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Ukraine: a new cold war

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  • Ukraine: a new cold war

    Ukraine: a new cold war


    Le Monde diplomatique
    January 2005

    The victory of Viktor Yushchenko in the third round of presidential
    elections in Ukraine does not necessarily mean that the country will
    completely join the Euro-Atlantic camp, bringing a dowry of oil and gas
    pipelines and overland access to Central Asian markets.

    By Jean-Marie Chauvier

    Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was once President Jimmy Carter's national
    security adviser, spent much of his career predicting and preparing
    for the current rollback of Russian power, in which Ukraine is playing
    a decisive role. In his latest book (1) Brzezinski argues that as the
    Euro-Atlantic sphere of influence spreads east, it is vital to include
    the new independent states, especially Ukraine, that were previously
    part of the Soviet Union.

    His forecasts are fast coming true, and the impending political
    upheaval maybe the largest since the break-up of the USSR and of
    Yugoslavia. It would bring into the Euro-Atlantic camp a country
    larger than France, with a population of 48 million, a powerful
    network of oil pipelines and another pipeline that carries 90% of the
    Siberian gas supplied to Europe. The orange revolution in Ukraine's
    capital, Kiev, and in the west of the country, both of which rejected
    massive fraud during the two rounds of the presidential election on 31
    October and 21 November, and voted again on December 26, suggests that
    the process is already happening.

    Viktor Yushchenko, at the head of a nationalist free-market coalition,
    has won the third round of the election, backed by a massive popular
    uprising, the United States, the European Union and international
    media. By mid-December the orange wave had even spread into eastern
    and southern areas, traditionally the power base of Victor Yanukovich,
    the former prime minister and the candidate backed by the regime in
    power. Electors in the chiefly industrial, Russian-speaking and
    eastward-looking part of Ukraine failed to mobilise in favour of their
    candidate, discouraged by the climate of distrust surrounding a
    notoriously corrupt regime. The Communist party, led by Piotr
    Simonenko, still exerts a certain influence, but refused to side with
    either faction. Many working people are convinced that both sides are
    led by oligarchs who lined their pockets privatising state industry.

    The solidarity of southern and eastern Ukraine reflects the interests
    of working people, who are worried that radical free-market reform
    will close mines and factories, rather than their actual support for
    the regime. They also fear the nationalism of western Ukraine. Those
    who intended to stay on the right side of the people in power prepared
    for a Yushchenko victory.

    But there are solid obstacles in the way of the Euro-Atlantic dynamic.
    Russia still has plenty of leverage, through its gas exports and the
    oil debts that Ukraine has run up. The eastern regions account for a
    large share of Ukraine's overall income. There is also the question of
    Crimea, an autonomous region, and the Russian naval base at
    Sebastopol. Yushchenko has realised that complete victory for him is

    To avert disaster

    As a US study notes: "The Russian defeat in Ukraine is nearly
    complete" (2). But the EU, subcontracted as a troubleshooter, does not
    want political upheaval to jeopardise its supply of natural gas. It
    has to find a compromise or run the risk of a disaster. The colourful
    international television presentation of the election standoff, with
    its pro-western good guy and pro-Russian baddie, so completely
    disregarded the worst-case scenario - that Ukraine would split in two
    - that the president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and
    Development, Jacques Attali, felt obliged to warn Europe of another
    disaster on its doorstep, resembling that in Yugoslavia (3).

    For some, the orange revolution came at just the right time. The
    Ukrainian state is disintegrating, the economy is in tatters and
    emigration rampant. The cultural and social divide is steadily
    widening and people are disgusted at the criminal behaviour so common,
    as it is in Russia, over the distribution of property and power. The
    current events are an ideal opportunity to destabilise Ukraine and
    open the way for the US and Nato to the heart of Eurasia. There is no
    time to be lost. The economy in Russia and Ukraine is beginning to
    pick up and Moscow is again promoting a Eurasian common market.

