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Winter Break Champion Tipper - The Secret of his Success

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  • Winter Break Champion Tipper - The Secret of his Success

    Deutsche Welle, Germany
    Jan 18 2005

    Winter Break Champion Tipper - The Secret of his Success

    Do you try to predict the winners of Bundesliga matches, but bet on
    the losers? Meet Artem from Armenia, the tipper currently topping
    DW-WORLD's Kick-Off Tip betting game halfway through the German
    soccer season.

    Artem is a 46 year-old physicist from Yerevan in Armenia. A soccer
    fan who now works and lives in the town of Deajeon in South Korea,
    Artem has been an avid and passionate fan of the game since childhood
    and has followed the top European leagues for as long as he can

    Because South Korean television does not always carry the reports or
    show the games from the Bundesliga and other European competitions,
    Artem gets most of his information from the Internet. It seems to be
    paying off for Artem who, with a winter break score of 129 points, is
    sitting pretty on the top of the tipper's league table ahead of many
    players who have the luxury of watching the Bundesliga live. DW-WORLD
    asks the current pace setter what his secret for success is.

    DW-WORLD: What is the secret of your success?

    Artem: I can simply guess the results better. I can't give away my
    secrets or there will be many other people instead of me out in

    DW: How is it that a soccer fan from Armenia can be the best tipper
    in a game about the Bundesliga featuring more than 3,000 players?

    Artem: I have been interested in soccer since my childhood. I have
    followed many of the soccer leagues in Europe and I know the German
    national team quite well. However, I've been living in South Korea
    now for over a year and it's a lot more difficult to find out about
    the games here than in Armenia.

    DW: Do you have any special ways to prepare before the games?

    Artem: No, I have no special preparations.

    DW: Are there any teams with which you have more success than others?

    Artem: In the first half of the season, I have guessed many of the
    right results featuring Hamburg and Hanover but I have also had a few
    successes with teams such as Bayern Munich and Stuttgart.

    DW: Do you have any advice for those players who have picked up very
    few points in the betting game?

    Artem: I have no advice which can help these people.

    DW: Do you tip as part of a team or do you play alone?

    Artem: I play alone but I have also had many offers to join a team.

    DW: What is your main motivation? To win the prize or is it simply
    sporting ambition, to be better than the others?

    Artem: Sporting ambition and the desire to be first.

    DW: Does it irritate you to receive mails from your fellow

    Artem: I do not communicate often in these mails. Mostly I get
    questions about my strategies which I do not talk about, as I
    mentioned before. Maybe I will reveal some secrets at the end of the
    season if I win.

    DW: What would make the Kick-Off Tip game even better, in your
    opinion? Is there anything which the game lacks?

    Artem: I think everything runs very well in the game. Maybe I think
    that because I am out in front.

    Martin Schülke/ Sergey Gushcha

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress