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Armenian public body "outraged" by US official statement on Karabakh

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  • Armenian public body "outraged" by US official statement on Karabakh

    Armenian public body "outraged" by US official statement on Karabakh

    18 Jan 05


    It stands to reason that the recent statement by US Assistant State
    Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Elizabeth Jones, which
    contained provocative assessments of the Karabakh problem, cannot but
    cause outrage, said a statement of the Artsakh [Karabakh] Patriotic
    Union public organization made public at today's news conference by
    its leader and member of the [Armenian] National Assembly, Gamlet

    One can see that by making this statement, Elizabeth Jones has decided
    to bring to nought many years of efforts made by experienced
    co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group from the USA, Russia and France,
    which has more than once said that the Karabakh problem is unique and
    different from any other conflict in the post-Soviet area, the
    statement said. The authors of the statement stressed that it was
    wrong to draw parallels between the Karabakh problem and other
    conflicts in the post-Soviet area, let alone to say that separatist
    regimes ruled there.

    "Nagornyy Karabakh is an established state with the same level of
    democratization as in other former Soviet countries," the statement
    said. The authors of the statement noted that Nagornyy Karabakh gained
    its independence as a result of a liberation war against "colonisers"
    just like the USA. Statements of this kind are provocative, the
    statement said. The authors intend to turn to the US embassy in
    Armenia to get explanations.

    To recap, speaking about the forthcoming meeting between the
    presidents of the USA and Russia, Elizabeth Jones said that [US
    President] George Bush was concerned that Russia did not exert
    appropriate pressure to resolve the Dniester, South Ossetia, Abkhaz
    and Nagornyy Karabakh conflicts. She said, in particular: "It is in
    Russia's interests that Dniester, South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Nagornyy
    Karabakh are stable and incorrupt and that the criminal separatist
    regimes ruling there are brought down."