    The Bush administration in the US is thought to have spent $65m
    supporting Yushchenko (4), but preparations for the orange revolution
    started long ago; it was launched in Kiev on 17 February 2002. Under
    the aegis of financier George Soros's celebrated foundation (5), the
    former US secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, called on
    representatives of 280 Ukrainian NGOs to contest the regime and
    supervise the parliamentary elections in March 2003. A similar
    technique proved most effective in Georgia's rose revolution. At the
    Davos Forum on 30 January last year, Albright, speaking as the chair
    of the National Democratic Institute, singled out Ukraine, Colombia,
    Nigeria and Indonesia as four key democracies ripe for immediate

    Saving democracy

    Back in Kiev on 21 February, she spoke of the prospect of Ukraine soon
    joining the EU and Nato, and recalled a letter from President George
    Bush in August 2003, pressing President Leonid Kuchma not to run for
    the presidency or any other public office (6). In March she wrote in
    the New York Times: "Already on the agenda is the Bush
    administration's plan for promoting democracy in the Middle
    East. Saving democracy in Ukraine belongs on that agenda, too"
    (7). She added: "If, however, the elections are fraudulent, Ukraine's
    leaders should know that . . . their own bank accounts and visa
    privileges will be jeopardised." Western media kept quiet about the
    supervisory role of a huge network of US institutes and foundations,
    only too happy to be "spreading democracy".

    Although the campaigners had picked their targets well - corrupt
    regimes and their electoral abuses - their indignation was initially
    selective. They did not trouble presidents Yeltsin, Putin,
    Shevardnadze or Kuchma as long as they could be useful, as is still
    the case with the authoritarian regime in Azerbaijan (which turns the
    taps on the Caspian oil wells and pipelines of strategic interest to
    the West) and in Turkmenistan, with its gas fields.

    In September 2004 Albright and the former Czech president, Vaclav
    Havel, called for a tougher line on Moscow, backed by personalities
    across the political spectrum (8). But, strangely, they said nothing
    about the war in Chechnya, although it was much in the news after the
    Beslan hostage tragedy earlier that month. Instead they opted to raise
    a new issue, highlighting the threatening attitude of Putin's foreign
    policy towards "Russia's neighbours and Europe's energy security".

    Reading between the lines, the true issues are clear. The crisis in
    Ukraine coincides with other events that are weakening Russia and
    impacting directly or indirectly on oil and gas pipelines. Western
    firms are building energy corridors, notably the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    pipeline (9), to deprive Russian networks of control over energy
    exports. At the same time the West is increasing its military
    influence in Azerbaijan and Georgia and stirring up trouble in the
    Caucasus. Further north, in Chechnya, the Russian army is embroiled in
    a worsening, barbaric conflict with radical terrorists. The Beslan
    tragedy, in predominantly Christian Ossetia, adds a religious
    dimension to existing problems. Neighbouring multi-ethnic Dagestan
    may slide into chaos. To the south separatist conflicts are brewing in
    Georgia (Abkhazia, South Ossetia) and in Azerbaijan, locked in dispute
    with Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave.

    The stage is set for a new cold war'

    Putin's geopolitical defeats, coupled with Russia's demographic and
    social problems, have prompted some CIA analysts to predict that
    Russia will disintegrate within 10 years (10). Brzezinski imagined a
    similar outcome in a 1997 book (11), positing a tri-partite Russian
    confederation - a European Russia, a republic in Siberia and another
    in East Asia. Recently he suggested that this process might start with
    the Caucasus, claiming that Nato might have to intervene to rescue the
    northern republics of the Caucasus from Russian domination (12). In
    the strategy imagined by the joint founder of the Trilateral
    Commission (13), Europe would act as a bridgehead, the long-term aims
    being to prevent Russia from becoming a world power again, to colonise
    Siberia and gain control of its energy resources. The stage is set for
    a new cold war, of which the Kosovo conflict was just a foretaste.

    When the communist bloc collapsed in 1989-91, its former members
    rejoined the capitalist system. But the whole world had changed:
    markets were becoming global, with transnational companies in a
    pivotal position, under the overall hegemony of the US and a dominant
    neoliberal ideology. The role ordained for former eastern bloc
    countries was all too clear: supplying low-cost labour, brainpower,
    know-how and the remains of their aerospace industry. They would open
    their markets to competitive foreign products, and, above all, extract
    and transport energy to the US, Europe, Japan and China (14).

    The countries that once made up the USSR were far from equal. Under
    the leadership of Boris Yeltsin, Russia could draw on generous
    reserves of exportable oil and gas, while commanding a degree of
    respect as a nuclear power. It also displayed the greatest
    determination to carry out free-market shock treatment and qualified
    as a priority for western investors. Ukraine, under Leonid Kravchuk,
    had none of these assets - having agreed to give up its nuclear
    weapons - and was consequently neglected. In 1991 President George
    Bush senior went so far as to caution it against "suicidal

    Only later did the West wake up to the potential benefits of a truly
    independent Ukraine opposed to Russia. In strategic terms it offered
    several major advantages. It could act as a corridor for energy
    exports and, in the opposite direction, a highway to the markets of
    southern Russia as far as the Black Sea, the Caucasus and the Caspian

    The dislocation of the USSR benefited Russia, but it stripped Ukraine
    bare. It could no longer purchase energy at Soviet prices, but had to
    pay the going international rate for oil and gas. To pay off its
    mounting debts, Ukraine soon had to give Russian investors a share in
    its industry. But the two countries realised they needed to work
    together to rebuild the industrial processes destroyed in
    1990-91. After a decade of decay, during which Ukraine's gross
    domestic product dropped more than 50% and absolute poverty gripped
    much of the population, growth and investment finally returned to
    Ukraine, as they had to Russia.

