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Fethullah Gulen: Turkey, Terror, and Racism

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  • Fethullah Gulen: Turkey, Terror, and Racism

    Kurdistan Observer, MI
    Jan 19 2005

    Fethullah Gulen: Turkey, Terror, and Racism

    By: Amed Demirhan

    Jan 19, 2005

    Mr. Fethullah Gulen is a very interesting and powerful personality in
    Turkey. He has about five-six million followers and commands billions
    of dollars in Turkey and abroad. His followers' control major news
    media, as well as schools and universities in many countries,
    including in the USA. However, in last few years the Turkish military
    has become uncomfortable with his growing power especially with his
    influence in the police force and police intelligence organizations,
    therefore he had to move to the USA in unofficial exile. Mr. Gulen
    has been presented as a tolerant, moderate, enlightened religious
    leader and involved in interfaith dialog, and a peaceful person.
    Nevertheless, his recent speeches are totally contradictory of this
    image, and one wonders if Mr. Gulen is showing his true face with his
    new remarks: racism, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism? If it is so, it's
    very disappointing, but he is not alone with this type of remarks.

    In November 18, 2004 Mr. Gulen warned Turkey that "some foreign
    Intelligence organizations are preparing to turn Turkey in to a
    bloodbath. 'From now on mystery killings could occur.'"[1] This so
    called "mystery killing in Turkey", in 1990s about 20,000 citizens of
    Turkey, predominantly Kurds and some high ranking Turks and well
    known intellectuals, lost their lives and the murderer went free. Mr.
    Gulen went on claiming, `In last 300 years some secret organizations
    have been controlling this nation." This is clearly a reference to
    "Shabbetai sect." The followers of Shabbetai Zevi (1625 - 1676) who
    were converted to Islam, by force of Sultan, from Judaism in late
    1600s. However, some anti-Semitic groups claim this sect still
    practices Judaism in secret and never became Turk and Muslim and they
    are controlling the Turkish state and they have been the source of
    Turkish problem in last 300 years. In last two years Shabbetains
    become the target of many political groups in Turkey from old school
    Marxist to variety of Islamist, because of their Jewish ancestry.

    Mr. Gulen not only warned the nation against foreign conspiracy and
    their fifth column in Turkey; he claimed: "If Turkish Intelligent
    Service (MIT), Police Force, and JITEM (Turkish Gendarmeries
    Intelligence Service) collaborates together they will over come these
    plots against Turkey." (HaberX 11/18/2004). It is very interesting
    that he names Gendarmeries Intelligence Service (JITEM) because this
    organization had been premier responsible for not so mysterious
    "mystery killing" in Turkey and protector and trainer of the Turkish
    Hizbullah which had been responsible for major terrorist attacks
    against Kurds, bombing Jewish and British targets in Istanbul, and
    many more.

    I am not the only one who says JITEM has been primarily responsible
    for the mystery killings and founder and supporter terrorist Turkish
    Hizbullah organization, among many others the well known

    Turkish journalist, writer, and politician Ms. Nazli Ilicak[2] has
    been writing about that for many years like me. In addition, many
    international observers, organizations, and the USA state
    department's human right reports have pointed out these
    relationships. It is a well-known fact by observers and researchers
    about Turkey.

    Mr. Gulen in a later interview with Turkish Daily Milliyet, and
    later published in his own web page, made some racist remarks about
    Kurdish intellectuals and politicians and demanded Ms. Leyla Zana,
    long time jailed Kurdish parliamentarian, apologize to the state for
    "making a mistake by signing a declaration for Kurdish human rights"
    (1/14/05).[3] In the same interview he claimed, "The trouble makers
    are not more than 500 people in South East" (Meaning Kurdistan). A
    euphemism for Kurdish patriots and human right activists, but most
    observers of Turkey could easily testify that Mr. Gulens' statements
    are baseless. The pro-Kurdish parties, despite all restrictions and
    government threats, get more than one million votes and it is the
    dominant party in Kurdistan area. One wonders why such knowledgeable
    and well informed person is making these kinds of statements? Mr.
    Gulen had been a student of a Kurdish thinker and philosopher
    Said-eKurdi (Later called Said-e Nursi) for years, but still this
    doesn't hinder him from racism.

    Recently Dogu Perincek in his weekly journal "Aydinlik" claimed that
    the Worker Party of Kurdistan (PKK)/Kurdish Peoples Congress (Kongra
    Gel) will create provocations and terror on behalf of the USA[4].
    Interestingly, Mr. Perincek used to closely cooperate with PKK during
    the most intense civil war in Turkey in 1991 - 1993. Later he claimed
    he was with PKK on behalf of Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and he is
    closely related to TAF, even though he was a Maoist and now a
    Kemalist. The head of Nationalist Movement Party (NMP- in Turkish
    MHP) and former Vice Prime Minister, Mr. Devlet, Bahceli in 1/15/05
    issued a warning to Greek and Armenia Orthodox Christians in
    Istanbul, if they continue practice certain religious traditions,
    they will be target of the nationalist (Ulkucu). Mr. Bahceli's party
    is infamous for its terrorist past in Turkey, and even by many Turks
    it's considered a fascist party, but this

    movement, too, has been related to TAF. At least one Turkish
    Journalist Mr. Ismet Berkan in daily newspaper `Radikal' reacted to
    Mr. Bahceli's treat. Mr. Berkan stated: `Is Bahceli want terror?' And
    he thinks Mr. Bahceli want terror.[5]

    What make these peoples statements important? On the surface they are
    representing different ideologies, but all three of them, Mr. Gulen,
    Mr. Perincek, and Mr. Bahceli, are connected with different branches
    of the military and police, and their targets are Kurds, Armenians,
    Jews, Greeks, and of course foreign conspirators (America and
    Israel). Clearly they are preparing the ground for terror, especially
    with Mr. Gulen calling JITEM for duty, this is a call for civil war
    and not so mysterious "mystery killings".

    Why do they want to create terror in Turkey if they are related to
    the state? Historically, whenever civilian government and civil
    society gets strong in Turkey, terrorism and anarchy increases. Guess
    what? Then people need liberators to protect them from the terror and
    TAF is ready to take over directly or indirectly in order to protect
    the "nation". Therefore, this author has been saying time and again
    that everyone who believes and want to transform Turkey into a
    pluralistic Federal Western style democracy should strongly and
    unconditionally be opposed to every kind of violence and terror in

    Amed Demirhan

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress