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BAKU: Moscow police avert brawl between Azeri, Armenian soccer fans

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  • BAKU: Moscow police avert brawl between Azeri, Armenian soccer fans

    Moscow police avert brawl between Azeri, Armenian soccer fans - paper

    Zerkalo, Baku
    20 Jan 05

    Excerpt from Vuqar report by Azerbaijani newspaper Zerkalo on 20
    January headlined "We defeated the Armenians" and subheaded "So far,
    only on the football pitch"

    Azerbaijan proved yesterday that it is superior to Armenia, but only
    on the green pitch so far. In a quarter-final match of the
    Commonwealth Cup, Neftci beat Pyunik 2-0 at Moscow's Dinamo
    arena. Giorgi Adamia and Vidadi Rzayev were the goal-scorers.

    A lot depends on motivation in such tense matches. The game showed
    that our footballers were more eager to gain a victory than their
    Armenian counterparts. Neftci footballers and coaches, as well as the
    club and the management of the Association of Football Federations of
    Azerbaijan [AFFA], who had urgently flown to Moscow, realized that
    they had no right to lose THIS MATCH [capitals as published]. Some of
    the fans recalled the well-known match of principle between Iran and
    the USA, and gloomily joked that if the game is lost, they MAY NOT
    RETURN HOME [capitals as published].

    However, to the joy of all Azerbaijanis, Neftci finally showed its
    class. Regrettably, we could not obtain full information about the
    match which none of our TV stations broadcast. According to our
    information, there was a clash during the first half between the
    fans. A trick by the Armenian fans provoked the clash when they placed
    their banner in front of the Azerbaijani flag. Naturally, our fans
    could not tolerate such daring behaviour by the Armenian fans. The
    police intervened in time and separated the instigators. The timely
    intervention of the police prevented a mass brawl for which both sides
    had prepared. The match was already in full swing by that time and
    the referee intervened in time to prevent sporadic clashes between the

    [Passage omitted: Details of the game]