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Annual economic balance

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  • Annual economic balance

    Annual economic balance

    By Mher Ohanian

    January 14, 2005

    The economic index of 2004 was almost similar to the previous year. It
    was again composed of double digits - 10 (previous - 13). The passed
    year also had 3 per cent of inflation and an approximately same size
    of investments, which is noteworthy, given that the year 2004 did not
    get significant funding from Lincy foundation.

    Industry, energy, communications

    In a way, the year was unfavorable for industrial development, namely
    in jewelry and gold spheres. Nevertheless, the overall export of
    Armenia increased by 25 per cent.

    An evident success of 2004 was the start of the Iran-Armenia gas pipe
    construction. This will on the one hand raise the energetic
    independence ofthe country and will create competitive prices on gas
    (in competition with Russian gas). In addition, it will also become
    possible to import cheap gas from Turkmenistan.

    Another milestone of 2004 was the eventual agreement with ArmenTel,
    which yielded at least one sphere of monopoly - cell phone
    communication.A new operator is expected to enter the market. It is
    Kharabagh-originated company called K-Telecom. We shall witness its
    activities in the coming six months.

    Investment balance

    The main progress in this respect was the sale of control package of
    shares of the Zangezur factory of copper-molybdenum to the German
    Chronimed company.

    The overall cost of the deal peaks 132 million dollars. In fact, there
    are 4 shareholders of the factory: Chronimed (60% shares), `Clean
    iron' factory of Yerevan (15% shares), `Armenian Molybdenum
    Production' cjsc(12.5% shares) and `Zangezur mining' cjsc (12.5%
    shares). During 5 primaryyears, there will be 150 million dollars
    invested in the branch.

    Note that the copper-molybdenum factory was sold during the world
    crisis of copper and molybdenum, which probably accounts for the high
    price of the sale.

    In addition, the success of the deal is about the investment prospects
    and creation of jobs, which are expected to rise from current 3000 to

    Another successful investment during 2004 was the purchase of 100 per
    cent share of the Armenian Leda Systems and Arsed companies by the
    famous international Sinopsys company, involved in high-tech. It shows
    the big potential of Armenia in this field.

    Preliminary estimations show 300 million dollars of total private
    investments in Armenia during 2004. However, given the size of shadow
    economy, the real number is likely to be way bigger.