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To please the fiancee at the expense of the bride

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  • To please the fiancee at the expense of the bride

    Pan Armenian Network, Armenia
    Jan 23 2005


    The essence of this Armenian saying is quite in line with the
    behavior of Talish separatist leaders who strive to win the trust of
    Azerbaijan by means of anti-Armenian propaganda.

    On Friday, the underground Talish information agency "Talishpress"
    announced that a number of Baku high-ranking officials sponsor shadow
    trade between Azerbaijan and Armenia. According to the source, oil
    supplied to Armenian market is provided by companies controlled by
    Azeri Economic Development Minister Farkhad Aliev and the chairman of
    State Committee on Securities Heidar Babayev. They also say that the
    supplies of tea, vegetable oil and fish are supplied to Armenia under
    the sponsorship of Kamalladin Heidarov, the chairman of the State
    Customs Committee of Azerbaijan. As for the grain supply, it is
    sponsored by the head of president's administration Ramiz Mekhtiev.
    The source doesn't point to any facts that could prove those
    conclusions. The attempt to discredit Azeri leaders by means of
    exposing their links with Armenians is quite typical for the
    ideologists of Talish separatism.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Of course the information spread by the Talish
    information agency should not be taken seriously. Shadow commercial
    contacts between Armenia and Azerbaijan are not on a high level and
    do not need influential patrons. Baku leaders on their turn do their
    best to prevent any attempts of establishing contacts between the
    businessmen of the two countries. In that case what is the purpose of
    "Talishpress" agency's announcement? Those who are aware of that
    structure and know what its aims are know the answer to that
    question. In reality, it is of course not an information agency. It
    is the "propaganda department" of the underground Talish national
    movement. The movement is mostly aimed at leading information war
    against the government of Azerbaijan. It should be underlined that
    the war is led against the government and not against the country.
    The recent activities of Talish leaders give the impression that they
    have given up the struggle for the national self-determination and
    have focused their attention to the struggle for "a piece of power"
    in Azerbaijan. Currently their aim is to appear in the role of
    radical oppositionists of Ilham Aliev's regime and to demonstrate
    patriotism at the same time.

    For achieving their goal, Talish ideologists often afford themselves
    to carry on anti-Aliev and anti-Armenian propaganda simultaneously.
    In order to win the sympathy of Azeris, they try to prove that it
    were the Talish leaders who stood at the forefront of the fights
    against Karabakh Armenians. One of the key points of Talish
    propaganda is the necessity of Karabakh conflict's military
    resolution and the creation of a federal state in Azerbaijan.
    According to the scenario Talishstan in that case will gain an
    autonomous status. Thus, Talish leaders strive to achieve welfare at
    the expense of Karabakh. The higher the status of Karabakh is, the
    more they can snatch from the center. But to achieve that they need
    to gain the control of Azerbaijan over Karabakh at any price. This is
    the essence of the doubtful idea which is brightly seen in all the
    recent interviews of the head of Talish movement Alikram Gumbatov.

    The Lenkoran separatists have made a habit of making someone else do
    the work. It is worth mentioning that the so called "Talish-Mughan
    Republic" in the south-east of Azerbaijan was proclaimed just when
    Karabakh Armenians passed to the offensive and directed to themselves
    all the military and political resources of Azerbaijan. It is
    interesting that now also the "governments in exile" try to gain
    influence in Europe using the large-scale abilities of Armenian
    lobby. The dethroned "president" of the self-proclaimed republic
    Alikram Gumbatov who has spent 10 years in prison in Azerbaijan and
    was considered a political prisoner by the west currently lives in
    Holland. His attempts to establish contacts with the leadership of
    the local Armenian community and Armenian social-political structures
    in Europe were very unexpected. Last week he came to the presentation
    of a documentary about Armenian genocide in Ottoman Turkey and even
    made a short speech condemning the murderous deeds of the Young Turk
    government. It is Gumbatov who led a detachment and went to Karabakh
    to fight for the "territorial integrity of Azerbaijan". It is
    surprising that today he affords to give a helpful hand to Holland

    There is an Armenian proverb. As translated to English, it sounds
    approximately like this: "To please the fiancé at the expense of
    bride". What the Talish leaders are trying to do is quite alike the