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ASBAREZ Online [01-24-2005]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [01-24-2005]


    1) ARF Celebrates over a Century of Service to Armenians Worldwide
    2) Rep. Linda Sanchez Latest Addition to Congressional Armenian Caucus
    3) US Ambassador Evans Comments on Jones's Statement
    4) Council of Europe Defames Armenia

    1) ARF Celebrates over a Century of Service to Armenians Worldwide

    GLENDALE--The Southern California Armenian community, along with the faithful
    from as far away as Fresno, gathered in Glendale, California on January 22 to
    celebrate the anniversary of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF),
    founded in 1890.
    Glendale High School's auditorium was packed with about 2,000 supporters who
    came to mark the venerable organization's unwavering commitment and dedication
    to the Armenian people for more than a hundred years, through thick and thin.
    The Homenetmen regional band, along with the scouts of its Ararat chapter,
    opened the program with the flag ceremony, followed by the performances of the
    American national anthem by Nanor Hindoyan, and the Armenian and ARF
    anthems by
    Nersik Ispiryan.
    Honored guests included Western Region Prelate Archbishop Mousegh
    and Primate Archbishop Hovnan Derderian and former Primate Vatche Hovsepian,
    representatives of the Armenian Catholic and Evangelical churches, Armenia's
    Consul General in the US Gagik Kirakossian, ARF Bureau representative Hrant
    Margarian, Bureau member Dr. Vicken Hovsepian, as well as representatives of
    the ADL (Ramgavar party), AGBU, ARS, Hamazkayin, Homenetmen, and other
    representatives of various organizations and the media.
    Speaking on behalf of the organizing committee, Vasken Madenlian conveyed
    welcoming remarks and served as the evening's emcee.
    Subsequent speakers included Melanie Vartabedian of the Armenian Youth
    Federation, Anahit Stepanian of the ARF Central Committee, as well as keynote
    speaker ARF Bureau representative Hrant Margarian.
    Margarian began, noting that for decades on, when commemorating the
    anniversary of the ARF, these events serve as an opportunity to be accountable
    to the public.
    Addressing current fundamental changes and unfolding of strategic situations
    throughout the world, Margarian stressed that numerous important political and
    international advancements were registered during the past year.
    "In the case of Armenia, these advancements have come in the social,
    domestic-political, economic sectors, and in foreign policy; there has also
    been progress in Armenia-diaspora relations, in the advancement of the
    case, pan-Armenian, as well in the development of pan-diasporan community
    As far as ARF's role and activity in carrying out vital social and economic
    reforms in Armenia, Margarian noted that the ARF's role as a government
    coalition partner is not a self-serving one, and stressed that its
    participation does not imply that the Tashnagtsutiun is fully content with the
    government's activities. "Rather, as a coalition partner, the Tashnagtsutiun
    strives to guarantee that the government works toward maintaining and
    continuing reform programs. It serves to ensure that the government's fight
    against corruption and bribery are more forceful, and that it more effectively
    pursues the shaping of civil and public sectors, the implementation of
    democratic ideals, and preservation of national harmony."
    In order to effectively tackle the country's widespread corruption, the ARF,
    revealed Margarian, urged the Armenian government to join Council of Europe's
    Group of States against Corruption (GRECO). As a result, Armenia became the
    37th member, agreeing to adopt a strategic plan of action to stamp out
    corruption, and indicating its clear-cut political will to integrate European
    standards into society. Armenia's membership, he stressed, also presumes
    legislative commitments, and a multidisciplinary approach to fighting
    corruption that includes cross-border cooperation between states and
    international institutions.
    In summary, Margarian stated that for the ARF, priority lies in pursuit of
    issues tied to Armenia's security. "The ARF cannot win when the people of
    Armenia and our nation are under threat. During these times, the ARF, when
    considering its political goals, simply cannot assume the role of a
    He said that the ARF will continue to fight--at all cost and available means,
    to establish democracy in Armenia and in eliminating poverty and corruption.
    Margarian also spoke of recent upheavals in the South Caucuses, as well as
    effects of foreign intervention and policy on the region, specifically
    He said that the opposition in Armenia, inspired by developments in Georgia,
    attempted to seize power, creating instability, and threatening not only the
    situation in Mountainous Karabagh Republic, but also developments and
    advancements in Armenia.
    Margarian stressed that the ARF immediately called for negotiations between
    the government and the opposition to maintain internal stability. Although the
    opposition rejected all offers, the efforts and propositions of the ARF
    nevertheless helped in quelling internal crisis. And as a result of that
    policy, the party today enjoys a certain political authority, leverage, and
    respect by the authorities, opposition organizations, political forces, as
    as international and diplomatic representatives operating in Armenia, he said.
    On Mountainous Karabagh Republic (MKR), Margarian emphasized that the
    commitment of the diaspora to the issue, and the involvement of all Armenians
    are guarantees that our victories there will be preserved and strengthened.
    He affirmed ARF's commitment to its fundamental views in establishing a
    resolution to the conflict--according to which, and also legally--MKR must
    be a
    part of the Republic of Armenia.
    On the issue of Javakhk, a majority Armenian populated region of Georgia,
    Margarian said that Georgia is obliged to practically display its
    commitment to
    lifting not only its biased policy in the region, but one that has neglected
    the economic and basic social needs of the population.
    Margarian noted the importance of commemorating the 90th anniversary of the
    genocide of Armenians by Turkey, saying, "Armenians must once again convey
    their condemnation of that act against humanity--stressing to the world that
    there will never be forgiveness without repentance and just compensation. Only
    then can there be normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations, and only then
    can progress be registered."

