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Russian foreign minister on ties with USA, Iran, foreign affairs

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  • Russian foreign minister on ties with USA, Iran, foreign affairs

    Russian foreign minister on ties with USA, Iran, foreign affairs

    ITAR-TASS news agency, Moscow
    19 Jan 05

    Russian agencies accorded extensive coverage to Russian Foreign
    Minister Sergey Lavrov's news conference in Moscow today [19 January]
    which dealt with numerous international issues of interest to Russia.

    Commenting on US President George Bush' statement that non-diplomatic
    methods may be used to resolve Iran's nuclear programme, Lavrov said:
    "I do not think it useful to talk, even hypothetically, about a
    situation that will arise if anyone decides to resort to other,
    non-diplomatic methods of resolving this problem," Russian Interfax
    news agency said at 0928 gmt.

    He said Russia's construction of Iran's Bushehr nuclear power station
    was "absolutely transparent and fully under the IAEA control" and
    added: "As far as Iran is concerned, I would like to stress, first and
    foremost, that all the main participants in the talks and contacts
    aimed at resolving Iran's nuclear problem proceed from the methods of
    settling it by political means and there is every opportunity to do
    this," ITAR-TASS news agency quoted him as saying at 1004 gmt.

    Russia welcomes the efforts by Arab countries to combat terrorism,
    ITAR-TASS said at 1046 gmt. It quoted Lavrov as saying that "Russia
    possesses certain documents and accords with Arab countries concerning
    the fight against terrorism. There is also a dialogue during which
    problems of internal and external security are discussed. Russia
    welcomes the steps which her partners are taking to ensure their
    territories are not used for terrorist activities." Lavrov condemned
    what he called "double standards in the fight against terrorism".

    "Those who prepare and carry out acts of terrorism must be judged by
    the same yardstick. We expect persons suspected of preparing and
    carrying out terrorist acts to be extradited." "Ideally, it would be
    necessary to compile a list of persons involved in terrorism. Russia
    has already submitted a proposal to this effect to the UN Security
    Council," TASS quoted Lavrov as saying.

    Lavrov described Condoleezza Rice as a "serious politician". "I know
    Condoleezza Rice and I do not think that the US administration will
    depart from a course formulated by the Russian and US presidents,
    aimed at developing partner relations," ITAR-TASS said at 1236 gmt.

    Commenting on US Department of State's reports on Russia, he said that
    "evaluations in them do not always coincide with Russia's position".

    "Russia's internal policies develop on the basis of the
    Constitution. When constructive criticism of us is voiced, we pay
    attention. When it is directed towards returning us all to the times
    of the Cold War, we can not agree with this. Some people have recently
    been trying, through the media, to portray the developments in Russia
    as a throw-back to totalitarianism. I do not think this is in good
    faith. Most likely some people do not like the fact that Russia is
    getting stronger and becoming more independent economically and

    Looking forward to the Russian-US summit in Bratislava on 24 February,
    Lavrov described relations between Vladimir Putin and George Bush as
    "friendly, mutually respectful and based on an equal dialogue".

    Russian RIA Novosti agency said at 0910 gmt that Lavrov praised the
    role of the CIS in the life of its members. "All CIS member countries
    regard the CIS as an important forum for defining the strategic
    interests of our states." Lavrov praised trade and economic relations
    with the CIS and advocated a closer integration among its members.

    ITAR-TASS at 0921 gmt quoted Lavrov as saying that CIS needed to get
    rid of a number of "ineffective" bodies, without specifying them. It
    was necessary to implement reforms in such a way as to "preserve the
    CIS' underpinning principles of voluntariness and gradual

    Speaking of the issue of Nagornyy Karabakh in the context of his
    forthcoming visit to Armenia in February, ITAR-TASS at 1042 gmt quoted
    Lavrov as saying that Russia "is interested in the sides [to the
    conflict] arriving at mutually-acceptable solutions to settle the
    Karabakh issue". Speaking of resumption of rail traffic between Russia
    and Armenia, Lavrov said: "We hope, in the context of a general
    progress of our dialogue with Georgia, to resolve the problem of
    resuming the rail traffic on the Sochi-Tbilisi route and this will
    make it possible to remove Yerevan's long-standing concerns."

    Russian RIA Novosti agency at 0926 gmt said Lavrov was planning to
    visit Azerbaijan on 2 February to prepare for the Azerbaijani
    president's visit to Moscow. Lavrov did not "rule out" discussing the
    Karabakh issue: "Over the past few months, following the meeting
    between Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents in Astana and their
    meeting with Putin, positive shifts have begun to make themselves
    felt. I am saying this with cautious optimism," the agency quoted
    Lavrov as saying.

    Speaking of relations with the Baltic states, Lavrov said: "We want
    our relations with the Baltic states to be good-neighbourly and
    mutually advantageous, based on universally-accepted norms and on the
    obligations our countries have internationally. We are interested in
    developing mutually advantageous cooperation and settling all
    problems, including the signing of border treaties," ITAR-TASS, 0953
    gmt, quoted Lavrov as saying.

    Turning to the issue of Kosovo, Lavrov was quoted by ITAR-TASS, 1047
    gmt, as saying that "Undue haste in resolving the status of Kosovo may
    lead to unpredictable consequences. Russia has repeatedly called for
    the decisions concerning Kosovo to be implemented. The situation of
    ethnic minorities in Kosovo is becoming worse. A dialogue with Kosovo
    authorities, national minorities and Belgrade is needed. Russia
    regards it as necessary to cooperate with the international tribunal,
    but not everything should hinge on the arrest of this or that leader,"
    TASS said, quoting Lavrov.

    Lavrov said that Japanese foreign minister's recent Moscow visit "has
    been very useful". ITAR-TASS at 0955 gmt quoted him as saying that the
    date of Putin's visit to Japan may be specified after the visit's
    agenda has been agreed. "We confirmed the necessity of developing
    relations on the basis of the Russian-Japanese action plan adopted at
    summit level. This document provides for broad cooperation in all
    fields with a simultaneous tackling of problems connected with a peace
    treaty. We have acquired a more realistic idea of going forward in
    keeping with the plan that has been adopted," the agency quoted Lavrov
    as saying.