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NKR: Package And Stage By Stage Settlement

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  • NKR: Package And Stage By Stage Settlement


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    18 Jan 05

    In Azerbaijan the year 2005 was declared the year of Karabakh, and
    official Baku again stated through their president Ilham Aliev that if
    necessary they will settle the Karabakh problem through military
    force. In Azerbaijan it was also announced that Armenia allegedly
    agreed to the stage by stage settlement of the conflict. Besides,
    statements were made according to which during the January 11, 2005
    meeting of the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijanin Prague
    Armenia would at last accept the stage by stage settlement of the

    Naturally, NKR reacted to these statements. However, it is necessary
    to remain coolheaded and not to behave emotionally. The statements of
    Ilham Aliev, as well as of other official and analytical circles in
    Azerbaijan on the settlement of the conflict according to the
    Azerbaijani scenario are directed at the home `consumer' only.

    A vivid illustration to this is the fact that even if Armenia agrees
    to the stage by stage settlement, Baku will do everything to keep this
    in secret before the official publication of the fact. Whereas Baku
    announces this openly being sure that after that the Armenian
    diplomacy will not take such a step avoiding the fury of people.
    Thus, the standpoint of Baku pursues only home political aims, let
    alone that NKR and not Armenia will make the choice.

    Now, let us try to discuss the so-called package and stage by stage
    settlements. Karabakh is for the package settlement. This settlement
    supposes achievement of an agreement in all the questions within the
    framework of one agreement including the status of Nagorni Karabakh,
    territories, borders, refugees, military, economic and ecological
    security problems, maintenance of confidence, economic cooperation,

    Azerbaijan stresses the stage by stage settlement. Baku demands
    returning the territories liberated by Karabakh and now forming the
    security area of NKR, as well as return refugees to these territories.
    And only then will Azerbaijan consider the question of status.For
    already 10 years now the negotiation process has been turning around
    the mechanism of settlement of the conflict parties because of
    fundamental controversies.

    Strange though it may sound, there are no fundamental differences
    between two settlements. The settlement of the Karabakh conflict can
    be achieved through a complex approach, which means that the solution
    can be achieved on the basis of a package, whereas it can be fulfilled
    only stage by stage. Hereby the sides reach a comprehensive settlement
    during the talks where all the problems are solved, including the
    status, territories, refugees, security, etc. And fulfillment goes on
    stage by stage, on the basis of compromise. Similar confrontations can
    be solved only in this way (except for capitulation when the defeated
    side surrenders to the winner).

    The same mechanism was implemented in the case of the agreement of
    Dayton on Herzegovina, the project of the secretary general of the UN
    on Cyprus. All the problems were considered in these projects and
    their implementation was carried out according to the schedule worked
    out beforehand. Whereas Baku, emphasizing the returning of territories
    and refugees (what is more, Baku speaks only about the Azerbaijani
    refugees `forgetting' that as a ratio to the Armenian refugees forced
    out of the territories controlled by Azerbaijan NKR exceeds Azerbaijan

    In fact, Baku's standpoint is an attempt to eliminate the negative
    impact of the conflict for Azerbaijan without eliminating the reasons
    that caused this impact. Naturally, this is not possible, especially
    if we take into account that this kind of approach changes the
    military and political situation in the Karabakh-Azerbaijani conflict
    area and creates a lure for Azerbaijan to settle the conflict through
    military force. Even in the present situation when Azerbaijan is
    unable to solve the Karabakh conflict through force, it does not
    disguise its anti-Armenian policy. In this context I would like to
    quote Ilham Aliev's speech at the April 2004 meeting of the editorial
    board of the National Encyclopedia. `In my study I have the volumes of
    the `Soviet Encyclopedia of Azerbaijan'. I studied them and found out
    that the names of a number of scientists, politicians of our republic
    are not present in them. Instead there are names of many Armenians. I
    am surprised how the names Harutiunov, Harutiunian, Gevorgian,
    Martiros Sarian, David of Sasun - appeared in those books. What
    does this mean? Is it the basis for preparation of our National
    Encyclopedia? I am terrified - Azerbaijanis were left out of our
    encyclopedia and Armenians were not?' And the advisor to the former
    president of Azerbaijan Heidar Aliev on foreign policy Vafa Guluzadeh
    said, `I used to say that any form of sovereignty granted to Nagorni
    Karabakh will mean independence. In my addresses I always argued that
    Nagorni Karabakh could not be granted sovereignty in Azerbaijan. That
    is to say, it is not right to settle the problem of Karabakh through
    granting a status to the Armenians. I want all of us to remember that
    granting citizenship of Azerbaijan to Armenians is a crime. You know
    that all our enterprises were full of Armenians. Today there are no
    more. But as soon as they receive the right for citizenship and
    status, they will not stay in Nagorni Karabakh. They will come to
    Baku, gain rights, shares, and if we violate their rights, they will
    protest. Arzu Abdulaeva protects the rights of Armenians in
    Azerbaijan. If we cannot make a woman silent now, what will be our
    state then?' And if the statesmen considered pro-westerns and
    democrats in this country speak this way, what then can be expected
    from nationalist forces?

    The discriminatory policy of the Azerbaijani government is not
    confined to anti-Armenian propaganda only. It is applied to other
    nationalities as well. Thus, the permanent representative of
    Azerbaijan in the UN, Geneva I. Vahabzadeh explains the numerous
    problems of official Baku by the fact that national diplomacy in
    Azerbaijan is not carried out by pure-blooded Azerbaijanis. In his
    official message to the speaker of the Azerbaijani parliament Murtuz
    Aleskerov in 2001 Vahabzadeh wrote that among Azerbaijani diplomats
    there are many who are not pure Azerbaijanis. According to him, it is
    impermissible that those diplomats whose mothers are Armenian, or
    Jewish (let alone small peoples) cannot serve Azerbaijan duly.

    It is natural that the international community cannot overlook these
    actualities and assist to a state that is loyal to the democratic
    principles in its words only and therefore is an unreliable and
    unforeseeable partner. In Azerbaijan there are people who recognize
    this. Famous Azerbaijani political scientist Hikmet Hajizadeh thinks
    that even if Azerbaijan is three times stronger than Armenia, the
    world will not allow a government suppressing its citizens' right to
    rule the Armenian national minority (as in the case when the world did
    not allow Serbia to maintain dictatorial rule over Bosnia and
    Kosovo). Thus, it becomes evident that no official settlement can be
    the reason for the non-constructive standpoint of Baku. The reason is
    much more profound. It is in the consciousness of the Azerbaijani
    people, the deep controversies existing in that country.
