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My Brother's Road

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  • My Brother's Road


    21 Jan 05

    For the past eight years I have been researching and writing a
    biography/memoir about my late brother, Monte "Avo" Melkonian. The
    book, entitled My Brother' s Road, has been a long time in coming, and
    it has not been easy to get it published. I'm happy to announce that
    the London publisher I.B.Tauris will officially release the book in
    the USA on February 1. Part biography and part memoir, My Brother's
    Road is about a third-generation California boy who became a promising
    student of archaeology, a strike leader in revolutionary Iran, a
    militiaman in Beirut, a guerrilla, a convicted Armenian militant, a
    prison strike leader, a fugitive from half a dozen security agencies,
    and finally, a commander of 4000 warriors in one of the most vicious
    wars raging on the ruins of the former Soviet Union.

    My Brother's Road is a story that is at once inspirational and
    cautionary. Los Angeles Times writer Mark Arax has described it as
    "an astonishing book," and historian Christopher Walker has described
    it as "driven by a sense of commitment which never overshoots into
    sentimentality or chauvinism."

    I invite you to read My Brother's Road. The book in hardcover is now
    available for advance orders directly through the publisher,
    I.B. Tauris, or through the online booksellers.
    ( lists it for $19.77 plus shipping. (I understand that
    Amazon will ship any order of more than $25 for free within the USA
    and Canada. Thus, two copies of the book would cost around $40
    including shipping, compared to one copy for $25. If you order more
    than one copy through Amazon, be sure to ask for Super Saver
    Shipping.) The online stores will ship the book on or around February
    9. By mid-February, the book should also be available at your local
    bookstore. If the book is not on theshelf, please request that the
    store carry it.

    Â By Markar Melkonian

    Â P.S. Please forward this message to family, friends and Internet
    lists that might be interested.