
    for the most part harmonious in Voronin's chart. Therefore, he may be
    able to achieve success and strengthen his position. Complications
    (not necessarily political) are possible in the last days of
    February, and in September and October. In Moldova itself,
    complications are possible in April.

    Islam Karimov Here we see the democratic Aquarius contradictorily
    place against the old waning Moon. The conjunction of Mars and Saturn
    can hinder this politician. When he needs to act decisively, he is
    slow; and when he needs to obey the law, he resorts to violence. In
    addition, he is liable to external contradictions. In 2005, the
    Uzbekistani leader may have difficulties beginning in the middle of
    August and meet with the most complex situations at the end of
    October and in November.

    Robert Kocharyan His horoscope is practically evenly divided between
    harmonious and conflicting aspects. It lacks a certain finality.
    Therefore, he needs appropriate partners. He is an analyst and makes
    decision only after analyzing all the information. He is capable of
    firmness and bravery. The strong presence of Mercury, Venus and Mars
    in his horoscope vouches for this. Changes in his fate may take place
    in April and September-October, under the influence of eclipses.
    Those changes may be for the better or worse. Comparing the charts of
    Aliev and Kocharyan, the very harshest aspects can be seen that
    threaten direct conflict, as well as aspects that allow the two
    presidents to understand each other, if they choose to.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko The Belarusian and Armenian presidents were born
    only one day apart, and without knowing the exact times of birth,
    their charts come out with very similar characteristics. Here we
    again see an analytical mind, a comprehension of aesthetics, firmness
    of purpose and defense of one's own interests. Legal problems and
    issues of status may occur for Lukashenko in April, at the end of
    summer and beginning of fall. In addition, Lukashenko may become
    aggressive or come into danger in February.

    Nursultan Nazabaev Only harmonious and creative aspects are to be
    seen in the Kazakh leader's chart. Problems avoid him. A New Moon
    characterizes him as a rather progressive person who is oriented
    towards things new. There is the emotionality of water in his chart,
    the vigor of fire and the practicality of earth in his chart, but the
    democracy of air is missing. In 2005, Nazarbaev will have to cope
    with various problems. At the end of July and in August, his plans
    for action may be legally blocked. The middle of November will be a
    hard time for him.

    Saparmurat Niyazov Usually the Aquarius loves freedom. But here we
    see four planets in the element fire and three planets in earth. That
    is the reason why the Turkmen leader is not more democratic, even by
    the standards of the former Soviet Union. There are no eclipse or any
    other aspects in Niyazov's horoscope for most of the year, so there
    is no reason to think that he will lead his country toward admission
    to the European Union this year either. Things will remain unchanged,
    although some sort of cataclysms may be possible in November.

    Emomali Rakhmonov His horoscope is reminiscent of Putin's. There is a
    difference of only two days. For most of the year, Jupiter will be in
    Libra, which is favorable for the Tajikistani leader, just as it is
    for the Russian. His sphere of influence may broaden and his
    authority increase. Complications arise only in fall, in September
    and October. The eclipse of the Sun on October 3 will bring
    substantial changes in the politician's life.

    Mikhail Saakashvili The young Georgian president's chart is harsh.
    His knows how to fight and to achieve his goals. His emotions can
    draw him into conflicts. The general energy of the planets in his
    chart is not very high. But he is fully capable of facing the
    difficulties that stand before him in 2005. The most difficult months
    for him will be April, August and November. If he makes it through
    those dangerous periods, Georgia will not be threatened with