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Iraq to Seal Borders During Election

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  • Iraq to Seal Borders During Election

    Iraq to Seal Borders During Election

    Tuesday January 18, 2005 1:46 PM


    Associated Press Writer

    BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Iraqi officials announced Tuesday that they will
    seal the nation's borders, extend a nighttime curfew and restrict
    movement inside the country to protect voters during the Jan. 30 vote,
    which insurgents are seeking to ruin with a campaign of violence.

    Attacks continued Tuesday, with a suicide car bomber detonating
    explosives outside the offices of a leading Shiite political party,
    killing three other people as part of an apparent rebel campaign to
    frighten Shiites from this month's election. Also, masked gunmen
    killed a Shiite Muslim candidate in the Iraqi capital.

    A video surfaced Tuesday showing eight Chinese workers held hostage by
    gunmen who claim the men are employed by a construction company
    working with U.S. troops, in the latest abduction of foreigners in

    Elsewhere, a Christian archbishop kidnapped by gunmen in the northern
    city of Mosul was released Tuesday, a day after his abduction. The
    Vatican had called his kidnapping a ``terrorist act.''

    Sunni Muslim militants, who make up the bulk of Iraq's insurgency, are
    increasingly honing in on Shiites in their campaign to sabotage the
    parliamentary election that is widely expected to propel their
    religious rivals to a position of dominance.

    Tuesday morning's car bombing gouged a crater in the pavement, left
    several vehicles in flames and spread shredded debris and flesh on the
    street outside the offices of the Supreme Council for the Islamic
    Revolution in Iraq, a main contender in the election.

    The party, known here as SCIRI, has close ties to Iran, and is
    strongly opposed by Sunni Muslim militants.

    The U.S. military reported the bomber and three others were dead and
    four people were injured.

    A spokesman for the Shiite party said it would not be cowed. ``SCIRI
    will not be frightened by such an act,'' Ridha Jawad said. ``SCIRI
    will continue the march toward building Iraq, establishing justice and
    holding the elections.''

    Iraq's Independent Electoral Commission announced that the country's
    international borders would be closed from Jan. 29 until Jan. 31
    except for Muslim pilgrims returning from the hajj in Saudi Arabia.

    Iraqis will also be barred from traveling between provinces and a
    nighttime curfew will be imposed during the same period, according to
    a statement from the commission's Farid Ayar.

    Such measures had been expected because of the grave security
    threat. U.S. and Iraqi authorities are hoping to encourage a
    substantial turnout but fear that if most Sunnis stay away from the
    polls, the legitimacy of the new government will be in doubt.

    Iraq's interior minister warned Tuesday that if the country's Sunni
    Arab minority bows to rebel threats and stays away from the polls, the
    nation could descend into civil war.

    Falah Hassan al-Naqib, a Sunni, told reporters he expects Sunni
    insurgents to escalate attacks in the run-up to the election,
    especially in the Baghdad area. Voters are to choose a new 275-member
    National Assembly.

    ``Boycotting the elections will not produce a National Assembly that
    represents the Iraqi people,'' he said.

    If that happens, he added, the Iraqi people ``will enter into a civil
    war that will divide the country.''

    Interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi said in a news conference that he
    will boost the country's armed forces with 70,000 more troops in an
    effort to take over more security tasks from U.S.-led forces. He said
    they'd be ``equipped with the most advanced weapons.''

    A video delivered to several news organizations showed eight Chinese
    captives in front of a small mud brick building. The men displayed
    their passports for the camera and were flanked by two gunmen with
    headscarves wrapped around their faces.

    The Chinese government later confirmed they had been kidnapped.

    In a handwritten note delivered with the tape, an insurgent group
    calling itself the al-Numan Brigades said it abducted the men as they
    were leaving the country.

    ``After interrogation, we found that they are working for a Chinese
    construction company that is working inside American sites in Iraq,''
    the note said.

    The note indicated the group might release the hostages because China
    did not participate in the war.

    In Mosul, Archbishop Basile Georges Casmoussa of the Syrian Catholic
    Church was freed a day after he was seized near his church, according
    to local church officials and The Vatican.

    ``I'm happy to have returned to the bishop's office,'' Casmoussa told
    Vatican Radio. ``I can say that I wasn't mistreated.''

    He didn't identify his captors but said he didn't think his kidnapping
    was meant as an attack on the Church.

    The Vatican said that the 66-year-old archbishop's captors had
    demanded a $200,000 ransom for his release.

    Christians make up just 3 percent of Iraq's 26 million people. The
    major Christian groups include Chaldean-Assyrians and Armenians with
    small numbers of Roman Catholics. Several churches have been bombed in
    recent months, presumably by Islamic extremists.

    Elsewhere, a third American trooper died in fighting in Iraq's
    troubled Anbar province, west of Baghdad, the military said
    Tuesday. Two other soldiers assigned to the 1st Marine Expeditionary
    Force were also killed in action there on Monday.

    It was unclear if the three were killed in a suicide car bombing in
    the western city of Ramadi that U.S. officials said resulted in
    American casualties. Further details were withheld for security

    In Baghdad, bursts of heavy machine gun fire were heard for about half
    an hour in the afternoon coming from a southern neighborhood, and
    witnesses said Iraqi National Guard units were battling insurgents in
    that area.

    Two U.S. Apache attack helicopters hovered over the area near the bend
    in the Tigris River that flows through the center of the capital.

    Also, masked gunmen Monday shot dead Shaker Jabbar Sahl, 48, a Shiite
    who was running on the ticket of the Constitutional Monarchy Movement,
    headed by Sharif Ali bin Hussein, a cousin of Iraq's last king.

    Iraq's Shiite Muslim majority has welcomed the vote, but many members
    of the country's Sunni Muslim minority want the ballot postponed,
    arguing that security is precarious and the election should not take
    place under foreign occupation.