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Newsletter from, date: 11-01-2005 to 18-01-2005

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  • Newsletter from, date: 11-01-2005 to 18-01-2005

    [15-01-2005 'Karabagh Conflict']
    ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
    Source : `Azg' newspaper (Armenia)
    Author: Tatul Hakobian

    `The meetings of the foreign Minister of Armenia and Azerbaijan under
    the `Prague format' have revived the Minsk Process. The fact-finding
    mission that is to study the situation at the occupied territories of
    Azerbaijan, must be considered as a positive step to put a basis for
    further progress', the OSCE Acting Chairman, Sloveninan Foreign
    Minister Dmitri Rupel announced.

    As `Mediamax' agency reports, having spoken at the session of the
    OSCE, the Slovenian diplomat, having spoken at the session of OSCE
    Permanent Council in Vienna noted that this year OSCE `should double
    its effort aimed at the resolution of Mountainous Karabagh conflict'.

    At the evening press-conference of January 12 the Deputy Minister of
    Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Araz Azimov announced that the OSCE
    fact-finding mission will arrive in Baku on January 28. The mission
    will also include the co-chairmen of the Minsk Group. Before that, as
    Azimov noted, on January 21 in Vienna the meeting of MG co-chairmen
    and representatives of Finland, Italy, Sweden and Germany, taking part
    in the OSCE mission, will take place.

    According to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, the
    mission will visit Kelbajar, Lachin, Kubatli, Zangelan and Jebrail
    regions. At the same time the delegation does not envisage visiting
    the Fizuli and Agdam regions, because `no facts of populating these
    areas have been reported'.

    Recently the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Valeriy
    Loshinin in the annual report on cooperation between Moscow and the
    CIS countries, noted that Baku promised not to put to UN's agenda its
    draft resolution, in exchange for which Yerevan promised to provide
    assistance to the OSCE monitoring on the occupied territories.

    Azimov noted that while the negotiations between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan are progressing with great difficulties, `there are certain
    common edges in the stances taken by the parties, however, there are
    also serious controversies'. On the other hand, Azimov added, `lately
    serious interest of Armenia in the activation of negotiations process
    is notable'.

    On the eve of the meeting Foreign Ministers Oskanian and Mamedyarov in
    Prague the Russian co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group Yuri Merzlyakov
    said that Armenia has agreed to certain concessions, and `it is
    Azerbaijan's turn'.

    At the press-conference in Baku Azimov presented the readiness of
    Azerbaijan to restore the communication with Armenia on the condition
    that Armenians withdraw `from occupied territories'. According to
    Azimov, within the Prague process the issue of withdrawing Armenian
    forces from about 7 Azerbaijani regions of Mountainous Karabagh were

    In this regard the press-secretary of the RA Ministry of Foreign
    Affairs hamlet Gasparian announced yesterday in his interview to
    `Arminfo' news agency: `We do not think it proper to speak about the
    details and past resolution stages. This has been enough spoken
    about. We would not like to enter into long-distance disputes with
    anyone on this stage, since we think it useless'.

    Azimov denied the reports about the agreement on conductance of a
    referendum in Karabagh to transfer MK to Armenian authority. In the
    course of his last press-conference Vardan Oskanian, answering the
    question of `Azg' newspaper on the referendum said: `Allow me to
    refrain from answering this question. All the questions, related to
    Karabagh are currently on the negotiations table. How they will
    correlate and coordinate and in what sequence they will be applied
    remain to be seen. The process will be rather complex, but there are
    certain possibilities'.

    Previously Oskanian recommended the journalists not to pay attention
    to the articles published in the French `Figaro' newspaper, where `the
    general trends existing today in the issue of Mountainous Karabagh are
    expressed'. The head of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Pierre
    Lelouche and the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain Ana
    Palacio wrote in `Figàro' that `Armenia must temporarily administer
    Mountainous Karabagh, the further status of which will be determined
    by a referendum five or ten years ago'.

    [12-01-2005 'Region']
    Source : `Vatan' newspaper (Turkey)

    Russian President Vladimir Putin announced about Russia's willingness
    to be a mediator and guarantor in settling the relations between
    Armenia and Turkey, now in crisis as a result of Karabagh conflict.

    According to Putin, Russia will do its utmost to settle the conflict
    and noted that Armenia is also searching for solutions at present.