    So Moscow has both assets and allies in the present game, and its
    Ukrainian friends are not mere vassals. In 2004 the government in Kiev
    opted for joint Russian and Ukrainian management of the gas pipeline,
    rather than allowing the Russians to appropriate it. During the latest
    round of privatisations, Yanukovich turned down Russian and US offers,
    giving priority to a group from Eastern Ukraine. Clans left over from
    the Soviet period govern industrial relations. One controls the
    Donbass (Donets Basin), another the Dnepropetrovsk (right bank of the
    Dnieper), and the third Kiev. Nepotism and organised crime are just as
    common as in the west but take different forms. Yushchenko, a former
    banker, takes good care of western investors. His aide, Yuliya
    Timoshenko, is suspected of personally benefiting from dealings in
    Siberian gas. The new nuclear power stations in western Ukraine use
    Russian technology. All the while a common economic space,
    encompassing Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, has been taking
    shape as an alternative to the EU. Russia has been more active since
    1999, launching initiatives in industry, oil, arms and trade in an
    effort to restore its power and counter US penetration of its former

    Russia is regaining its strength

    Putin's Eurasian projects, the start of nuclear weapons programmes,
    the taming of oil oligarchs, and the reappraisal of the "illegal"
    privatisations of the 1990s are all signs that Russia is regaining
    strength and is still a force to be reckoned with. The crisis in
    Ukraine seemed a good opportunity to show Putin that he was going too
    far. But he is not easily impressed. On a recent visit to New Delhi he
    broke with the cautious attitude that he has adopted since Russia
    became a strategic ally of the US after 9/11, to accuse it, in veiled
    terms, of "dictatorship" in the international arena (15).

    Anti-western ideologists such as Alexander Dugin, recommend the
    Eurasian route for Russia. The cold war that some see as imminent
    would not confront two opposing systems, as before. Rather it would
    attempt to use Ukraine, which has so far made little progress along
    the road to free market reform, to undermine Russia, before it settles
    its differences with its neighbours and realises its full economic

    As the orange revolution unfolded in Kiev, a Russian arts weekly
    appeared with a photomontage on its front page showing a row of tiny
    members of the European parliament attacking gigantic Red Army
    soldiers, who were wearing uniforms of the Great Patriotic War
    (1941-45). Page two featured a picture of demonstrators in eastern
    Ukraine carrying a banner marked "No to Banderovchtchina" (16). The
    underlying message was that the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany,
    which Russia is preparing to celebrate on 9 May 2005, was being
    denigrated in Europe, especially at the European parliament (17), and
    in western Ukraine. Here was further evidence that the cause once
    defended by Stepan Bandera (18) was still alive.

    Russian and Ukrainian history books differ on several points. Soviet
    historians maintain that Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalist (OUN)
    combatants collaborated with Nazi forces and were a party to genocide.
    In Ukraine they have been partly rehabilitated. Stepan Bandera and the
    Ukrainian Insurgent Army count as patriots who fought both Hitler and
    Stalin (19). In Galicia and Ivano-Frankivsk, revisionism has gone so
    far that some people now pay tribute to the Galicia Waffen SS
    division. Extremists have daubed swastikas and anti-semitic slogans
    on the Russian cultural centre in Lviv, and denouncing moskali-Kike
    (Jewish Moscow supporters) is back in fashion. Despite being backed by
    several far-right parties, Yushchenko has distanced himself from the
    most radical groups.

    Under the Kuchma regime, Ukraine celebrated the victories of the Red
    Army and reinstated its adversaries in the national liberation
    movement, its opposition to the Stalinist regime fuelled by resentment
    born of the famine-genocide of 1932-33. According to the Ukrainian
    historian Taras Kuzio, the diaspora in the US and Canada has played an
    essential role in the battle to restore national identity. Many of the
    exiles come from Galicia and are much influenced by branches of the
    OUN, which is heavily committed to the democratic cause (disregarding
    extreme minority factions). After 1991 the work of the diaspora in
    Ukraine focused mainly on education, the arts and media. It has proved
    remarkably effective, particularly when compared with the ideological
    vacuum of the former nomenklatura (20).

