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Kocharyan criticizes mayor for illegal construction in Yerevan

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  • Kocharyan criticizes mayor for illegal construction in Yerevan

    Armenian leader criticizes mayor for illegal construction in Yerevan

    Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
    21 Jan 05

    [Presenter] The president of our republic [Robert Kocharyan] has told
    a meeting at the Yerevan mayor's office that some problems have been
    properly resolved since they were discussed last year. However, he
    added, the mayor's office has not done enough to resolve some other
    problems. The president said serious efforts should be made to
    eliminate the shortcomings registered last year. Summing up the work
    done in 2004, the city mayor reported to Kocharyan about the work to
    be done in 2005.

    [Correspondent] During the traditional meeting held at the mayor's
    office, the republic's president drew attention to the problems that
    were not resolved last year.

    [Kocharyan] First, I would like to talk about the quality of the work
    the staff of the mayor's office have carried out. I am talking about
    the work that has been done with the people and about timely reaction
    to their petitions and complaints. The mayor says that they are
    working in line with the rules we have defined. However, I am sure
    that today, the quality of our work is not so high as it should have
    been. We have not been able to achieve good results because of last
    year's shortcomings. Perhaps, we have even taken some steps back. It
    means that we should seriously focus on these issues this year.

    [Correspondent] Another basic issue noted by the head of state was
    related to illegal construction. The president said that the fight
    against this is going on very slowly.

    [Kocharyan] The construction of private buildings on the pavements is
    still continuing. In fact, we are directing our citizens from the
    pavements towards the carriageway. It is not difficult to see these
    cases at any time. Who has given this right to our mayor's office and
    local executive authorities? I am sure that anyone who has even little
    respect for the city and people should not allow this to happen. I and
    the mayor have repeatedly driven through the streets of the city in
    another car without bodyguards. This has already become a
    tradition. They mayor was feeling very bad when we drove through some
    streets of the city. He was simply feeling ashamed. Is that right, Mr
    Zakaryan? This applies especially to the points of entry and suburbs
    of the city. In the city centre, this issue is more or less in
    order. My supervisory service will take care of these issues.

    [Correspondent] One of the ways to prevent illegal construction work,
    the president said, is citizens' attitude. The best way of protesting
    against tasteless and dirty petrol stations and kiosks on the
    pavements is not to use them. The head of state thinks that it is
    necessary to use various solutions in order to prevent illegal
    construction work.

    [Kocharyan] It is necessary to bulldoze these buildings in the city
    centre regardless of who they belong to. I should say that they are
    not building them on their own, they start building them after getting
    someone's verbal consent. Some of the illegal buildings appear
    because if they act according to the law, they will take 1.5-2 years
    to put all papers in order.

    [Correspondent] The head of state also said that it is important to
    ensure the transparent work of the mayor's office. He noted that he is
    receiving complaints about the mayor's office refusing to present
    copies of its decisions.

    [Kocharyan] The mayor's office should not engage in secret
    activities. What is the problem that our citizens and public
    organizations cannot get a copy of a decision? It does not matter if
    this decision applies to them or not. I have familiarized myself with
    your programmes for 2005 and these programmes contain no such
    point. That's why bear in mind that you'll have to work on the basis
    of this mechanism in 2005.

    [Correspondent] The president demanded transparency during land
    auctions. He noted that there is distrust among the public in this

    [Passage omitted: The meeting also discussed other issues]