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Scientists of National Academy of Sciences Condemn Jones' Statement

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  • Scientists of National Academy of Sciences Condemn Jones' Statement


    YEREVAN, January 20f (Noyan Tapan). The January 13 statement of
    Elizabeth Jones, Assistant US Secretary of State for Europe and
    Euroasia, concerning Nagorno Karabakh isn't accidental and may have
    grave consequences for the solution of this conflict. This is the
    general opinion of the scientists of National Academy of Sciences of
    Armenia reflected in the January 20 statement. The leading scientists
    of the country and representatives of mass media participated in the
    discussion and adoption of the draft statement. Nikolay Hovhannisian,
    Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RA National Academy
    of Sciences, Academician Konstantin Gharagyozian, Director of the
    Institute of Molecular Biology of RA National Academy of Sciences,
    Academician Lenser Aghalovian, Director of the Institute of Mechanics
    of RA National Academy of Sciences, Ashot Melkonian, Director of the
    Institute of History of RA National Academy of Sciences, Academician
    Vladimir Khojabekian, Director of the Institute of Economy, and others
    were deeply convinced that speaking about the Karabakh conflict Mrs
    Jones pursued certain political goals aimed at protection of
    Azerbaijan's and Turkey's interests. It was emphasized that the
    position of the official Washington differs from the above-mentioned
    statement. As Nikolay Hovhannisian reminded, we should take into
    consideration the fact that the statement was made by a person
    relieved of the post occupied by her. The scientists expressed deep
    anxiety about Russia, which, in their affirmation, should speak not
    only in protection of the interests of its ally but also its own
    interests. "The interests of Russian Federation are touched upon here,
    Russia is directly accused of the fact that it doesn't hamper
    spreading of narcobusiness and terrorism in the post-Soviet area. I am
    surprised that Russia keeps silence ," Ashot Melkonian said in his
    speach. The statement also said that Elizabeth Jones' statement
    doesn't stand any scientific criticism being slanderous in its
    essence. The scientists demand more responsible, well-considered
    approaches concerning estimations of conflicts from the diplomatic
    circles of US.