    Prime-Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on a visit to Moscow with a
    delegation of 600 entrepreneurs, met Putin on a forum at a President
    Hotel. In the course of the meeting, Premier Erdogan stated, `We have
    come a long way. Our joint steps will help us become more open to the
    World'. He also stressed that certain tension may arise in the
    relations between the two countries, however it should be
    overcome. Russian President Putin stated that for developing the
    relations both countries should be sincere in their aspiration for
    rapprochement. He also outlined a range of issues discussed at the
    meeting, particularly the issues on restoration and restructuring in
    Iraq. Putin noted that Turkish infrastructure will be used to this
    purpose. President declared that events in Iraq cause serious
    concern. He also reminded that 30 January will witness the first
    elections in Iraq after settling the state of emergency, and
    emphasized that Russia will do its utmost for restoring
    Iraq. According to President of Russia, the main issue of the
    negotiations was economic relations: gas transportation network,
    construction of a gas-holder in Turkey, transportation of Russian gas
    to third countries, construction of gas stations in Turkey. Putin
    informed about Russia's willingness to participate in the system of
    gas and power supply of Turkey. Russian President also stressed that
    Russia aspires to transportation of oil and gas not only through
    pipelines but also using land and sea routes. In this respect, it is
    essential to activate cooperation with the Black Sea countries.
    President Putin also stressed the necessity for developing cooperation
    in the sphere of tourism. According to President of Russian
    Federation, misbalanced relations in the construction sector result in
    the volume of Turkish investments in Russia amounting to 1.5 milliard
    dollars, whereas the volume of Russian investments in Turkey reaching
    350 million dollars. Putin expressed an opinion that this issue will
    be resolved after Russia's joining World Trade Organization.

    Proposal on Mediation in Relations with Armenia

    In his speech, Putin also raised the issue of Mountainous Karabagh,
    which has become the main cause of the crisis in Turkish-Armenian
    relations. In his opinion, Russia is aware of the problem in the
    relations between the two countries, stressing that Turkey and Russia
    stick to the policy of good neighborly relations. Thus, Russia will
    take all efforts for settling the conflicts, persisting after USSR
    disintegration. President of Russian Federation stated that Russia is
    ready to serve as a mediator and guarantor in solving the problem, `We
    are aware of serious historical problems in place between Turkey and
    Armenia. We are also aware of the Turkish position towards Armenia.
    However, Armenia is searching for the ways of settling the conflict
    and improving the relations with Turkey, which will be supported by
    Russia as far as possible'.

    Prime-Minister Erdogan expressed solidarity with Russia in this issue
    and noted that Turkish policy on Armenia should lead not to an impasse
    but a way out. Erdogan condemned Armenia's position on the issue of
    recognizing the Kars Treaty and stated that Turkey has opened air
    communication with Armenia, however the negative stance of the latter
    leads to the closed land border. Erdogan expressed his concern over
    the fact that despite Turkey's efforts aimed at normalizing relations,
    Armenia sticks to anti-Turkish positions. He stated, `We aspire to
    settling any disputes with Armenia. We strive for multilateral
    development of the relations. Armenia is our only resentful neighbor.
    We do not wish to have resentful neighbors'.

    On his visit to Moscow, Prime-Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was
    accompanied by State minister Kursad Tuzmen, Minster of Energy and
    Natural Resources Hilmi Guler, Minister of Industry and Trade Ali
    Coskun, Minister of Trade and Social Security Murat Basesgioglu, over
    50 deputies, representatives of business and press.

    [12-01-2005 'Karabagh Conflict']
    Source : `Echo' newspaper (Azerbaijan)
    Author: R. Orujev

    Foreign Ministers of the Two Countries, Elmar Mamedyarov and Vartan
    Oskanian Plan to Meet Again

    On Tuesday, Prague (Czechia), regular negotiations on Mountainous
    Karabagh conflict settlement started with the participation of
    Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign Ministers - Elmar Mamediarov and
    Vartan Oskanian, including OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairmen.

    According to the reports from Czech capital, the negotiations of
    Foreign Ministers started at 10.00 by local time. American and Russian
    Co-chairmen - Steven Mann and Yuri Merzlakov - participated at the
    meeting. Among the participants was Anjey Kasprshik, representative of
    OSCE Chairman. The negations lasted for three hours.

