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Azerbaijan president to begin official visit to Iran

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  • Azerbaijan president to begin official visit to Iran

    ITAR-TASS News Agency
    January 24, 2005 Monday 3:40 AM Eastern Time

    Azerbaijan president to begin official visit to Iran

    By Sevindzh Abdullayeva, Viktor Shulman

    President Ilkham Aliyev of Azerbaijan begins a three-day official
    visit to Iran on Monday. He left for Teheran by plane on Monday

    This is the first official visit of the Azerbaijanian president to
    Iran. At least eight inter-governmental agreements, mainly of
    economic character, will be signed during the visit.

    According to diplomatic sources in Baku, the Azerbajanian head of
    state is to have meetings with President Mohammad Khatami of Iran and
    other leaders of the country.

    During the meetings, the sides are expected to discuss all problems
    of bilateral relations, as well as issues of regional security,
    cooperation within the framework of international organizations,
    settlement of the Karabakh conflict and defining of the Caspian Sea
    legal status.

    Besides, they are to sign an agreement on Iran's allocating one
    million dollars for the construction of a bridge across the Araks
    River. Iran also intends to give Azerbaijan a credit of 40 million
    dollars to build a Baku-Astara highway.