    Attraction of the West

    The rebirth of a Ukrainian ideal competes with the huge attraction
    that the West has for Ukraine's youth, which has turned its back on
    both the USSR and Russia. Alexander Tsipko, a conservative Russian
    nationalist writer (21), complains that people in eastern and southern
    Ukraine have lost their sense of Russian history, but agrees that in
    the centre and west a new political identity is emerging. Unlike
    eastern Ukraine, a generation has grown up that knows nothing of the
    Soviet community and does not interact with contemporary Russia. These
    are the people who demonstrated in Kiev.

    To win them back, Russia and eastern Ukraine would have to move closer
    to the free market model. Neoliberals in Russia hope the orange
    revolution will prove contagious. The Union of the Right party
    suffered defeat at home in the general elections of December 2003, but
    its leader Boris Nemstov visited Kiev soon after the elections to hail
    the victory of its allies in Yushchenko's Our Ukraine party. He
    accused Russia of being a leading rogue state.

    The battle is now on for the general elections in 2006. On 8 December
    the Rada (upper assembly) finally passed the constitutional reform
    advocated by Kuchma, but refused by orange activists and their US
    sponsors. Yushchenko agreed to the law in exchange for guarantees on
    the 26 December vote and his rival Yanukovich's resignation as prime
    minister. Decisive political realignment now seems inevitable, as the
    reform is designed to replace the existing presidential regime with
    parliamentary democracy. At the same time the debate on a federal
    division of Ukraine has new impetus. Does this mean that the Ukraine
    is breaking up, or will it continue on a new footing, plural but

    The crisis in Ukraine raises other questions. How would Europe and
    Ukraine benefit from closer relations? Should either oppose Russia,
    rather than working with it? What do they stand to gain from a cold
    war concocted in Washington, with help from Prague, Riga and Warsaw?
    Is the EU in a position to honour Albright's promises of speedy

    The Kremlin can expect further attempts at destabilisation. How much
    longer will it allow the West to encroach on its preserves, as it begs
    for a seat at the high table? And for the investments it needs to
    sustain oil revenue? Ukraine runs the risk of division but this crisis
    may also lead to serious upheaval in Moscow.


    (1) Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Choice: Global Domination or Global
    Leadership, Basic Books, New York, 2004.

    (2) Peter Zeihan, "Russia: After Ukraine", Stratfor, 10 December 2004.

    (3) Le Figaro, Paris, 7 December 2004.

    (4) Mat Kelley, Associated Press, 11 December 2004.

    (5) The International Renaissance Foundation reports $50m spending
    between 1990-9.

    (6) Zerkalo Nedeli, Kiev, 28 February- 2 March 2004.

    (7) New York Times, 8 March 2004.

    (8) An open letter to heads of state and government of the EU and Nato
    signed by 100 leading figures, 30 September 2004.

    (9) BTC: Baku (Azerbaijan), Tbilisi (Georgia) Ceyhan (Turkey) pipeline.

    (10) The Independent, London, 30 April 2004.

    (11) Brzezinski, Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic
    Imperatives, Basic Books, New York, 1997.

    (12) Brzezinski, The Choice, op cit.

    (13) The Trilateral Commission was established in 1973. Its founder and
    primary financial angel was financier David Rockefeller, inspired by a
    proposal by Brzezinski to form an alliance between North America,
    western Europe and Japan.

    (14) "Quelle place pour la Russie dans le monde?", in "Les guerres
    antiterroristes", Contradictions, Brussels, 2004.

    (15) Itar-Tass news agency, 4 December 2004.

    (16) Literaturnaļa Gazeta, 1-7 December 2004.

    (17) Regnum news agency claimed some 90 MEPs signed a letter calling for
    a boycott of the ceremonies in Moscow in response to an appeal by
    Estonian MEP Tunne Kelam.

    (18) Leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists who inspired
    the Ukrainian Insurgent Army from 1942.

    (19) See Bruno Drweski: "L'Ukraine, une nation en chantier" in La
    Nouvelle Alternative, n° 36, December 1994.

    (20) See Taras Kuzio, Courrier des Pays de l'Est, n° 1002, Paris,
    February 2000.

    (21) A former communist party ideologist, Tsipko became a leading critic
    at the end of the 1980s.

    Translated by Harry Forster