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BAKU: Pressure group concerned over OSCE fact-finding mission

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  • BAKU: Pressure group concerned over OSCE fact-finding mission

    Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
    Jan 20 2005

    Pressure group concerned over OSCE fact-finding mission

    The Garabagh Liberation Organization (GLO) issued a statement on
    Wednesday voicing concerns over some facts related to the expected
    visit by the OSCE fact-finding mission to the occupied Azerbaijani
    land. It says that the mission does not include any representatives
    of Azerbaijan and will conduct monitoring only in the areas outside
    Upper Garabagh's administrative borders, and not all the occupied
    The OSCE chairman's special envoy Anjei Kaspshik stated earlier that
    the mission may enter the occupied territories through Armenia.
    GLO said that this make-up of the OSCE fact-finding mission and
    Kaspshik's irresponsible utterances once again show the pro-Armenian
    position of international entities.
    `This once again shows that Azerbaijan should reject the false
    mediation of international organizations and talks on all levels, and
    liberate lands from Armenian occupation through military action.'
    The decision to set up the fact-finding mission was made only after
    Azerbaijan put the issue of Armenians' settlement in the occupied
    land on the agenda of the UN General Assembly session.*