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Yushchenko, Saakashvili to address PACE winter session

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  • Yushchenko, Saakashvili to address PACE winter session

    Viktor Yushchenko and Mikheil Saakashvili to address PACE winter session

    Strasbourg, 19.01.2005 - Addresses by Ukrainian President-elect Viktor
    Yushchenko and Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili are among highlights
    of the winter session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
    (PACE), which takes place in Strasbourg from 24 to 28 January 2005.

    Another highlight is a debate during which the Assembly will put forward its
    proposals for the coming Third Summit of the Council of Europe. At the
    summit, which takes place in Warsaw on 16-17 May, the heads of state and
    government of the Organisation's 46 member states are due to take stock of
    its role as the guarantor of human rights across the continent and map out a
    plan of action for the years ahead. French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier
    will take part in the debate.

    On Tuesday 25th at noon, there will be a ceremony to commemorate the 60th
    anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, with the participation of the
    Chairman of the Yad Vashem Council and former Knesset Speaker Szewach Weiss
    and Auschwitz survivor Jean Samuel.

    There will be possible urgent debates on the Asian Tsunami disaster and on
    the prospects for Middle East peace. Other reports to be discussed include
    relations between Europe and the United States, the circumstances
    surrounding the arrest and prosecution of leading Yukos executives, and the
    conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

    Kosovo's Ombudsman Marek Antoni Nowicki will take part in a debate on the
    protection of human rights in Kosovo and there will be the first assessment
    since "the Rose Revolution" of Georgia's honouring of its obligations and
    commitments towards the Council of Europe.

    The opening day of the session sees the election of a new Assembly President
    as well as addresses from OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Alcee L.
    Hastings, Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis - who will give
    the annual communication on "the state of the Council of Europe" - and
    Claude Frey, chairman of the Executive Council of the North-South Centre. On
    Wednesday, Poland's Deputy Foreign Minister Jan Truszczynski, representing
    the Polish chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers, will address the

    The parliamentarians will also debate how European governments should
    respond to Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), put forward a proposal to
    establish a European remembrance centre for victims of forced population
    movements and ethnic cleansing, and consider Europe's response to

    The Assembly will adopt opinions on new draft Council of Europe conventions
    on trafficking in human beings and on the prevention of terrorism, including
    terrorist financing.

    An updated list of scheduled press conferences is available on the
    Assembly's website.

    The following is a provisional order of business which may be altered by the
    Assembly on the first day of the session.

    Monday 24 January
    * Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the Assembly
    * Progress report of the Bureau of the Assembly and the Standing Committee
    * Statement by Claude Frey, Chairman of the Executive Council of the
    North-South Centre
    * Statement by Alcee L. Hastings, President of the OSCE Parliamentary
    * Communication from Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of
    Europe, on the state of the Council of Europe
    * Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

    Tuesday 25 January
    * The conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region dealt with by the OSCE Minsk
    * Ceremony to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the liberation of
    * Address by Viktor Yushchenko, President-elect of Ukraine
    * Protection of human rights in Kosovo
    * Statement by Marek Antoni Nowicki, Ombudsperson in Kosovo
    * The circumstances surrounding the arrest and prosecution of leading Yukos

    Wednesday 26 January
    * Election of a judge to the European Court of Human Rights with respect to
    Serbia and Montenegro
    * Possible urgent debate: prospects for peace in the Middle East
    * Address by Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Georgia
    * Communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Parliamentary
    Assembly presented by Jan Truszczynski, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
    of Poland, representing the chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers
    * The Third Summit
    * Statement by Michel Barnier, Minister for Foreign Affairs of France
    * Honouring of obligations and commitments by Georgia

    Thursday 27 January
    * Election of a judge to the European Court of Human Rights with respect to
    Serbia and Montenegro (possible second round)
    * Relations between Europe and the United States
    * Possible urgent debate: Europe and the Tsunami disaster
    * Establishment of a European remembrance centre for victims of forced
    population movements and ethnic cleansing
    * Opinion on the Draft Convention on laundering, the financing of terrorism,
    search, seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from crime
    * Opinion on the Draft Convention for the prevention of terrorism

    Friday 28 January
    * What solutions to Europe's unemployment?
    * Boosting social cohesion and employment: more and better jobs
    * Opinion on the Draft Council of Europe Convention on action against
    trafficking in human beings
    * Revision of the terms of reference of Assembly committees
    * Constitution of the Standing Committee

    See the Assembly's website,, for further details.

    Additional information may also be found on the Council of Europe web

    Communication Unit of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
    Tel. +33 3 88 41 31 93 Fax +33 3 90 21 41 34; e-mail: [email protected]


    Press Release
    Parliamentary Assembly Communication Unit
    Ref: 015a04
    Tel: +33 3 88 41 31 93
    Fax :+33 3 90 21 41 34
    [email protected]

    The Parliamentary Assembly brings together 630 members from the national
    parliaments of the 46 member states.
    President: Peter Schieder (Austria, SOC); Secretary General of the Assembly:
    Bruno Haller.
    Political Groups: SOC (Socialist Group); EPP/CD (Group of the European
    People's Party); LDR (Liberal, Democratic and Reformers' Group);
    EDG (European Democratic Group); UEL (Group of the Unified European Left).