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BAKU: Putin, Bush to discuss Garabagh conflict in Bratislava

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  • BAKU: Putin, Bush to discuss Garabagh conflict in Bratislava

    Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
    Jan 18 2005

    Putin, Bush to discuss Garabagh conflict in Bratislava

    US and Russian presidents George Bush and Vladimir Putin will discuss
    ways of settling the Upper Garabagh conflict in Bratislava in
    February, along with other issues, says US Assistant Secretary for
    European and Eurasian Affairs Elizabeth Jones.
    The two presidents will call for stepping up activity in the area of
    resolving conflicts in the former Soviet Union countries, including
    the Garabagh conflict, she said.
    Jones also indicated that the Bush administration is concerned over
    the lack of influence on part of Moscow in settling the conflict.
    `We believe that Russia should be interested in the resolution of
    conflicts over Upper Garabagh, North Ossetia, Abkhazia and Dnestr.'