    After the negotiations, E. Mamediarov declared to the journalists that
    despite the problematic character of negotiations they are still
    underway. He also noted that by the end of February and early March,
    one of European capitals will host another meeting. Mamediarov stated
    that the main result of these meetings should be withdrawal of
    Armenian troops from Azerbaijani territories and return of Azerbaijani
    displaced persons to their original places of residence.AR Foreign
    Minister noted that in official Baku fundamental issues, Azerbaijani
    side will not make any concessions; no compromise will be made as
    regards the issue of the country's territorial integrity.

    In his turn, head of Armenian MFA, V. Oskanian, by the end of
    negotiations declared that discussion of these issues of settlement is
    in open frames. In his opinion, the sides conduct an `open
    discussion'. `At these negotiations, the sides consolidated all the
    principles agreed upon during previous negotiations'. Oskanian
    declared that Armenia has several basic requirements, stating that
    Mountainous Karabagh and Azerbaijan should have `horizontal
    relations'. Azerbaijan should agree to return official Yerevan the
    control over Lachin corridor, linking Armenia with Azerbaijan.
    Besides, the Azerbaijani side should provide security guarantees to
    Armenian population of Mountainous Karabagh. "However, the Azerbaijani
    side has not yet agreed to any of these conditions', Oskanian stated.

    After that, the tête-à-tête meetings between each
    of Minsk Group Co-chairmen and Foreign Ministers took place.Yesterday,
    head of Azerbaijani MFA press-service, Metin Mirza made a report on
    the previous negotiations. He stated that the separate meetings of
    Co-chairmen with each of the Ministers raised the issue of sending to
    Mountainous Karabagh and other occupied territories of Azerbaijan a
    mission on establishing facts about populating these lands with
    Armenian residents.

    According to Mirza, the position of Azerbaijan remains the same: the
    subject of negotiations cannot be territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
    Settlement of Karabagh conflict may only be in the frames of
    Azerbaijani territorial integrity, liberation of occupied territories
    and return of the refugees to their homes.

    Former AR Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tofik Zulfugarov expressed his
    view about the current Prague negotiations, `The problem is that it is
    the stage-by-stage option of negotiations that is meant, whereas
    Armenians want the point on conducting the referendum in Mountainous
    Karabagh to become a part of the agreement on liberating part of the
    territories just at the first stage. Azerbaijan should agree to
    provide the Armenian population of Karabagh with the right for
    expressing its free will without any restrictions. Kocharian will not
    agree to any other step not determining the status of Mountainous
    Karabagh beforehand, because the right for a referendum is de facto
    independence of Mountainous Karabagh, and Azerbaijan will not allow

    [12-01-2005 'Region']
    Source : `Resonasi' newspaper (Georgia)
    Author: Manana Mchedlishvili

    `Kars-Akhalkalaki' railway and `Ilchevsk-Poti' ferry raise
    significance of Georgia

    Two new `fibers' - the railway, linking the Turkish city of Kars with
    Georgian Akhalkalaki, and the ferry, navigating between the Russian
    port of Ilchevsk and Georgia Poti - join the `Great Silk Route',
    passing via Georgia. The significance of the new regional
    transportation arteries, likely to play a large role in interstate
    relations of Georgia with the great `northern neighbor' and the
    smaller `southern neighbor' or the `same weight' neighbors like
    Azerbaijan and Armenia, is discussed by prominent Georgian experts:
    economists Sandro Tvalchrelidze and Niko Orvelashvilli, political
    scientist Ramaz Sakvarelidze.

    In accordance with the agreement, already signed by Georgian Minister
    of Economic Development, Aleksi Aleksishvili and Russian Minister of
    Transportation, Igor Levitin, within a week's time, between Georgia
    and Russia, a ferry will be launched, connecting the Georgian port of
    Poti with the Russian port of Ilchevsk. As regards the second project,
    possible railway connection between Georgian city of Akhalkalaki and
    Turkish Kars, will be thoroughly considered in early August (2-5
    August of the current year) in the Turkish capital Ankara among the
    representatives of the railway departments of the two countries. The
    construction of 120 kilometers' railway will be considered, of which
    30 kilometers are on Georgian territory, and 90 - in Turkey. The total
    cost of the project is approximately 400 million dollars. The Turkish
    side is willing to cover the main portion of the costs, according
    preliminary data. Russia is also very interested in the railway,
    connecting Georgia and Turkey, which gives certain reasons for
    assuming that Russian participation in laying the rail route is a
    probability. The interest of concrete and potential project
    participants is accounted for by sheer economic experience - railway
    transportation of the freight is the cheapest and able to reduce the
    cost of export-import operations.

