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Russian defence minister upbeat on army-media relations

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  • Russian defence minister upbeat on army-media relations

    Russian defence minister upbeat on army-media relations

    ITAR-TASS news agency
    18 Jan 05

    Moscow, 19 January: Thanks to joint efforts of the army and
    journalists "a new model of relations in the sphere of information,
    built on the principles of utmost openness, mutual interest and
    constructive partnership, is currently being formed". Russian Defence
    Minister Sergey Ivanov said this at a reception for military observers
    in the Russian media, held on the occasion of the Russian Press Day.

    According to him, this is demonstrated by the fact, that "in the past
    year over 11,000 journalists have been accredited to work within the
    forces". Over 900 journalists from central media outlets had worked at
    Defence Ministry facilities in the zones of conflict and peacekeeping
    operations. Over 600 of those - in Chechnya, Abkhazia and south
    Ossetia, over 160 in Tajikistan, over 100 in Armenia and 16 in Sierra

    Apart from that, Ivanov said, "opportunities for direct access to
    members of administration, heads of services and directorates of the
    Defence Ministry on a broad range of issues are successfully being
    offered under the Press Club arrangements, during assignments to visit
    the troops and on foreign trips, as well as at briefings and press
    conferences". Altogether over 15,000 articles on various aspects of
    military organization and day-to-day life of the army and navy have
    been published in the central press in 2004.

    In Ivanov's estimate, the Defence Ministry is doing its best for the
    successful development of its relations with the media. In particular,
    the Defence Ministry has created "new structures, aimed at closer
    interaction with the media and the public".