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AGBU Sao Paulo Celebrates 40th Anniversary

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  • AGBU Sao Paulo Celebrates 40th Anniversary

    AGBU Press Office
    55 East 59th Street
    New York, NY 10022-1112
    Phone 212.319.6383 x.118
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    Thursday, January 20, 2005


    Sao Paulo, Brazil - Founded in 1964, AGBU Sao Paulo celebrated its
    40th anniversary on Sunday, November 28, 2004 with a special luncheon
    for over 450 AGBU members, donors, and friends. During the afternoon
    program, AGBU Sao Paulo acknowledged all AGBU members who were
    instrumental in the establishment, growth, and success of the chapter
    over the last four decades.

    The 23 founders were honored with eight receiving the venerable AGBU
    Veteran Member award and fifteen individuals accepting silver plates
    in honor of their now deceased family members.

    Silver plates were awarded to the former chairmen: Avedis Clemente
    Kherlakian (represented by his widow), Andre Jafferian (represented by
    his son Pedro Jafferian), Antonio Miksian, Zaven Der Haroutounian, and
    Regina Woskergian Bazarian. As a mark of distinction for their service
    to AGBU, the Central Board bestowed upon former chairmen Eduardo
    Mekbekian and Jorge Kevork Der Haroutounian the designations of AGBU
    Honor Member.

    Also honored were the pioneers of the Chapter's educational program
    which began with Armenian language classes in 1975 and expanded in
    1985 with the establishment of the Paren and Regina Bazarian primary
    school: Anahid Mekhalian, Chake Atchabahian, Hripsime Bedoian, Paulo
    Pajanian, Davinia Mekitarian, and the school's Principal, Nelly

    Together, the Chapter headquarters and the School comprise the AGBU
    Sao Paulo Center, an expansive complex serving the educational,
    cultural, and social needs of the Armenian community and the youth in
    particular. Since founding their Youth Committee in 1973, AGBU Sao
    Paulo has had positive results in the succession of Armenian youth
    into local chapter leadership positions.

    Taking stock, AGBU Sao Paulo Chairman Carlos Matheus Der Haroutounian
    expressed the sentiments of many, "We are one of more than sixty
    chapters spread all over the world, the youngest in South America, and
    the only one that speaks Portuguese. We are a 'grain of sand' among
    the thousands of AGBU members in the world, but we are a chapter that,
    here in Brazil, has a position of leadership in the Armenian
    community, which in only four decades passed from a tiny office to the
    large Alex Manoogian Complex, and whose work and success are an
    example for our sister chapters."

    AGBU Sao Paulo is dedicated to preserving and promoting the Armenian
    heritage and culture through humanitarian, educational, cultural, and
    social programs within Sao Paulo and across Brazil. For more
    information, please contact AGBU Sao Paulo at 55-113-814-9299 (or
    9930) or e-mail [email protected]. For a complete directory of
    AGBU's global chapters, please visit and click Global