    2) Rep. Linda Sanchez Latest Addition to Congressional Armenian Caucus

    --Two term Congresswoman has been active on Genocide Recognition and
    Economic Relations Issues

    GLENDALE--Southern California Democrat Linda Sanchez (39th Dist.) is the most
    recent in a line of Representatives who have become members of the
    Congressional Armenian Caucus. She joins Representatives Ben Chandler (R-KY),
    Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Joe Schwarz (R-MI), all of whom
    have added their names to the Caucus over the past three weeks.
    Since her election to Congress in 2002, Rep. Sanchez has consistently been
    active on issues of concern to the Armenian American community. In the 108th
    Congress, she was a cosponsor of a measure, which granted permanent normal
    trade relations status (PNTR) to Armenia. She has also been vocal in urging
    President Bush to properly commemorate the Armenian genocide, joining over 160
    of her colleagues in cosigning letters to the President regarding the topic in
    April 2003 and 2004.
    `We appreciate Rep. Linda Sanchez's leadership and advocacy on issues of
    concern to her Armenian American constituency,' commented ANCA Western Region
    Executive Director Ardashes Kassakhian. `It is through exemplary leadership
    like hers that we will see the membership of the Congressional Caucus on
    Armenian issues continue to grow.'
    An attorney by profession prior to her election to office, Rep. Sanchez
    currently serves on the House Government Reforms, Small Business and Judiciary
    Committees. She convincingly defeated Republican Tim Escobar in the 2004
    Congressional elections, garnering 61% of the vote.
    Established in 1995 and co-chaired by Representatives Frank Pallone (D-NJ)
    Joe Knollenberg (R-MI), the Congressional Armenian Caucus is a bipartisan
    for the discussion of policies to foster increased cooperation between the
    United States and Armenian governments and to strengthen the enduring bonds
    between the American and Armenian peoples.

    3) US Ambassador Evans Comments on Jones's Statement

    YEREVAN (Arminfo)--In an interview broadcast by TV Company Armenia, US
    Ambassador to Armenia John Evans stated, `I know what criminal elements US
    Assistant Secretary of the State Elizabeth Jones was referring to and do not
    think the matter concerned Nagorno-Karabakh.'
    According to the ambassador, the US's position on Karabagh, which calls for a
    peaceful settlement to the conflict, remains unchanged. `I have known her for
    almost 30 years as a professional diplomat and when I first read about her
    statement, I thought immediately: something is wrong here,' commented Evans.
    Jones's intent, according to Evans, is to create closer cooperation between
    the US and Russia in resolving the conflicts in Abkhazia, Transdnesitria, and
    Mountainous Karabagh. `I know the geography [of the region] and I don't think
    that the matter concerned Nagorno Karabakhwe know what districts and elements
    she meant,' the American diplomat said.
    Evans also added that the US has for several years now allocated support to
    Mountainous Karabagh, and those who misinterpret Jones's statement are
    attempting to damage US-Armenia relations.

    4) Council of Europe Defames Armenia

    STRASBOURG--The European Armenian Federation announced over the weekend that
    the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is on the verge of
    adopting two resolutions, one questioning the independent status of the
    Mountainous Karabagh Republic (MKR), and the other excluding the Armenian
    genocide day of remembrance from the European calendar. PACE members will
    determine the fate of both resolutions on Tuesday.
    Prepared by David Atkinson (Democrat) from the United Kingdom, the resolution
    dealing with MKR notes that `considerable parts of the territory of Azerbaijan
    are still occupied by Armenian forces' and that `separatist forces are
    still in
    control of the Nagorno-Karabakh region.' Full of incendiary language, the
    resolution also describes MKR as a mono-ethnic area `which [evokes] the
    terrible concept of ethnic cleansing.'
    `The Atkinson report is the report of Azerbaijan. This country believes that
    shifting the institutional framework will turn its crimes into virtues.
    Attempts of ethnic cleansing actually occurred but, contrary to Mr. Atkinson
    insinuations, it was the policy led by Baku,' declared Laurent Leylekian,
    executive director of the European Armenian Federation.
    `Without the fight for self-determination led by the people of Karabagh,
    theses historically Armenian territories would no longer house Armenians,
    as is
    the case today in the region of Nakhitchevan or throughout the areas of
    Turkey,' Leylekian added.
    On Tuesday, parliamentarians will also vote on a resolution drafted by
    Sweden's Mats Einarsson (United Left), which calls for the `establishment of a
    European remembrance center for victims of forced population movements and
    ethnic cleansing.' In its current form, the resolution cites several examples
    of genocides perpetrated during the twentieth century, including the Holocaust
    organized by the Nazis, the forced migrations directed by Stalin, and the
    genocide of the Ukrainians. It, however, deliberately omits mention of the
    Armenian genocide.
    `How can we grant credibility to an institution which supports such a biased
    lecture of history?' questioned Leylekian. `By taking cues from Turkey, the
    Council of Europe is making itself party to a second symbolic murder of the
    Armenians of Anatolia and Western Armenia. Such a move, taken by an
    which claims to serve as the guardian of human rights in Europe, is simply
    The European Armenian Federation has called upon European citizens and
    organizations to intervene in the matter, by urging their PACE representatives
    to vote against the two resolutions. A complete list of PACE parliamentarians
    is available online at

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