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Moscow Sheds Light On Karabakh Talks

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  • Moscow Sheds Light On Karabakh Talks

    Radio Free Europe, Czech Republic
    Jan 20 2005

    Analysis: Moscow Sheds Light On Karabakh Talks
    By Liz Fuller

    In order not to risk jeopardizing any rapprochement that has been
    achieved, the participants in what has come to be known as the
    "Prague process" of ministerial level talks under the aegis of the
    OSCE Minsk Group on approaches to resolving the Karabakh conflict
    have until now abided by a gentlemen's agreement not to divulge to
    the press the specific topics under discussion.

    In line with that agreement, neither Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan
    Oskanian nor his Azerbaijani counterpart Elmar Mammadyarov have
    divulged any details of their most recent talks in Prague on 10-11
    January. But four days after those talks, the Russian Foreign
    Ministry issued a press release
    listing specific issues under discussion, adding that on some of
    those issues the two sides' positions have become closer.

    Speaking to RFE/RL's Armenian Service after meeting with Mammadyarov
    on 11 January, Oskanian characterized the mood of the talks as
    "positive." He said that "full agreement" has not yet been reached on
    the principles of a settlement, but that "there is a general
    framework of issues, but as this meeting showed, they need to be
    consolidated." He added that "it is still too early to disclose any
    details." Briefing journalists in Yerevan the following day, Oskanian
    predicted that settlement talks this year will be "quite intensive,"
    thus marking a qualitative shift to a new, more serious phase of
    discussions. Noyan Tapan quoted him as saying that "all elements"
    related to a peaceful solution of the conflict are on the table,
    without listing those elements.

    Oskanian further noted that Azerbaijani media frequently misrepresent
    the nature and focus of the talks, and that "everyone" -- presumably
    meaning both Mammadyarov and the U.S., Russian, and French
    co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group -- agree that "officials should
    be more circumspect when making statements."

    On 13 January, Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Araz Azimov
    similarly briefed journalists in Baku on the Prague talks. Azimov
    said that while Baku insists that any solution to the conflict must
    preserve Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, the restoration of
    territorial integrity alone will not solve all problems: in that
    context he mentioned specifically the future peaceful coexistence of
    the Armenian population of Karabakh and those Azerbaijanis who fled
    the region over a decade ago when the conflict first turned violent
    and hope to return there.

    Azimov also listed issues that could form part of a hypothetical
    solution to the conflict. He said that if Armenian troops are
    withdrawn from Azerbaijani territory, Azerbaijan would be ready to
    restore economic and other relations with Armenia. He was quoted by as saying that "a little later, the question of the return
    to the region of the Azerbaijani population and the coexistence of
    the Armenian and Azerbaijani communities in Nagorno-Karabakh must be
    addressed. Once interregional ties and ties between Nagorno-Karabakh
    and Armenia [on the one hand] and the government of Azerbaijan are
    established, it will be possible to achieve a normalization of the
    situation and set about seeking a solution to other political
    questions." Whether Oskanian and Mammadyarov have discussed that
    specific sequence of events is not clear, however.

    Azimov dismissed as "speculation" reports that the liberation of
    three of the seven districts of Azerbaijan currently under Armenian
    control is under discussion: he said that "in the course of the
    Prague process the question of liberating all seven districts
    surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh at the first stage is being discussed."
    According to, Azimov likewise denied that the possibility
    of holding a referendum in Nagorno-Karabakh on the region's future
    status was addressed in Prague, and he expressed regret that such
    "unreliable information" finds its way into the press. In an article
    published in "Le Figaro" last month, former Spanish Foreign Minister
    Ana Palacio and Pierre Lellouche, who is NATO Parliamentary Assembly
    president, argued that the Karabakh conflict differs fundamentally
    from those in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Transdniester, and that
    "the Europeans, Americans, and Russians should jointly defend a
    compromise [settlement] that would give Armenia temporary control of
    Karabakh in exchange for the withdrawal of Armenian forces from
    Azerbaijani territory, [with] the final status of Karabakh to be
    decided by its inhabitants in a referendum in five or 10 years'

    The Russian Foreign Ministry press release listed among the
    "contentious issues" under discussion: the withdrawal of [Armenian]
    troops, demilitarization of the previously occupied territories,
    international security guarantees for the Armenian population of
    Karabakh, and the unrecognized republic's future status vis-a-vis
    Azerbaijan. The press release reaffirmed Moscow's readiness to
    contribute, together with the other two Minsk Group co-chairs, to
    "deepening the mutual understanding between Armenia and Azerbaijan"
    with a view to bringing about a peaceful solution to the conflict.