    For Georgia, claiming for the role of a leading transit state in the
    region, implementation of the projects raises great hopes for
    increasing both its activity in this plane and improving economic
    situation as a whole. Particularly, expert in economic issues, Sandro
    Tvalchrelidze thinks that `Kars-Akhalkalaki' railway, alongside
    strategic advantages, will concretely improve the infrastructure of
    the whole Georgian railway. "It will increase the social level of the
    regional population, open new job places. `Kars-Akhalkalaki' rail
    route is an integral part of the global project for restoring `Great
    Silk Route' and it may have a huge role in the functioning of
    `Europe-Asia' corridor. Taken the visible potential impact, Georgian
    government's use of the latter is very important. With an accurate
    approach, Georgia may not only become a leading country in the region,
    but also start playing a significant role on international level.
    Neither Turkey, nor Russia will attempt to help us in this
    sphere. Future serious role of Georgia largely hinges on our own
    forces,' Sandro Tvalchrelidze stated to `Resonansi' newspaper.

    Another expert in economy sphere, Niko Oravelashvili, in general
    agreement with the previous respondent, keeps to the view that Turkey,
    having more developed political culture than Russia, is a more
    constructive ally for Turkey, as regards increasing the geopolitical
    role. `Turkey, a NATO member, aspires to EU membership. In this
    respect, we have similar objectives, so we can assume that coincidence
    of Turkish and Georgian political vectors may engender a real
    strategic alliance to be partially implemented in the construction and
    operation of `Kars-Akhalkalaki' railway. In addition, it should
    certainly be kept in mind that Turkey will not undertake anything
    instead of us', he stated to `Resonansi' newspaper.

    Political scientist Ramaz Sakvarelidze holds that construction of
    `Kars-Akhalkalaki' railway will increase Turkish influence in
    Georgia. Although, he thinks that it will not be that significant.
    `First and foremost, I mean economic influence'. It started quite a
    while ago, when the Georgian market came to be filled with Turkish
    produce. I want to emphasize that Turkey did not make an optimal use
    of this circumstance, since our market mostly gets low quality
    commodities, and as a result, Turkish goods do not enjoy such a good
    reputation on the Georgian market. For Georgia, optimal use means
    functioning of Russian `horizontal' route - Poti-Ilchevsk ferry and
    `vertical' Turkish route - `Kars-Akhalkalaki' railway. In this case,
    there will be a real economic crossroad, able to become a serious
    `export-import-transit' knot, not only on regional level, given the
    right approach', he stated to `Resonansi' newspaper. Besides, he
    emphasized that a similar model may work fully given equal
    participation of neighboring Azerbaijan and Armenia. "The sooner the
    work on creating or restoring full-fledged economic cooperation
    between Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia starts, the better it is for
    all', expert on economic issues Sandro Tvalchrelidze agrees with

    Ramaz Sakvarelidze also thinks that both projects - ferry and railway
    ones - are intertwined. His opinion is based on the fact that Russia
    has certain difficulties in exporting its oil products to European
    markets. Therefore, as Sakvarelidze holds, it may use the opened sea
    route to the Georgian port of Poti for subsequent, still hypothetical
    connection of Novorossiysk oil terminals with `Baku-Ceyhan' oil
    pipeline route. No less profitable is `Poti-Ilchevsk' ferry
    communication for Turkey, long searching for cheapest ways of
    supplying its produce to Russia, whose markets have long been most
    tasty morsels for Ankara.

    In addition, all three respondents stress that maximum effect from
    implementation of the two transportation projects may be reaped by its
    main participants in particular and the region as a whole only in case
    of pure economic cooperation - free of political implications. Ramaz
    Sakvarelidze thus emphasizes that, `Taken the current global
    realities, one cannot dictate exclusively his own conditions,
    interests. Using similar methods creates problems even for United
    States of America. It should be considered that `tricks' of `cold war'
    epoch are a relic of the past'. Note from the Editor: Starting from
    this issue, MediaDialogue will feature a piece from Georgian
    press. Also, mailing of the Newsletter in Armenian language is
    available - to subscribe for it please send a message to the Editor at
    [email protected]

    Yerevan Press Club of Armenia presents `MediaDialogue Web Site as a
    Regional Information Hub' project. As a part of the project web site is maintained, featuring the most
    interesting publications from the press of Armenia, Azerbaijan,
    Georgia and Turkey on issues of mutual concern. The latest updates on
    the site are weekly delivered to the subscribers.