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Resolution 1416 (2005)[1]

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  • Resolution 1416 (2005)[1]

    Resolution 1416 (2005)[1]


    The conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region dealt with by the OSCE
    Minsk Conference 1. The Parliamentary Assembly regrets that, more than
    a decade after the armed hostilities started, the conflict over the
    Nagorno-Karabakh region remains unsolved. Hundreds of thousands of
    people are still displaced and live in miserable
    conditions. Considerable parts of the territory of Azerbaijan are
    still occupied by Armenian forces and separatist forces are still in
    control of the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

    2. The Assembly expresses its concern that the military action, and
    the widespread ethnic hostilities which preceded it,led to large-scale
    ethnic expulsion and the creation of mono-ethnic areas which resemble
    the terrible concept of ethnic cleansing. The Assembly reaffirms that
    independence and secession ofa regional territory from a state may
    only be achieved through a lawful and peaceful process based on
    democratic support by the inhabitants of such territory and not in the
    wake of an armed conflict leading to ethnic expulsion and the de facto
    annexation of such territory to another state. The Assembly reiterates
    that the occupation of foreign territory by a member state constitutes
    a grave violation of that state's obligations as a member of the
    Council of Europe and reaffirms the right of displaced persons from
    the area of conflict to return to their homes safely and with dignity.

    3. The Assembly recalls Resolutions 822 (1993), 853 (1993), 874 (1993)
    and 884 (1993) of the United Nations Security Council and urges the
    parties concerned to comply with them, in particular by refraining
    from any armed hostilities and by withdrawing military forces from any
    occupied territories. The Assembly also aligns itself with the demand
    expressed in Resolution 853 (1993) of the United Nations Security
    Council and thus urges all member states to refrain from the supply of
    any weapons and munitions which might lead to an intensification of
    the conflict or the continued occupation of territory.

    4. The Assembly recalls that both Armenia and Azerbaijan committed
    themselves upon their accession to the Council of Europe in January
    2001 to use only peaceful means for settling the conflict, by
    refraining from any threat of using force against their neighbours. At
    the same time, Armenia committed itself to use its considerable
    influence over Nagorno-Karabakh to foster a solution to the
    conflict. The Assembly urges both Governments to comply with these
    commitments and refrain from using armed forces against each other as
    well as from propagating military action.

    5. The Assembly recalls that the Council of Ministers of the
    Conference for Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) agreed in
    Helsinki in March 1992to hold a conference in Minsk in order to
    provide for a forum for negotiations for a peaceful settlement of the
    conflict. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, the former Czech and Slovak
    Federal Republic, France, Germany, Italy, the Russian Federation,
    Sweden, Turkey and the United States of America agreed at that time to
    participate in this Conference. The Assembly calls on these states to
    step up their efforts to achieve the peaceful resolution of the
    conflict and invites their national delegations to the Assembly to
    report annually to the Assembly on the action of their governments in
    this respect. For this purpose, the Assembly asks its Bureau to create
    an Ad hoc Committee with inter alia the heads of these national

    6. The Assembly pays tribute to the tireless efforts of the Co-Chairs
    of the Minsk Group and the Personal Representative of the OSCE
    Chairman-in-Office,in particular for having achieved a cease-fire in
    May 1994 and having monitored the observance of this cease-fire since
    then. The Assembly calls on the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs to take
    immediate steps to conduct speedy negotiations for the conclusion of a
    political agreement on the cessation of the armed conflict, the
    implementation of which will eliminate major consequences of the
    conflict for all parties and permit the convening of the Minsk
    Conference. The Assembly calls on Armenia and Azerbaijan to make use
    of the OSCE Minsk Process and actively submit to each other via the
    Minsk Group their constructive proposals for the peaceful settlement
    of the conflict in accordance with the relevant norms and principles
    of international law.

    7. The Assembly recalls that Armenia and Azerbaijan are signatory
    parties to the Charter of the United Nations and, in accordance with
    Article 93, paragraph 1 of the Charter, ipso facto parties to the
    Statute of the International Court of Justice. Therefore, the Assembly
    suggests that if the negotiationsunder the auspices of the Co-Chairs
    of the Minsk Group fail, Armenia and Azerbaijan should consider using
    the International Court of Justice in accordance with Article 36,
    paragraph 1 of the Court's Statute.

    8. The Assembly calls on Armenia and Azerbaijan to foster political
    reconciliation among themselves by stepping up bilateral
    inter-parliamentary co-operation within the Assembly as well as in
    other forums such as the meetings of the Speakers of the Parliaments
    of the Caucasian Four. It recommends that both delegations should meet
    during each part-session of the Assembly to review progress on such

    9. The Assembly calls on the Government of Azerbaijan to
    establishcontacts without preconditions with the
    politicalrepresentatives of both communitiesfrom the Nagorno-Karabakh
    region regarding the future status of the region. It is prepared to
    provide facilities for such contacts in Strasbourg, recalling that it
    did so in the form of a hearing on previous occasions with Armenian

    10. Recalling its Recommendation 1570 (2002) on the situation of
    refugees and displaced persons in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, the
    Assembly calls on all member and observer states to provide
    humanitarian aid and assistance to the hundreds of thousands of people
    displaced as a consequence of the armed hostilities and the expulsion
    of ethnic Armenians from Azerbaijan and ethnic Azerbaijanis from

    11. The Assembly condemns any expression of hatred portrayed in the
    media of Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Assembly calls on Armenia and
    Azerbaijan to foster reconciliation, confidence-building and mutual
    understanding among their peoples through schools, universities and
    the media. Without such reconciliation, hatred and mistrust will
    prevent stability in the region and may lead to new violence. Any
    sustainable settlement must be preceded by and embedded in such
    reconciliation processes.

    12. The Assembly calls on the Secretary General of the Council of
    Europe to draw up an action plan for specific support to Armenia and
    Azerbaijan targeted at mutual reconciliation processes and to take
    this resolution into accountin deciding on action concerning Armenia
    and Azerbaijan.

    13. The Assembly calls on the Congress of Local and Regional
    Authorities of the Council of Europe to assist locally elected
    representatives of Armenia and Azerbaijan in establishing mutual
    contacts and inter-regional co-operation.

    14. The Assembly resolves to analyse the conflict settlement
    mechanisms existing within the Council of Europe, in particular the
    European Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes, in order
    to provide its member states with better mechanisms for the peaceful
    settlement of bilateral conflicts as well as internal disputes
    involving local or regional territorial communities or authorities
    which may endanger human rights, stability and peace.

    15. The Assembly resolves to continue monitoring on a regular basis
    the peaceful resolution of this conflict and decides to revert to
    considering this issue at its first part-session in 2006.

    [1] Assembly debate on 25 January 2005 (2nd Sitting) (see Doc. 10364,
    report of the Political Affairs Committee, rapporteur: Mr
    Atkinson). Text adopted by the Assembly on 25 January 2005 (2nd

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress